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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. also the neighbour dog isnt out all the time, its only occassionally when the kid goes out to play outside, and this weekend she is having a bday party
  2. he is a koolie, he is desexed we have a pool style fence with no gate on the front, they would have to jump it to get in, however the gate that leads to the garage is not locked
  3. I was chatting to someone recently and she suggested to me that i crate my dog when i go out. now this is my situation: He isnt crate trained fully, has never stayed in there for maybe more than an hr or 2 at a time. whenever we go out he has the run of the backyard and a dog door into the laundry. Now he isnt escaping or anything, however we have 1 neighbour with a dog and whenever that dog is outside, raz just sits at the fence and watches, sometimes he get the frustrated bark going also. Now when we are home we lock him in the house to stop him doing that, but when we are out there is nothing we can do. Now he can jump the fence and has done, but since setting up the electric fence and zapping him a few times he hasnt been over since. As some of you may know i'm a MEGA worrier!! my fear is he will get stolen one day, and i think if he was nicely packaged up in a crate...for easy stealing it wouldnt be so good What i would like to know 1. has anyone had a dog stolen (did you get them back) and where where they stolen from (yard/crate/other?)? 2. where do you put your dogs when you go out? (backyard/house/crate) 3. What is your opinion of us all of a sudden changing raz's routine?
  4. ok phoenix meet you there guys i prob wont make it today, but ill txt you if it looks like i can also sorry im busy next sat so thats out for me
  5. jade phoenix can i ask exactly where im parking? is it the daisy hill forest parking lot? r we meeting there? an hr walk will do both raz and me some good Oh and can we make it about 3pm on the dot? so we're not waiting too long for each other?
  6. this month is busy for me, but let me know what your plans are and we'll see if we can make it, raz doesnt play with many dogs, but im constantly trying to find him a friend some dogs he just clicks with lol
  7. yes im definately up for that resovoir, im free next sunday arvo
  8. i hope your not talking about the fire what a good dog
  9. when you r sitting watching tv and he barks at you and play bows cause its play time and your not playing so cute
  10. thank you devil i think im going to do some practise of that, ill do some training then release to pee, then more training must take alot of work though.. question, if he goes to sniff/pee before i release him would a time out help him to know what he has done wrong? he knows what inside means, ill try saying it whereever we go, but i dont think it will stop him peeing inside
  11. peeing on the walk doesnt bother me, however i would be happy for him to not pee on EVERYTHING!! but its the fact i go to pples houses and im forever apologising also i do agility and i want him to know not to pee during a run
  12. Ok so he is 2.5 yrs old he is house trained, doesnt pee in my house, my parents in laws or grandparents in laws on a walk and at the dog park he pees on every tree, whereever another dog goes he goes at strangers houses anything is fair game, he will even pee inside He does know leave it, and No Pee, however i have to say it everytime he starts to sniff at something, and sometimes im just not quick enough, or the smell is too important for him to stop I need a training plan, how do i go about stopping him peeing on everything? please help
  13. :p im the same always wanted to go, but never have, ill check my calendar and get bak to you Ok im free and I'm keen I'll talk to my sis and friend and see if they would want to come too
  14. I like that one i was thinking a School of Koolies (they are soo smart) or a nobel of koolies
  15. i've just gone through my calendar... im pretty busy this month obviously not this weekend, but maybe the following sunday arvo? will have to confirm as it gets closer, you sure get out and about, how do u find all these places?
  16. ooh thats looks good, lets do that when!!
  17. um what old quarry? i do walk through the forest, i've never seen a quarry yep am definately up for walks
  18. well im up for a play date if i dont make sunday i can do weekends and arvos also
  19. top gear starts at 11am, i dont know how long it goes for, but if my family want to do something together after i prob wont make it at all :D raz is the cutest swimmer :D he sure has a blast in water, can pple swim in the lake too? if i cant come we might have to do it another month so i can check it out
  20. wow this place looks awesome ill try to get there, keira ill add ur no to my phone, ill txt you if/when im coming or if im not gonna make it at all, it looks perfect for my water baby
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