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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. let me know too i would like to be there earlyish, im prob picking up kitt on the way too
  2. can i just say doggies are awesome!!
  3. in response to your question Dju I'm only bringing Raz my older dog the little miss isnt fully leash trained, plus she isnt walking very far yet
  4. how firm keira? will i have to get a diff one?...im not a fan of tight...
  5. I have noticed our pup eating poo, i roused on her, but i might add pineapple to both hers and raz's diets for a bit, and hope she grows out of it
  6. hmm thanx shelby what you said is very promising your 2 are very cute sharing the bone there
  7. aww i love the elbie pics thats like razzle, he loves to be fully covered, head and all
  8. ok so it looks like my new plan is to do up boredom busters when im taking one and not the other, and as for when i leave home, maybe i could do as you do and scatter their dog biscuits that would keep them busy and i cant imagine that would cause for fights and ill just leave them with toys, and give them bones when i am home regularly
  9. kitt, i am coming with a friend...but i might be able to fit your dog in the boot with raz (r u taking your greyhound? she was friendly from memory) worst case she can sit on the back seat with you and i dont mind singing :p i do alot of that anyway btw keira did you notice my friend Jo as signed up?
  10. sounds like a bit of juggling the spotted devil gosh having 2 dogs sure is complicated :/
  11. ok thanx poodle fan i guess i just have to get the one dog plan out of my head now i have 2 dogs raz loves the boredom busters but i guess ill save them for when im home now and they are having alone outside time
  12. so can i ask what mental stimulation do you give your dogs when you are not home?
  13. pers that is a good idea i guess i just have to change my ways? cause when it was just raz and i was going to be out all day i woudl give him a bone, or i would freeze food in a bottle or give him a kong...will i ever be able to do that again? can i freeze food in bottles for them and let them have them when im not home? or is that going to be just like the bones and need supervision?
  14. oh gosh thats sad megan what do u do about marrow bones etc? do you crate them for hours to eat bones? do they ever get bones instead of dinner?
  15. thanx poodle fan, yes i think with a bit of repetition in redirection without any harsh punishment i think they will understand the rules and willow will get it pretty quick. thanx rebanne thats helpful i might do as you do sometimes i am also able (once willow is bigger and cant fit through the gaps) able to separate them so in the future if they have marrow bones etc i can separate them to chew on them then allow them together when like you said the novelty has worn off
  16. so if i give a bone to each dog a little distance apart and basically i could sit in the middle and if one leaves their bone to aproach the other i turn them around and tell them its not allowed? and as willow grows up she will know how to behave because i have done it now?
  17. yes thanx aussielover but my goal is i would like to give them bones as the baby grows up and i would like to set the rules for how she behaves now as a baby, i know raz wont attack, he is a good boy, but i would like to see how they go together. i really would just like to know do i allow them to swap bones? or do i teach them it is not ok to approach the other while they have the bone?
  18. ok so my question is, i am going to give my 2 dogs a bone on sat to see how they go together now do i allow them to approach each other and maybe swap and change bones and only step in if one of them gets a bit nasty in the telling off (this is my bone) or should i not allow them to approach each other at all when they have a bone? should i rouse on them if they go to approach the other? or just let the dogs sought it out?
  19. yes this walk shall be good unfortunately i cant make elanora this weekend i would love to meet you lol
  20. dju can i just say i think you need to drink decaf
  21. i think it should go on the back and i quite like your pawprint idea too gosh dju dont go to to much trouble though
  22. oh no thats just too sad what a short life she sounds like a sweet dog and a beautiful girl, my thoughts are with your family and with indi that he recovers from this loss ;) im sure bonnie will always be with you and your family to you
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