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W Sibs

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Everything posted by W Sibs

  1. Charlie often skips breakfast... if he does, i scatter dry food out for him for the day and give him his breakfast for his dinner.
  2. I think, it depends on the dog's energy level, and how much training/exercise you're willingly to invest in the dog. But, dogs adjust quickly and if it's an indoor dog.. they just rather hang out inside then outside.
  3. My grandfather (RIP) grew up in China without any interaction with dogs. However, when he set up his own family in SE Asia his love for dogs became an obsession really. We always had big dogs and grandpa was one of the first few GSD owners in his area. Alan was his heart dog and grandpa would sit with Alan for hours just "chatting" away in Hokkien (Chinese Dialect). Dad told me that they had another GSD before Alan and the GSD was stolen one day. Grandpa sent out all his mates to look for the dog and eventually found him. The dog thief refused to return the dog to my grandpa claiming that it was his but grandpa identified the tatoo. So grandpa gathered his strongest mates (and my dad) and they barged into the man's house and beat the guy up for stealing a dog. . Dad told me that grandpa would do anything to get his dog back because they are all part of our family. Any human babies brought home from the hospital shortly after birth would also be introduced to our guard dogs...carried by doting grandpa Muslims may be wary of dogs because of religious beliefs. I just keep my dog out of the path of people whom I think are Muslims. Usually they avoid us first. Go Grandpa!! That's something my dad will do.. My dad is actually the same... he loves loves dogs, and would do anything to help them!
  4. They don't understand and they teach that to their kids. My mum is short and loud Chinese lady and she gets a lot of weird looks when she walks her 4 huge dogs. We even had a german shepherd too growing up.
  5. aww. awesome photos!! i have a really good one of Kivi on my camera but haven't had time to upload onto the computer, i will soon!!
  6. aww.. she is a cutie!!!! no questions are silly!! A few silly questions - should I praise her when she goes on the grass in her pen, or only when outside? Also I find it easy to get her to wee as it follows a pattern but what about poos - I am hesitant to bring her inside when she has weed in case she poos straight away. you praise here where you want her to go. as for poo... i don't think i can help there. Charlie has never done a number 2 in the house before.. he usually waits till he it outside to do them (he usually goes when we go for a walk too). but, i think if you praise Meg doing her business outside (or wherever you want her to go).. then praise her when she pees and poo. Last night she was pretty good - slept in her crate beside me - woke for a wee at midnight then again at 4.30. Couldn't get her back down after that - any suggestions? After all it was daylight when I took her out - hard to blame her for wanting to play!! Just put her back and ignore her protesting about it or give her a toy to play with when you put her back in her crate. OR.. you put her in bed with you I did that with Charlie.. and he will come and cuddle with me and we snooze till I'm ready to get up.. ;)
  7. The games was awesome... I really really enjoyed Flyball and Dock Diving!!!
  8. W Sibs


