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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. :thinking of you all who are going through this
  2. I've never heard of a maltese hunting dog he reminds me of a beagle personally. I assume they were bread to hunt then? so is he bigger than a beagle then?
  3. this thread makes me sad to think a 7 week old puppy who should still be with mum is being forced to interact with dogs that scare it, with a clueless owner, that poor baby girl
  4. Im sorry i cant help, its a hard decision, their lives are in our hands. we only want whats best for them. its a tough decision i know in the end you will do the best you can for her as you have done in her 15 yrs of life. so sorry, thinking of you
  5. i really have no idea, but i hope your daughter can get this sorted soon, bad neighbours are the worst and they are prob making up stories i hope someone can help you with this
  6. anyone interested Keira and myself are going to this this weekend: https://www.facebook.com/events/200700570039664/ we were thinking of doing a picnic lunch and taking some chairs and chilling
  7. i love watching dogs behaving like that :) gorgeous pics, looks like they all had a ball
  8. i just mean personally by unstable that i myself do not trust the breed to not attack, i guess u could say i am scared of them
  9. considering this is supposed to be a light hearted thread i think we should be able to say what we like without being jumped on by the pitbull/staffy fanboys i agree i would never own a breed that was bred to fight with itself, just to unstable for me :) that said to add to my list of favs Koolies, german shepherds, aussie shepherds, poodles my least favs staffies, pit bulls, border collies, cattle dogs, chi's, boxers, really im not a fan personally of any boofy dogs, droolers or squished faces :laugh: guess u could say im a bit fussy :laugh:
  10. my fav breed...well duh :laugh: Koolies!!! love 'em my least fav breed i guess cause the ones i have met have all been horribly unsocial and too highly aroused for my liking are the english staffies, not really a fan of them in looks either, just not my cup of tea :) also im not a small dog person, prob cause the owners tend to let them get away with naughty things cause they are "so small and it doesnt matter like with a big dog"
  11. well my older boy donatella would prob ignore your short dog syndrome pup lol my younger girl when shes better would prob lick her to death
  12. im interested yes but like GG said it was only ever the 2 or 3 of us
  13. far out my eyes are leaking too happy tears though. u can just feel the love in that vid
  14. hugs to you all its beautiful to hear some of these stories WJ i really believe they stay with us forever. it is early days i believe your body is still in shock. i believe you will have a dream or occurence one day when you are needing comfort or assurance about something in your life i think your dog will be there to comfort you (i believe this 100%) this isnt about a dog, but i never met my grandfather yet i feel like he is with me every day. when im speeding or rushing to get somewhere and i get a red light or a truck gets in my way. i actually believe that is my grandfathers way of saying stay alive, slow down. because he wants me to stay with my mum. its just a feeling i get
  15. that tomorrow then? hmm cool is anyone going?
  16. thinking of you, so sorry for your loss
  17. thats funny, mason, my younger girl willow has bonded closer to my OH also. my first boy razzle is a mummies boy and my dog :) minxy are you prepared to put kyojin away to work/train/walk/play with the new dog separately. this was the hardest thing for me i hate feeling that my razzle is missing out as it used to be he would do everything with me. but now i was putting him away to spend time with someone else. that said my dogs get on famously and they love to play together. yet they still both look forward to going out for walks and to new places with me (separately and together) the rest really doesnt matter imo. the feeding and the vet bills etc. i guess when u have 2 dogs u just pay for 2 i've never thought about the extra expenses
  18. thanx coogie, being that its nearly easter i have to get the 2 other vets to fill out the form and then post it off all together so i might aim to do that next week fingers crossed its as quick and easy for me as it is/was for you
  19. i really think the older dog thinks its the younger dog attacking him when you grab his collar and that is why he is snapping i would be removing the young dog first. talk to your older dog pat him so he knows you are there and gently grab his collar. if he continues to snap at you it could actually be a pain reaction. i would get him seen by a chiro. he might have a sore neck. if its not pain it could be he is sick. and i would put it down to the last case that he is becoming aggressive if you have assessed him in health and chiro and its neither
  20. a agree with a behaviourist. or when the older dog starts to stress at night i would be keeping them separate, ie crate them one at a time and have alone time cuddles with each before bed, just wat i would do
  21. i dropped the form off when i dropped willow off for surgery. however i have to go bak to the other vets now and get them to fill them out so i can send in the claim yes thanx my baby is on the mend
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