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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. what breed is she? she is gorgeous
  2. gosh pple are cruel...how can anyone hurt an innocent animal little own another person...sorry tangent there
  3. haha i try to walk raz 4 days a week other days im lazy and we play in the backyard or i drive him to the park...but yes we walk in the rain...only light rain and he has a waterproof coat and so do i
  4. thanx tapua i will only correct him if he goes to pee on anything other than plants and see how we go
  5. sorry im really confused, normally on a walk he will stop to pee and poo then he will go to pee on trees etc and i can tell him to leave it. so is that all ok? soon as i let him off leash anywhere he runs around sniffing and cocking on everything. is that when i should be telling him off? or does it really not matter? should i just be telling him off when we go to friends houses and he goes to pee on outdoor furniture? (its not all the time either)
  6. ok so when he gets off at the dog park is it ok for him to pee everywhere? as in run around sniffing and cock his leg? do i only correct him if he goes to cock on outdoor furniture?
  7. ok so with the bed he does lie there for a bit sometimes if he doesnt want to get off...but he never wins he always ends up off when i ask... ok so i took him for a walk today and everytime he cocked his leg i said "too bad" that is his you stuffed up cue then i put his halti on (i always put it on when he misbehaves...else he doesnt wear it) so by the end of the walk he was walking by my side perfectly my next question he normally poos on the walk..but today he didnt will he stop pooing on the walks all together and peeing? i want him to pee like a girl and pooing is ok with me...but will he do that or cease altogether? is this gonna teach him to not pee in front of me?
  8. i know its exy but i really think its a good idea
  9. good question poodle fan...maybe he thinks himself equal? i try to walk through doors first..but dont always and everynight he gets a cuddle on the bed sometimes he lies on top of me (he isnt allowed on the bed till given the ok) so he has boundaries and rules and is pretty well trained in tricks and some agility etc.. but do you think he might see himself as equal?
  10. i've never heard of that uncle albers stuff raz is on Bonnie atm...its nothing special i only got it cause it was cheap :/ i live near rochedale produce so i might check out their stuff when this bag is finished
  11. honesly raz doesnt get to keep any toys anymore...he destroys everything, so once we have finished playing i put it away so he cant destroy it...he does have a couple of toys he keeps outside and i do up chewy things for him to have something to do...but nothing lasts long with raz :/ he does have a tug type thing from http://aussiedog.com.au/index.php?main_pag...&cPath=1_20 its lasted quite a while and he loves it..i might buy some more toys from that website when i have some spare cash
  12. also he is not dominant at all...he is the first dog on the ground in a game he rolls at the drop of a hat
  13. yes he is very well trained...he doesnt cock inside just outside and on outside furniture, i guess he figures its outside...:/ no i have never done the perimeter with him so poodlefan do you think i should allow a couple and then put a stop to it?
  14. so if i give him the no command...and he does it then give him a time out? do you think he will soon get the idea?
  15. he is adorable :p you got the same bed for him i have for our boy he loves his bed, puts himself to bed if we stay up to late for him lol and thats in out bedroom
  16. sorry i still struggle with raz on that one...soon as he has a friend he just pulls...so he wears his halti then
  17. also do you think its worth me giving him a timeout everytime he cocks? will that teach him not to?
  18. ok so he is desexed and whenever i take him anywhere the first thing he does is walk around the place and cock his leg and pee on everything. for eg at the dog park he does the perimiter then he will look at other dogs, if we go to friends houses he will go around and pee everywhere outside (fully cock his leg) he has also started to do it on other pples outdoor furniture... I was recently told that a nervous dog will cock his leg everwhere as my boy does, is this true? does anyone know how i can stop this behaviour?
  19. My fav breed is the Aust Koolie I only heard about this breed nearly 2 years ago when i found my gorgeous baby boy at the pet shop. I have since found out everything i can about the breed and fully intend to get another one as my next dog. He has to have his exercise...he is a working breed, duh...but when we're at home he follows me around the house and curls up near me wherever i am. He is my little buddy my best companion
  20. I wish mine could come with me but i work in the fruit and vege markets...not to hygenic i think if he came with me, though i have to say they arent supposed to smoke near the food either and they do that :/
  21. we have chain mesh fences all around we are currently trying to grow a bamboo hedge to block out..the only side thats really annoying is the side with the dog, he runs up and back constantly when they are outside...and keeps ruining our bamboo...we might be putting up an electric fence to stop him running like that...:/ at least to save the plants he will prob continue to run on the other side of the electric fence
  22. also something i would do is to teach him that it is ok to be separated from you even when you are at home maybe lock him outside for half an hour a day and only let him in when he is calm ie not whingeing. we did this with out boy and he can handle being locked out now even when we are home and has no separation anxiety at all
  23. definately crate train him, he should pick it up being only a baby. do what some of the others suggested get him used to being in it when you're home put him to bed in it... never let him out when he is carrying on, move away or cover him over...only let him out when he is in a calm relaxed manner. and give him lots of treats when in it...then try crateing him when you are not home as it is the safest thing for him and your house
  24. i get my dog mince from Capalaba Pet Foods, they have fresh mince and bones and dog biscuits.. http://www.capalabapetfood.com/ i get the gourmet mince with rice and veges for about $4.25 /kg thats in brisbane qld
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