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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. can i ask...is there a certain time of the day when snakes are most quiet/lazy?
  2. i dunno what you want but u could always go bush?, like the daisy hill forest or whites hill reserve (its closer than daisy hill) whites hill reserve has flat ovals and bush areas
  3. i might get a couple of cool champion ones then in a couple of weeks for my pair
  4. is that from the first link on this thread BC crazy? im looking to get 2 for my pair this summer
  5. dang i would have loved to have gone!! i was in newcastle all weekend keira so the best doggy event this year? i wanted to put raz in the dock diving tryouts, cept i was busy every weekend they were on again
  6. awww isnt elbie adorable such cute doggies, they have so much love to share
  7. this is wrong the council is taking this too far i dont own the breeds mentioned nor do i want to, but i feel for the families who may be losing their doggy family members because of some stupid new rules is there an online petition we can sign or something??
  8. i encourage it, my 3 yr old will still have zoomies when i play the game with him now i love seeing them so happy racing round the place
  9. omg how cute is your little shephard puppy Jazzy
  10. jules i get what you mean about the dancing with a great partner thats exactly how i feel about my raz he is soo much fun to train, that said baby willow is fun to train to, just different
  11. lots of great tips here, if im ever in the situation ill try to remember the grab the leg thing, when all else fails
  12. thats kind of sad that pple are prob dobbing on loved family pets
  13. Oh no Emily Keira had demodex when she was 4 months old, it took weeks and weeks of injections to get rid of it. Probably cost me close to $1000 by the end of it. Willow is insured hay? Sorry OP for thread jacking you. Glad you got some answers from your vet, I am sure it will clear up quickly with antibiotics. My pup had something similar when she was young, it went away pretty quickly with medicine. sorry for the late reply keira, willow is ensured after she got diagnosed with the mites so i dont think pre existing issues are covered? just1more - glad to hear you pup is clearing up
  14. PAX - sorry no that wasnt sarcasm i was just trying to think if i need to encourage drive in my driveless girl also is it possible im confusing drive with speed? my girl will focus and work for/with me, not off leash though yet im used to my boy who does everything fast and works on/off leash awesomely raz will go full pelt after a toy, my girl will lope/trot and then maybe bring it back or go off sniffing...maybe i just havent found "the" toy that she will drive for...or maybe she doesnt care about toys...
  15. PAX it seems i have a high drive dog and a low drive dog does the dog have to have drive do we think? to excel in the chosen field? are there any fields or activities where drive doesnt matter? just curious is all
  16. thanx spotted devil never thought of that, my boy LOVES his tug so i think that would work greatly i always get him to pee before we go in the ring also
  17. And he does that with an impressive level of drive Doesn't he just Zig in the backyard would be a right royal PITA. Working his Spotted heart out day after day and I'd almost call him bearable ;) my boy is exactly the same, i let him off leash and he c**ks on everything!! i always worry he will stop to pee in the agility ring...so far in a comp it hasnt happened....but i've only been in one comp
  18. love your dogs wuffles raz loves to tug! it wins out over food, i have a feeling food will win over toys for my girl willow im not fussed i will only do what she enjoys, i wont force her into agility if she doesnt appear to enjoy herself raz i know loves it!! i love his speed and his willing to work with/for me, just have to do a bit more training on the weaves and contacts and following my hands but we'll get there
  19. yes im struggling to find drive in my baby girl. my boy loves to tug and work for me, he drives to do anything i ask of him, he does everything at 100% my girl will stroll after a toy i throw, tug a bit then give up, she is food motivated, my boy loves the "gotchya bum" game that gives him zoomies, i try to play with my girl and she rolls over i've never had to think about building drive before, and im a bit at a loss as to how
  20. i dont think you have anything to worry about personally, its not thaat long that she will be home alone for anyway i leave my dogs with bones if you dont want to do that throw some kipple on the floor to give her something to do while you are out, do you have any kongs? you can fill them with goodies or peanut paste that she has to lick out or empty bottles things she is allowed to play with, she will prob have a ball without you. when my baby girl got desexed she was in a crate with water and kongs from 7am till i got home at about 1pm and she was perfectly fine would run straight out to the toilet when i got home (good baby girl) can you confine her to a large crate? or a play pen so she isnt running around the house looking for trouble? i used to throw the kibble in the crate and put biscuit bones and pigs feet etc and peanut paste kongs in the crate for my girl im sure she will be perfectly happy/fine do not stress
  21. yes my pup has demodex mites atm she is/was losing hair on her face, gosh its a slow process to get rid of it....
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