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Everything posted by Ellie1

  1. Kirri is a lab. here's a photo of her playing with her new ball. hmm... if i remove the peanut butter... and suggestions on what I can use the keep the kibble from falling out of the kong? I stuff the end with a piece of meat like off cut from lamb bone or I freeze yoghurt at the end.
  2. Mason tug of wars with everything and OH encourages him all the time!! He is nto a pushy puppy though and will stop what he is doing if he gets groused at. I have also read tug of war is ok but only if you win most of the time.
  3. Ellie1


    I also have e feeling some vets dont only do the one that requires 2 shots as they are after the consultation fees... But then again most people dont feel comfortable with new products so that could also be it. My vet uses the 10 week C5, we are going to go for it and see how it goes.
  4. Ellie1


    He has had C3, just checked his vet card.
  5. Thanks guys I gave him half his supper early when OH and I ate last night and the rest just before bed, he never vomited this morning.
  6. Ellie1


    Hi there, I went around to a few vets in my area before I got my puppy, the one I like gives the C5 at 10 weeks and then dont vaccinate again until a year later. All the other vets do 2 C5 shots, now how do I know which of these is correct? I dont want my puppy's immunity compromised.
  7. He eats 3x a day, around 8, 12h30, and anytime from 5-6 depending on when he is awake. He eats Advance Growth and then any items from the diet sheet we got from his breeder, cottage cheese, beef mince, sardines, chicken necks etc. I have not given him chicken necks today, was wondering if this could be the cause.
  8. Thanks guys, I will maybe give him some food earlier or something.
  9. This is very strange. Is this before he has eaten breakfast? Yes
  10. Hi All, My 8 week old lab puppy vomited clear liquid yesterday morning and this morning, should I take him to the vet? He is not acting very sick, he is active and eating well.
  11. Thank you for your reply, I am only using the lead when I take him out to the toilet at night, just to keep him in check so he doesnt run off and think its play time.
  12. I fetched my lab puppy yesterday and I am trying to get him to walk on his lead, I am trying to clicker train him. The problem is whenever the lead is attached he just grabs it in his mouth and tries to play tug of war. I have tried telling him no, tried ignoring him, but nothing seems to work really. Any help appreciated!
  13. I had a think about this thread and I think i see where the problem lies.... Labs are one of the most popular dogs so you see them often, and lets be honest there are many dog owners out there who dont bother to train their dogs, so people see all these labs and think they are so bad when in fact if the same number of people had any other bred of dog we would be saying the same thing about them! I have a Ridgeback in RSA and let me tell you she would make Marley in Marley and me look like an angel but not all ridgebacks are like that. In general you cannot really stereotype a beed of dog because all dogs are individuals.
  14. I only got my puppy today but I have had the pleasure of spending time around many labs at my breeders place, at the Lab shows and I have met Rubystars lovely girls, before I commited to another dog I wanted to spend time with certain breeds and see what they are like. I have had staffys, ridgeback and I had a lab x as a child. And I must say I love Labs, they are so people friendly anad are eager to please. My ridgeback didnt like certain people and I couldnt take her within 100 meters of another dog, she was also very very difficult to train ( it wanst just me a professional dog trainer tried to train her and Gabby would have none of it). I guess its good that we all love different breeds it makes the world an interesting place, but I for one am definatly a lab lover..
  15. My 8 weeks old lab puppy that I brought home today also just did this, he was humping a stuffed toy duck that I bought him.
  16. Mrs Tornsocks, Mason does the same................
  17. Hi there, I am picking my puppy up on the 6 June I am very excited. Is yours a male or female and what colour? I have asked for a yellow female. So we shall see if we will get our choice. Who are you picking yours up from? Ours is going to be from Doribank. Mine is from Courtsum Labradors here in WA.
  18. lol my pup is 20wks and teething like crazy, poor little fella the power cord thing is a concern, not sure what you can do about that tho if he is getting to that many power leads, i have heard people putting chilli sauce on things they dont want the puppy chewing on, hopefully someone has some other suggestions things like nylabones, ropes, tennis balls, basically something rubbery and chewy. I have seen they have puppy kongs but i never got one for ours. With the rope the people at petbarn suggested placing one of them in a bag of water let it absorb the water then freeze it, this seems to work great when our pups teeth are really sore. Also give them chicken necks that are either still frozen on only just a little bit defrosted. Takes them alot more chewing to break it down. In terms of the hole digging, generally bored or they are trying to find something they saw (moth, cricket etc). I was told a few things you can do, put a bit of pepper in the hole, put vinegar in the hole, put there poo in the holes and they wont dig anymore (or fill the hole back in and then put the poo on top) Good luck The chilli doesnt stop chewing, most dogs seem to love it!! The poo in holes did work for my dogs.
  19. Hi there, You should come to the labrador breed subforum thread there are loads of breeders there who can help you with advise. 10 years ago I got 2 puppies together, ridgeback x bullmastiff, the one in particular was a very difficult dog on her own... she still is, the other one is easier, but together they were impossible to train together!! Now at 10 years old they are still not the most obedient dogs. I wish you luck, training one is hard enough but 2 is almost impossible. If you decide to keep both you should seperate them for training.
  20. Hi there, I am picking my puppy up on the 6 June I am very excited. Is yours a male or female and what colour?
  21. What is boring about them? Genuine question, I am going to collect my lab puppy next weekend and am very curiuos to hear your answer.
  22. its an external laundry, the door in the kitchen goes into the laundry which is 2 steps down and on cement. then there is a door that goes to the outside.. The problem with letting the puppy inside is my OH is adamant on obeying the landlords, he knows they probably wont find out if it was inside but he wont risk it. Not even for a few hours at night.. He is a REAL goodie too shoes If OH is adament he wont break the rules then I would wait until I got my own place, poor pup is going to feel very isolated stuck outside on his own the whole night.
  23. We are also renting and puppy comes home next weekend, our landlord has said that we are allowed a dog, hasnt specified that the dog is not allowed indoors, his own dog i know sleeps inside. His floors are tiled though and ours are wooden, when pup gets older I am going to get those plastic nibs that go over the claws to prevent scratching. If it were me I would put the dog in the crate and carry him through to your room in his crate, I mean how will the landlord know he is sleeping in the bedroom and he isnt walking on the floors so no chance of scratching.
  24. Ellie1

    New Pup

    She looks very cute! I have no advise for you except maybe post something under the lab thread under the breed threads as there are loads of breeders on there who could give you advice. I pick my lab pup up next week saturday.
  25. DOnt know if this helps at all, I had a cat with liver failure, I saw a herbalist back home and she made up a blend of herbs which really helped, i am sure somebody here in Australia could come up with something similar. The herbalist advised me that my cat must eat natural food and not processed food, cat wouldnt eat dry pellets etc anyway. What they recommended for her was a lot of raw chicken and then some cooked couscous, rice or pasta.
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