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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. yes it was a good afternoon raz and i had fun, I thought all the dogs were very well behaved, cept when raz decided to do a runner for his single shot it was nice to meet some friendly DOlers
  2. i will be at newfarm park today from 1.30 for lunch if anyone wants to meet just approach, my name is Emily, im always up for meeting other like minded doggy lovers. raz is my koolie just look at the pic below and he will have a red collar on dont know if we will do the photos as i dont have any other collars that match him he might be ok without a collar...but if he ran :/
  3. anyone interested to organise puppy play for after? rocco i am fully aware tomorrow is for you to get what you need. I do not want to take away from that...i am also aware that you have alot of dogs and maybe wont get through them so i would like to bring raz for "training" experience and socialisation and hopefully a play with any extra or finished dogs if anyone is interested? else i wont bother as its a day for you
  4. any DOLers know of any good obedience clubs in Brisbane? i am now interested as those piccies make it look like a hoot for the dogs
  5. ok just wanting to confirm tomorrow is still on, im undecided if i am coming, but am eager to meet other DOL members...is anyone going to have a play in the dog park? i would come more for a socialisation thing for raz than anything..
  6. i had never heard of clicker training before i went to my training school...but i love it cause it means i dont have to wear my voice out and raz becomes alert and ready to learn soon as i pick it up. I think its prob is cause i can hit the cue better than if i was to be saying yes all the time.
  7. i just want to say also that you must reward the correct behavious...that way he will offer it again. when raz was little i would just reward randomly during the day when he was lying calmy anywhere in the house. so thats what he does all day now lol is just relaxes whereever i am. when we have visitors he still gets excited so i have to tell him to leave it...or he gets a time out cause i find him to be quite pushy sticking is nose at pple for a pat (not everyone likes that) so he is getting better and learning to be calm around visitors...slowly
  8. look i have never raised a working dog breed before Raz, my koolie x and i have found the best advice i have ever been given is time outs. if he barks and i say enough and he keeps barking he gets a time out, if i tell him to leave something and he goes to it anyway he gets a time out...lets just say he doesnt get many time outs these days cause he knows what the result of not obeying is... when he was little and he used to bite i would pin him down (like a mother dog, by grabbing the scruff of his neck) and growl at him, then ignore him for about 5 mins...that seems to have worked he knows not to bite now. jumping basically was the time out penalty, he jumped time out, got released jumped again got another time out...he hasnt jumped since. hope that helps
  9. gorgeous dogs Jenna really looks like a golden retriever cept she got the samoyed colour very cute, and i love Mya i've never seen a full white husky before...gorgeous
  10. yes i agree i run out of ideas for training sometimes, but raz just sits there expectantly looking like "gimme something else to do"
  11. thats one reason i wish my boy was crate trained...as it is when we have parties he stays up annoying everyone wanting to be involved until i go to bed and take him with me
  12. yay :D raz is clicker trained too, love it. saxon pup once u have both feet solid on shake u can move on to high five then wave :D raz can do them all both feet
  13. but i would like to know what i can do to make him more solid incase i dont want him running at the water :/
  14. raz's recall is ok...not solid, if he is running at a water hole or is sniffing a good smell he doesnt even look at me when i say his name, apart from that he is mostly good, he doesnt really run off on me anyways
  15. the puppy really needs to learn basic manners, have you tried time outs when u say enough? if you do that then the pup will learn not to persist after you have said no (dont forget it is only young and will continue to push limits for a while)
  16. I know a good vet at Ormeo - Animal Options, they have a muscular skeletal dr he saved my mums pup from needing surgery
  17. i dont know the best way, but my trainers basically taught me that every time the pup pulls you stop walking and encourage them back to you, they said if you only make it to the mailbox in 20 mins or so then just turn around and head back, but everytime you walk forward with the dog pulling you are teaching them they can get where they want to go by doing that...i should know, raz is over 1 now and he still pulls when he is highly excited (i didnt practise walking enough as a pup) on his walks though he rarely pulls now, its only when we're somewhere different, or he loves
  18. very naughty...but those pups look sooo innocent
  19. yes that is sad, poor gsd puppy, there is nothing wrong with him, but their will be if they dont teach him manners in the dog park after saying im not a fan of the dog park, i too still go in, for raz's socialisation. but its a 20 min walk to the park so raz is still getting his socialisation and training and exercise :D if there are certain dogs in the park I go into the other side (our park is split in 2, hardly anyone uses the second side) but raz likes to sniff anyways
  20. im not fussy on colours...but i dislike brindle purley cause its soo common and im not a fan of the breeds it comes on (as a pet for me im talking) I love merle prob choc merle the most but i do love a bit of white on dogs its very cute.
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