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W Sibs

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Everything posted by W Sibs

  1. OMG.. how cute is he?! hope his owners come get him soon though (and get him chipped!!)
  2. Thanks!! We are going to go down and have a look :cool: There will be pictures regardless if we get her or not.. haha Wow awesome. I will definitely look you up when I'm in town next!! Jap Spitz are BIG dogs in small bodies That is very true! ;) All the best with your little bundle of trouble. :D I'm really excited on getting one now!!!
  3. Oh sending healing vibes to Lottie. Any news about her?
  4. Although she is alive and kicking, I sometimes think that Tamar (Maltese with teeny bit of Shih Tzu) wants to disprove this. I suppose it has long since fallen off DOL, but I posted a series of photos a couple of years ago of Tamar looking (yes, just looking) at a bowl of food. She and Jeune (large Chihuahua something) are quite extraordinary. You'd think I was trying to poison them, the way they carry on. Hard to say what is going on with Charlie, considering what he has been through, but if vet is happy and his weight is good, try not to worry. Oh, that old thread of mine is still there - LOL: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=168141&hl= OMG... I love the photos. Both of them are gorgeous!!! The look on their faces is cracked me up.
  5. My experience with a Cav x (shih tzu). He needs to be walked at least one a day or else he will go crazy, which will drive me insane. He is an awesome hunter of lizards, roaches and anything small and moves. He loves to hunt and a very curious dog. I don't dare to let him get bored (although he is never a naughty puppy). He needs to be brush everyday for 10 minutes and frequently groomed (badly.. since i cut his fur for him!) He has an awesome temperament. Gentle, quiet and placid. Total mama's boy. Always up for an adventure with me but then again we can sleep in together on weekends. Doing absolutely nothing is fine with him too as long as he is with me. Love people and dogs. He is amazing with kids. Very curious little fella, very cheeky and full of attitude.. i love that. Can be somewhat bossy but he is very grateful after you do what he wants you to do for him. Great alarm dog. Easy to train because his goal in life it to make me happy. Oh, Charlie is a snorer and a big bed hog.
  6. He is cross with a Shih Tzu. My friend maltese is a picky eater.. except when it came to treats! Charlie gets 2 walks a day... 20 minutes each walk. Goes to toilet like clockwork. In the morning and always go to the toilet at least once on walks.
  7. Seriously, I don't think it's pain. Because the days he miss out his meals, he will be in the living room playing with his toys or me (right now he is in love with his Isqueak ball!)... he hasn't shown any sign of pain in a long while. It''s like he isn't hungry and doesn't want to eat, so he doesn't. He was 5.5kg last week when I weight him (he has a Wii character on Wii Fit Plus)
  8. I don't think this is it. Because he goes on his merry way... if he is in the slightest pain, he will go to his crate for a rest. It's something I just noticed in the past 2 weeks... I still feed him the same. If he doesn't eat it, then I throw the food away and he has to wait till tomorrow night feeding.
  9. I don't think it's a big issue (because he seems fine) but i find this whole thing weird...
  10. He is not starving but sometimes he just doesn't want to eat... this happened 2 days ago.. just sniffed his dinner and walked away. Yesterday though.. he was fine again. Ate 1 and a half of chopped up chicken wings and a small handful of dry dog biscuit... this dog will stop eating when he is full.
  11. Charlie is a picky eater (who would of thought a cav x will be a picky eater!). Also, he doesn't eat a lot normally. He hasn't since a puppy. We only feed him one meal a day and it's not overly big meal either. Lately, for the past 2 weeks... he will go a day without eating. He might eat a few of his dry biscuits that day but that's it. We no longer leave food out for him during the day (hoping he will get hungry enough to eat his whole dinner), he gets plenty of exercise, he doesn't look sick or thin (my boy is looking and feeling solid and muscular again.. i love it), doesn't act like he is starving. The vets says that he is healthy (as he can be) and he is the right weight. Is this normal? Has anyone else experience this?
  12. Hi!! What exactly do you want to know about them?
  13. That's awesome to hear!! If you really want cheap.. Reject shops are selling clickers and treat bags now too! I have a spare clicker at home... if you want it, I'll be happy to send it over to you
  14. ;) See.. I've never pictured myself having a female dog. Always preferred male dogs. Then again, I always said that Charlie will be my first and last small breed dog too! We'll see what happens
  15. It should go without saying. A dog is a dog.. regardless what size they are. Why discriminate for? Charlie is my first little dog and I wanted to make sure that he won't be a small terror and he is not. When we use to go to obedience, he was always the littlest in the class... so he played well with big dogs A lot of people thought I was crazy taking a little dog to obedience though. He has the same rules as all the other dogs I've ever had. No jumping. Stay out of kitchen. Only on furniture if invited etc
  16. I reckon the biggest problem will be stopping at just one. The boyfriend presented me with a contract that he made me sign that our house will be strictly a 2 dog home (unless I start temp caring or fostering dogs)...
  17. Good luck on your course!! That's awesome!! I'm so excited on starting the course, but I'll be doing long distance course! My dream is to run puppy pre school here and have a place in Sydney where people can take their puppies to go socialise in a safe environment. Be surround with puppies all the time will be awesome Say G'day to me too Charleswentworth!!!! Sorry I don't live anywhere near Wangaratta :p But good luck though! I'm sure you will fall in love with the beautiful spitz puppies! Ohhh... my boyfriend's family is from VIC (Glenwaverly?) and also my brother lives in Melbourne too. So, I'm usually going down once or twice a year. Next time, I can organise a meet up or something. thanks! I will
  18. Cas: OMG.. 2 years?! how did you not go insane? LOL deelee: I have a lot of those lint remover already with Charlie... I keep IKEA in business with that and toys alone! MM: :cool: good plan. if we go to VIC and get a sibling for Charlie, it will be a little sister... poor Charlie! The boyfriend is hoping for a Daddy's Little Girl.. because Charlie is such a Mama's Boy
  19. At night time... no set time though. He gets fed once a day. He isn't a big eater naturally and we are tired of wasting food when we tried feeding him twice.
  20. You should meet Cody (new neighbours mal!). She is the most sweetest, loving, smoochiest and cuddliest Malamute I've ever met. She is HUGE!!! Charlie walks under her no problems. I fell in love her at sight. Didn't matter that she scared the heck out of me when I was jogging home and she decided she wanted to come jogging with me! We jogged the block together, then I took her home..
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