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W Sibs

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Everything posted by W Sibs

  1. Charlie has Gorham Disease. It affects his lower spine and it's slowly spreading to his back legs. He walks like a drunk man normally (or he just walk with his 2 front legs dragging his back legs) but if you hold his tail (to hold his 2 back legs up slighly), he will RUN! And he is fast! Don't feel bad for him, though, he is a tough little guy. Full of attitude and life. Still goes for walks daily, still chases/hunts lizards whenever he has the chance too and he is generally a happy boy (except when he is grumpy when he doesn't get his way). We treat him like any normal dog, even though he believe all humans on this planet is to serve him...
  2. Unfortunately I can't post pictures on DOL from my work computer but I'll see if I have time tonight to post up a picture of him. I think I do have one of him while he is meditating too.. hmmmm Charlie is awesome... full of attitude though.
  3. Took Charlie to the park yesterday. He was sitting at the edge of the park meditating (ie, he sits there and it looks like he is about to fall asleep sitting up) and 2 big dogs came over to say hello, before I can give him a head up, he looked directly at them and, I kid you not, within 2 second, he had one dog on his back and the other one backing off him very very slowly... he didn't make a sound, he didn't react.. it was just one look. When 2 dogs left, he went back to his meditation and left Mr CW and I going 'WTF?' Charlie is 5 kg and he is crippled. The only defense he has is that he has a very loud bark and make another dog deaf..
  4. It's not bad but I mean my gosh, it's tiny. Like putting Hugo in prison He gets anxious if we close him inside a room, I can't imagine all the crying if we locked him up in that cell! You don't have to lock him up there all the time... just when the time you can't supervise him. He isn't a giant dog and it still gives him a chance to hang outside in the sun. Beside you can get bigger ones, but they get more expensive. I rather put my 2 in there there then get them killed. Your other alternative is that you walk him more, take him out to parks or whatever so that when he is at home, he doesn't have the need to go outside the back (aside from going to toilet).. It's a sucky situation and it doesn't seem fair, but first and foremost you have to do right by your dog and keep him safe.
  5. Can you get something and pay it in installment? run Or is this still expensive for you? check ebay or trading post.. people might be selling stuff like that cheaply or giving things away for free.
  6. Emmy greets the door with a 'Get the f!@# off my property' bark. Some people are too scared to come into my house until I crate her. With people she knows... she barks at the door and then she realise who it is, and she is all over them like a rash. Charlie's guarding is... well, non existence. He barked when someone is at the door and he studies that person and 99% of the time, he is like 'nah, man, you're not worth getting riled up for' and goes back to his bed and go to sleep.
  7. My brave and fearless Charlie is scared of... the remote control. Although I can't blame it, we really should stop dropping in on the floor (and on him).
  8. Dogs have free rein of inside and outside. Doggie doors are awesome.
  9. Yeah.. I was going to edit and table about NILIF
  10. Crate training is one way of teaching the pup that it's ok to be alone. Or, I tied my pup in the living room and leave the pup there, while I did everything. Pup can still see me and hear what I'm doing, but I usually don't pay attention to itand I would only if the pup is quiet and relaxed. Then slowly I will walk out of the room for a few minutes, and only return to the room when the pup is quiet for more than 10 second, mostly just look at it and then walk out again.
  11. Completely ignore him when you get home. Don't even do training with him (that's giving him attention). It's hard, but until he is quiet, that's when you should go greet him. If you are worried that he will smash the glass, put something there to prevent that from happening. Have you taught him that being alone is ok?
  12. How do you response to his behaviour? Does he have a routine that he follows when you leave? Do you set a routine for him? What is your reaction when you comes home and see him? I wouldn't rescue another dog... it could make things worst.
  13. Emmy, my Jap Spitz, will be horrified if I put a coat on her. She loves the cold.. so much so she drop her coat in winter. But she is a cuddle monster though. Mornings always starts with her cuddles
  14. Training is the main thing. Grooming the dogs. Napping on the couch together. We play fetch down the hall way. Play Search with Charlie (he has a good nose that one) I have a treadmill and my dogs often ask to go on it when it's raining...
  15. Charlie is English (CKCS) x Chinese (Shih Tzu)... I speak both languages :D Em's a Japanese Spitz - No, i dont speak Japanese, nor do I have the desire to learn the language.
  16. where about in sydney are you? Galy O'Grady at Gladesville Vet is a trainer/behaviorist too. She is also a Delta trainer.
  17. Could him barking means he needs to go out to do this toilet? how old he is? My 2 are fully crated trained, but still to this day, if they are in their crate and they bark.. it means something.
  18. With completly inaccurate results :p Pretty much! :laugh: the concept sounds interesting though
  19. Did the survey the best I can. It's not 100% accurate though. But it sounds like an interesting study...
  20. I wouldn't say Charlie or Em demand eye contact but they love watching me. They've both done this since they were puppies. Charlie demands are usually very vocal and Emmy likes to pat me when she wants attention.
  21. Em recently had this.. but it was passed to her from another dog. If its an occurring thing, like the others said, best to go see an eye specialist.
  22. Got in trouble the other day when I got annoyed with my friend's kid and order the kid to get into the crate... I often praise Mr CW for being a good boy after he gets me something I pat everything too.
  23. OMGoodness the list of questions :laugh:
  24. Charlie and Em are about a year apart. Charlie was easy and was never a normal naughty puppy, so getting a new pup was easy. I wouldn't of gotten Em, if Charlie didn't get sick though.. I would have waited till he was about 2 or 3 before getting puppy number 2. Emmy.. well, we definitely had to wait till she was fully matured before getting another pup. She was very full on.
  25. Yeah, long leash till you get a solid recall from him. ETA: The 2 times Emmy has been humped, she hated it and let the dogs know how she felt about it. Those 2 dogs keeps their distance with her now. I think she scared their dogs owners more than the dogs though...
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