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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. its great when they like their crate I wish i could leave raz in his but i think he would go mental
  2. lol i know, i guess i should stop the counting, i like to give him a chance, i've been meaning to eliminate the counting for a while now just to note raz listens 90% of the time he is awesome...if i say so myself lol
  3. puppies!!! :D little yummy chocolate puppies
  4. yes i would suggest you practise leave it on a leash while out, just randomly drop some food and tell him to leave it and then lots of rewards then practise it off leash and begin to throw said food and have him still "leaving it" something i do is i have a cue for you stuffed up now its punishment time. so when i say leave it mostly raz is good but if he wont i start to count to 3, and when i get to 3 i cue him with "too bad" and he goes bak on leash for the rest of the walk, so now he generally "leaves it" when i get to 2 if is something that he really wants to smell/eat
  5. kiramon sounds like you have a good system too sounds like you have happy crated puppies star - same, anyone would have me to deal with too!!
  6. thats funny thanks for the input guys, ill just work on our boundary if i can to stop the running. sounds like im doing fine with him though
  7. oh wow interesting well good luck with that
  8. so sorry you are dealing with this mavmission my only suggestions are: 1. can you maybe put chicken wire across the top of the fence on an angle into your side of the yard? dogs can't go over that from what i've been told 2. can you section off that part of the yard so hector can't see/get to that fence and over it? 3. have you tried a behaviourist/trainer to help you to train him out of it 4. what about an electric fence in your yard right beside that fence (raz started jumping our fence one day, so i set up an electric fence for about a month and he doesnt jump now) or one of those shock collars that stop them going past a point? I really hope you dont have to rehome him and can get this sorted quick smart
  9. haha i couldnt put a pack on my boy unless it was waterproof cause raz jumps in any water he can find ;)
  10. wow the place looks awesome!! im definatley up for taking raz there soon glad you all had so much fun
  11. thanx guys, the run does sound the best bet, though I think if i talk to OH about it he would say we dont need to bother, raz is fine... which he is, i just dont like the pacing up the fence/barking when the neighbours dog it out. we do have hedges growing, so maybe they will stop it to some degree, and eventually hopefully ill get my colourbond
  12. phoenix top gear was a good show i really enjoyed myself, then we went lunch, it just worked out to be too late to make the play date will see you next sunday then
  13. willow its funny what we do to keep our furkids happy you sound like a great furkid mother
  14. yep its a gorgeous day, ill try to get there, i might call you phoenix if i can make it to make sure you're all still there..so keep your phone on you
  15. hmmm yeah i want colourbond...I guess ill just keep saving
  16. ok thanks guys what about the occassional frustration he gets by the neighbours fence? do you think its nothing to worry about?
  17. sorry whats earthdog? (just curious)
  18. naomi i get it completely!! im totally paranoid
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