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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. i brought a pup home on sunday 4 hrs on my lap and she was fine
  2. razzles first agility comp we did ok for our first one i think i was the spaz not so much raz and raz on sunday playing with the other koolies the day we got willow
  3. yes that was funny like i said... aussies are quirky but definatley cute
  4. razzle loves his tug and balls...any toy really
  5. yes thanx wuffles i started that yesterday, just crated raz in the lounge room, and sat on the floor and played with willow, and did some training, lol, she's not real interested in treats raz whinged the whole time thats my fault for not fully crate training him
  6. thats funny, cause my only concern really is that raz and i will lose our relationship as it is, i know he will adjust to a pup and be fine with it. I hate change and i really really love what raz and i have, i worked with him for 2.5 yrs and we are so close and happy together. i would hate to see our closeness dissapear because of a pup :/ i think i am only raz's favourite because i take him to training and on playdates and walks etc. if OH did put more time in he may be raz's favourite but he does love a game of chase around the house with OH, i hope that doesnt change either
  7. thanks ktb, i know im annoying with all my concerns thank you for not making me feel stupid we do want 2 kids, and it took me along time to be ok with the thought of having a bub, (as i am so close to raz) i came to the decision that i can have kids and still make sure i give raz the time/attention he needs long as we do our best to keep me happy then i can have kids and still give raz everything i imagine that when i have one kid...ill prob have the same concerns regarding having a second :D i guess i just need to come to the decision that i can have 2 dogs and love both equally heaps!! and still have individual time with raz and maybe eventually willow too (wuffles - raz is my first born furbaby i love him soooo much it almost hurts, if that means he turns out to be my heart dog even with willow around im ok with that too :p )
  8. ahh that makes sense then :D, maybe i should take up vet nursing
  9. i would love to bring razz to work pity i work with foods... i guess i have to start thinking like a 2 dog owner :D im still deciding if i want to divide my attention those of you with 2 dogs, are you as close to each dog individually as the single dog owners are or are you less close to your doggies? if raz and i are gonna be not as close then she may go bak yet... im just confused its day 3, she is a good little sleeper through the night in her crate pees when i take her out, just wants to play with raz, i guess with training she will want to play with me to :p raz seems to be a bit bonded with her already, i took him to the park for me and him time yesterday, he was great, like his old self such a good boy then we got home and he ran straigt for the bedroom where willow as in her crate, to say hello to her ;)
  10. aussielover - are you allowed to take your dog to uni and work? im so jealous
  11. i want to buy some from here http://www.handmadejammies.com/jammies/Welcome.html they do post to Aus, but im just a tad short of funds atm, but will go through that site most prob
  12. someone stealing raz is my worst nightmare :D now i can worry about them being baited too lol like i dont worry enough and ava is quirky and very cool
  13. lilli star willow is a Koolie :D lilli - aussies are characters, lol, i've met a few and they are quite quirky natures thats the only way i can describe them well i heard from willows breeder today that one of willows litter mates died overnight, she had a close call with a diff pup yesterday, looks like someone may have baited her dogs...she is gonna call the police today so sad, the pup she lost was her pick of the litter
  14. no i dont mind holding onto phi yes GG i have a puppy, she is on trial really, until i decide if 2 or 1 dog is enough for me
  15. i got mine, they smell fine, and lucky i got a pink and brown one for my new little girl
  16. last i went....agggggeeess ago it was quite good just like play at the dog park really from memory, phoenix will have a better idea. I stopped taking raz to play group there, cause i thought it was stupid how they were playing in a netball court, and raz kept cocking on everything and i was running around after him with the bucket, but i will be taking willow to it, hope she doesnt do the same thing
  17. hows about you all drive up here so i can come play toooooo
  18. ktb those vids were adorable elbie sure is a clown raz does the build up to bark noises too yep they are beautiful ears hey minxy, just like razzle dazzles ears
  19. minxy this is my new little girl: i reckon i would have the same concerns as you OH, i've never had 2 dogs before and am mega close to razzle, i would really hate for that closeness to change
  20. well its only been 3 days with our new addition, and right now raz is quite focused on her, maybe cause she is new, he has always been quite independent, but velcroey enough that he has to be in the same room as me, not right on top of me as you describe wuffles, but lying under my chair or by the door but in the same room, i would prefer if he stayed like that i quite like being close without being on top of each other i also love that when he wants something (to play etc) he would just come and stare at me, i love when he looks at me he is so beautiful, i now worry that he wont look at me to play anymore, what if he only looks to willow to play from now on
  21. yes i know you are right wuffles, raz is ok with it, its me who is concerned, and who was in love with what raz and i have together and i dont really want it to change, i would like willow to focus on us as much as raz does so she is gonna require some training/time spent on her too maybe if they both focus on us then they will both follow us around
  22. yep, ill remember that, mmm i'll give it time, i sure am fond of little willow already it was cute to see them play this morning, i hope you are right and raz stays my best buddy and hopefully willow will become best buddy number 2
  23. thanks ktb - my biggest concern is my relationship with raz, i know raz will adjust to the puppy, but does that mean raz wont follow me around and be with me always like he used to? or will i have 2 shadows? i can live with 2 shadows, i cant live with my puppy not bothering to be with me anymore...if you followe my thought, the issue here is me and how much i loved things how they were
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