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Preparing For Next Weeks Severe To Extreme Heat...
Nic.B replied to westiemum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Just wanted to send you wishes, I hope you are ok and able to get through this. I watched the news this am and they sdaid SA was the hottest place on earth today -
Your kidding?! Who said rescue dogs are perfect, humans are not perfect. Have you read the post? I am sick of idiots and trolls. Agree with Tris, there are some dogs out there that are really difficult and unpleasant to live with. That's why responsible shelters and rescues sometimes have to make the decision to euthanase for the good of the community AND the dog at the end of the day. The dog in question is clearly not having a happy, settled and secure life. I don't like that blame is focused on the dog as it is not the dog's fault at all, it's the people who have made decisions that don't seem to be in his best interest, but really, your comment was pretty horrible. The "dog" in question has not had another soul look at him let alone an experinced trainer/ behaviourist, why would you even consider pts?
I'm not sure that it does. I think what it does it put things into perspective, especially for animal advocates/rescuers. Too often we get swept up in the negative and don't even realise that, actually, this "irresponsible public" is by and large very responsible and caring. It's also a timely reminder to stop bashing the public, blaming anyone and everyone we can for being an "irresponsible owner," and start reaching out to the overwhelmingly good people in our communities.
I agree Rusty would be pts if returned to RSPCA or AWL. Don't beat yourself up, we all make mistakes and you have learnt from this. Time is the healer. Perhaps you can stay in touch via email, your friend may be happy to send you pic's of Rusty's new adventures. I wouldnt visit Rusty though, he needs time to settle into his new home and bond with his owner. I hope it all goes well, enjoy your boy :)
I don't agree that pounds are made up of 80% Bull breeds, sure Bull breeds are over represented in many shelters, so are JRT's and Malt's. Many working breeds arrive in Sydney pounds and shelters, breed specific rescue do an awsome job helping these dogs, if not adopted. It is ok not to like a breed of dog and not want to own one. There are many people who love those same breeds and would love to own one. No different to someone who would prefer a puppy, others don't want a puppy and may prefer an oldie. There are homes out there for every shelter pet (aside from those who pose a risk to the community).
I agree, matching dogs really well with an owner or family (reputable RB's and reputable Rescue) (the rest of them do not give a crap or rate) for potential owners works incredibly well if done well. It eliminates risk factors which lead to dumping and if the new owners are well informed, supported during the adoption process, for the life of the dog, the risk factors slide away. There will always be a few dogs who arrive at a shelter from either, though compared to the rest of the load reputable registered breeders and reputable rescue impounds and surrenders do not hit any sort of scale.
flame suit on but there was only one that appealed to me, a couple that left me cold, and the rest meh. I'm sure they are the right dogs for their owners but they are not right for me. So what I got out of that is, if I couldn't get the breed I want I wouldn't get a dog. Which surprised me a bit after owning them for over 30 years. It is what the dogs offered or gave me "on the day' during temp testing that put them in front of any purebreed or crossbreed, regardless of how pretty or fabulous looking they are. Size, age or breed. I have met many dogs who would melt your heart in looks though in behaviour and temp are a living nightmare regardless of training or not. I know people who have found that out the hard way.
Since a kid I have owned both. From shelters mostly, four from very good registered breeders. Absolutely adored each of them, I have three now, two poundies and Bella my old Kelpie from a brilliant breeder in Berri. I have to say Bella is simply a standout dog in health, temperament and ability. I have never met a dog like her before, she came from two parents in work. It was her Mum’s first litter, Dad was a star. I have his registered name somewhere. I get a bit frustrated with shelter stat’s as there is simply not enough being done to get a true representation of universal figures/data. I agree that the majority of dogs impounded are cross, though I have witnessed many papered purebreds impounded or surrendered. More than once I have seen papered dogs surrendered to the shelter by the breeder entire. It was hard work ensuring that dog go to rescue rather than a member of the public to have another litter with. We had multiple papered dogs surrendered by their breeder a couple of times, all entire. Socio economics play a huge part. Lower socio economic areas have a much higher impound rate, usually BYB and unwanted/unplanned litters. Higher socio economic areas have lower impound rates and a much better reunite rate though many of these dogs are designer x breeds. Training and socialisation is critical, many dogs are impounded/surrendered between the ages of 9 – 18 months with no training at all. It is all very cute and funny when they are puppies, then it creates problems, the dog is relegated to the backyard or chained, they hit maturity and we all know what happens next. Another area of huge concern is unwanted/unplanned litters. I lost count! BYB’s actually “shop” for breeding dogs. You can always pick them as most people looking to adopt connect with each dog as they walk by and stop to say hello. BYB’s walk up and down the rows without saying a word, looking for only entire dogs. When desexing was introduced from the shelter one of these dingbats wrote to the local paper saying it was illegal to desex from the shelter and he was seeking legal advice to stop it! I still laugh at that one. There are genuine surrenders, many are not. Rentals are an issue, training, elderly people moving into care, a new baby, can’t afford to have a pet any longer etc etc. It would be great to see pre surrender interviews done prior to offer advice and support or even held with landlords etc. More importantly you could get stats on reasons, breeds, age etc though you are relying on the owner to be honest, many don’t give a toss and lie through their teeth. Adopting from a shelter occurs every day of the week and is the way forward for shelter pets. I have met the most incredible dogs at my local shelter. Having said that this shelter is very proactive, vaccinate with a C5, desex, worm, flea treat etc and the dogs are very carefully monitored. If there is an issue they are placed with rescue so that health and or behavioural issues are addressed. Then you have to make sure they go to a reputable rescue lol. I take my hat off to shelter staff and rescue. I won’t be adding any more dogs to our family for a while, when I do will probably have another rescue, I would not ever rule out a dog from a registered breeder either though. I believe adopting a shelter pet or buying from a registered breeder is the way forward. If these were the only two sources of dogs I believe there would be very few impounded and if they were, both sources would take that dog back into their fold. Sorry for the rant, I blame the two cups of coffee.
