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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. thanx its my sisters dog, so i'll leave that up to her, i just thought someone might know something
  2. wow i love them, you could so sell you photos, just put them on canvas and they would be hits
  3. until you have done more work with echo i would be driving to the park or the walking track or whatever, and doing my practise where he cant upset your "training"
  4. no it doesnt really matter miny, but our vet said it was i guess its not that common then thanx for the info though, our vet is a qualified chiropracter too so i trust him, it just seemed a weird issue but one of concern as my sister is worried now that his leg is going to collapse
  5. you know i think "trick" training is what bonded me and raz even more...cause i would laugh and smile and have fun, like pple have mentioned on here, and he would look up with his goofy grin and just keep trying to please, I love him to bits, i cant wait for willow to reach the "trick" training stage :D it sure is a fun time
  6. I feel exactly the same with my razzle dazzle :D i feel like we are so bonded we can almost know each others thoughts weird as that might sound I hope to form a very close bond with the new addition willow, i have only had her 2 weeks and she is already growing on me
  7. im gonna say maybe a koolie? koolies love kids, with the friend dog should have enough play, long as you are prepared to put in some training and walking i dont see why not
  8. awww what cutie pies, i loved watching izzy going crazy in the yard they were both such cute puppies i bet your OH loved the vid too
  9. yes i have heard the term champagne colour used in ref to borders, i think thats a pretty way of saying it like the name btw
  10. thanx guys i had a very positive training day with both doggies....im just going to have to be more organised and train more often than i have been with raz now
  11. leela the sky isnt blue...its yellow as for this thread ...thats all i have to contribute really, can i just say how lucky i feel that both sides of my family do what i ask them regarding the training/playing with my dogs :p and i vote for the pink song too in the great debates theme
  12. welcome he is a beautiful dog lol and your welcome definately post your puppy pics when you get that little bundle :D please let me know how you go bringing in your puppy also
  13. no kuma you are exactly right, i am over thinking it as everyone keeps telling me, i just worry about everything and anything its exhausting. i am consciously going to try to stop worrying and only address issues as they arise as no one can predict the future and my doggy relationships i am going to make a conscious effort to have me and raz and me and willow time, maybe not every day but often, and i am going to try to relax and stop stressing over raz and mine relationship and just see what happens, continue both dogs training and work out any issues as they arise thank you for talking sense without saying it harshly (or in a nasty way) i really appreciate that, thank you (i know how annoying i am) on a happier note i have a puppy and she is gorgeous and already a handful
  14. i have to say raz changed my lifestyle to one of being more active and social he keeps me thinking thats for sure
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