    oh poor thing!!! take her to the vet!! NOW!!
  9. I'm not really a shy person. Especially when it comes to Charlie welfare.. My OH thinks I'm nutter when he comes out of the supermarket and see me do a quick training session with Charlie when he comes out...
  10. Yep yep.. i took Charlie to puppy school there. Great classes. Very informative and Charlie had a great time. Didn't have to worry about his safety or anything during class. Gayl is an awesome instructor Yep, go to Gladesville Vet too and the whole staff there are fantastic
  11. awww... she is gorgeous!!!! my advice is to let the neighbours know that you have a puppy that likes to test out her lungs and her vocal skills (in very high volume), and that she is still getting use to her new life. But, just ignore her crying and her demands. Also, leave something outside for her to keep her amused for a while.. like Kong, frozen chicken neck or scatter dry food around the yard, so she can find it. Find ways of keeping her busy while everyone is out for a few hours. also, have you tried walking her and try to get her tired before leaving her alone? she's still little, so maybe a quick 5 minute walk down the street... this also really stimilates her mind, seeing and smelling new things. also, teach her tricks too.. because nothing zonk out a puppy faster than using their brain on learning a new trick.. a tired puppy is a sleepy puppy, and a sleepy puppy is a quiet puppy.. well, unless she snores like Charlie Does she have a bed outside where she can go to sleep? maybe being outside, she doesn't feel safe? good luck
  12. I took my pup everywhere with me from the moment I got him. Just not at places where I knew a lot of dogs will go eg, dog parks, beaches etc. I carried him around everywhere from shopping, car rides, friends house etc. Socialising a puppy is very important.
  13. awww. what a cutie. i love the name Barney too!!
  14. fruits (apple, melons, oranges, banana... yes hands gets very sticky) liver treats chicken roll roast chicken cheese his dry dog food (this is when he hasn't had any for a while) but it's mostly fruits and liver treats... the others he lose interest in it, but he can't get enough for fruit and liver treats.
  15. Awww.. look at the face!!! he looks like a complete sweetheart..
  16. awww.. she is sooooo adorable!! i love her markings!
  17. Charles "Charlie" Wentworth 1. Charlie's full name is.... Charles Wentworth. I knew when I saw him, the first name pop in my head was Charlie. I wanted to give him something different too, so after throwing some names around, my boyfriend and I settled with Charles Wentworth. He is registered has Charles Wentworth too. 2. Charlie is... a night owl. He is so alert and so much more active at night. Sometimes, he can play till about 2am!! I have taught him to sleep in on weekends too 3. Charlie has been guilty of... sleeping in obedient class! We go Sunday early morning and he is usually still half asleep when we get there. When instructor is talking, Charlie will lay down and take mini naps. After class, Charlie and I climb back in bed for a nanna nap 4. Charlie is... a total mama's boy. But, when daddy is around, mummy doesn't exsist. Unless he wants to be fed and his cuddles. But, he always has the need to check if mummy around. 5. Charlie always insist... starting the morning with morning cuddles, belly rubs and kisses. He groans when the alarms goes off. 6. Charlie can be... a snob. If he doesn't feel like socialising with people or dogs, he will ignore them. People can find it a bit annoying that Charlie refuse to let them pat him. He will always move his head side to side. When it comes to dogs, he simple ignore them. 7. Charlie is... a homebody. Despite being an adventuring loving little fella, who loves exploring and seeing new things... his favorite place in the world is at home. Nothing gets him more excited then saying 'Ok Puppy.. time to go home!'. 8. Charlie has so many... facial expressions, it's so funny. Everyone always knows what he is thinking because it always show on his face. 9. Charlie will always... fruit over any meat or any other food. No matter how excited or tired he is, if I start eating a banana or manadrin, he will sit in front of me waiting for a piece. Since having him, I have not been able to eat a whole fruit... I'm always sharing it with him. 10. Charlie brings so much... joy, happiness and love into my world. I've had so many dogs in the the past, but Charlie is the first one who I've completely and totally fallen in love with. Just looking at him sleeping, fills my heart.
  18. Bad photos of Mr Wentworth and I. These were taken from bf's mobile phone... Charlie asking for a kiss.. which i was happy to give smiling for the camera... charlie is sticking his tongue out at the camera instead
  19. Sure, pee on it. I don't buy the whole "this is mine" deal. It's never worked with any of my dogs, and is usually pretty dependent on you actually being there to enforce it. Better to remove temptation all together. To a dog, if no one has it in their mouth or under their paw, it's up for grabs. The only exception is when you have a tyrant running the pack who will come down on the other dogs like a tonne of bricks if they so much as look sideways at something that isn't theirs. My mother has a dog that is a couple of steps down from a tyrant, but if he's left a bone unattended, it goes to whoever is quick enough to get it and sneaky enough to hide away with it where he won't find them when he comes out looking for it. it works on charlie... truthfully, i didn't think it would work either, but when i tired on him. it worked. he use to love my pink fuzzy slippers... whenever he sees it, he would go crazy and try to take it off my feet. i had enough, after watch Cesar, i tried it on him. i "claim" my slippers by standing by it and whenever Charlie would try to go near it, i will say 'Uh ah' and gently nudge him away from it. he will carry on with the barking, and would try to get it... i didn't move and barely said anything (this took about 20 minutes). eventually he laid down and gave up. since then, i can leave it on the floor in the bedroom floor and he won't touch it. but, he isn't a hard puppy. i have it really really easy with this guy.
  20. OMG... I could not be mad with that face. I will have to close my eyes while lecturing him...
  21. I do what Cesar (Dog Whisperer) does. Claim the object. Make sure the pup knows it yours and you don't want to share it. Stand in front of it, and wait till the pup backs off. Everytime he goes near it or touches it, I gets a 'UH AH' (Cesar usually does the Tsk noise). Don't leave till he gives up and surrenders. This actually works for me. Teach your pup the command "Leave It".
  22. My vet did this. The vet just explained to me that it's something they do. Especially if it's the pup first time under anaesthetic, they like to monitor him.
  23. I kind of make it a game when we do training in the park. It's probably wrong thing to do. Charlie is still a puppy, so he can still gets distracted easily. I know at the park he loves to run and often we play chasey with each other. So, our training in the park is: I start running, he runs after me.. when i know I got his full attention. I will stop and make him do a series of sit, drop, stand, stay etc... when i know that i'm loosing his focus again, i begin running around again. We do this for about 10 minutes. (i just want to add.. i only do this on an off leash park). Our training session at the park usually leave me and him snoozing on the couch afterwards
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