I Put Stuff On Her Head! Happy New Year!
Nic.B replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
the banana and orange, that is a huge orange! looks like she has a rockmelon on her head :laugh: She is adorable -
All of the above though I would not state I will pay for any damage your dogs would cause.
Thats a lovely story. I will never forget this vet either, she left the clinic a few years ago to move back to the city, but when Sam passed we sent her a card thanking her for his extra 5 years. She was always talking about him like her own because he was her first serious case. Before she left she had a baby and leant down and introduced Sam to the baby at the clinic, thats how close she became to us. That is beautiful Lisa, sorry for your loss She sounds like a very special vet and loved Sam very much. This vet was amazing I remember thinking when I met her how young she was (not in a bad way) she saved Russ's life without question. I came home after work and both front his and back legs were gone, his lungs were next. He was with the vet for 5 days. The tick was under his collar and huge, she asked me if she could keep the tick for something she was doing due to it's size. She was incerdibly passionate and had such a great energy and freshness about her. She had me under no illusions as to how serious Russ was, though it was not all doom and gloom. The head vet was very old school and didnt allow you to visit, though each day i called she would say come up at such and such time (when he had left for the day). Russ loved our visits and things we brought from home :) He also loved going to the clinic to say hello to his vet :)
A first year vet saved Russel my Goldie with a tick just after closing hours. She busted her backside for my Russ at 10 years of age and used new methods she had just learnt in her uni degree. One of them was putting him over a rack on the sink and cooling him down. Russ was freezing and shivering. This first year vet actually allowed me to stay with Russ from start to finish. She never dismissed me, never told me to leave. She was happy for me to be there for Russ (I keept him calm) (and cooled with the water ) while she explained everything step by step and began treatment. I will never forget her as long as I live. This was 13 years ago, this very young red head vet, was incredible and saved my dogs life.
Panto, this is a lovely story Orlando has gorgeous eyes and aside from his amazing efforts I love his greying muzzle. I adore oldies :)
You can't have it both ways. The insurance company is a business answerable to its shareholders. I am sorry and now know better than to respond to your posts though what sort of answer is that when you have started another thread above about monopolies in buisness, big v's little guy?
I dont know why insurance would stop either Anne aside from a policy name change? and the age of the dog (retired and ten years old).
I have just discovered these duvets which look great. You can refill with old linen or clothes when needed too :) http://www.mollymutt.com/dog-duvets.html I am getting a couple for my dogs.
Why do you always have to be so rude DD !
I agree, the easter holidays dont help either In all the years I was involved there was an insane amount of surrenders at christmas. One day 17 dogs were surrendered before luchtime. There were times we had dogs in overnight pens, and in the excercise runs while other dogs were transported out. You would get five out and 12 would come in. I do think other factors at christmas impact. Rescues are often full to overflowing, staff have leave, volunteers have leave and the opening hours at shelters are often only an hour or so in the morning for cleaning and feeding. Hard to adopt when the shelter is not open and even when open the hours are 7am - 9am
I cant get the video to work Christmas (easter etc) is a great time to adopt for some families as everyone is home, there is time to settle in a new pet, form bonds etc. Regardless of what time of year people adopt a great adoption process, matching dogs and owners well, information and follow up support reduces risk factors that lead to dumping significantly.
:laugh: terrible life lol.
Beautiful Guide Dogs are truly inspirational creatures, the relationship with their vision impaired handler is magical :) I am so glad they are both ok and will remain together.
Dog From Pound With Exposure To Parvovirus
Nic.B replied to Mangoe's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Was the infected puppy a littermate? At three months hopefully he has had at least one vaccination prior to impound. I agree with Gillbear board/quarentine with the vet who vetworked him as there is a chance he may be infected at the shelter if he returns. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly.