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Everything posted by Nic.B
Thank You It gets pretty cold here in winter and very hot in summer, probably why we get a lot of activity in the warmer months.
Sadly we do have pretty extensive gardens around the house, I have trimmed all the lower branches. We do have wood stacked upon raised timber as well. We might have to move that into the paddock. I didnt even think of the horse troughs, I could empty the two that are in the paddock with the dam. One of our Arabs swims around in the dam like a duck when it is hot, that worries me with snakes. Excuse my ignorance, do we get tiger snakes in NSW? Sadly my best defence last year, aside from keeping things very clean, short and tidy was to sight the yard first and fully supervise the dogs. Other than that they were inside, esspecially between 10am and 4pm which is when I spotted most of the snakes last year. They were eveywhere! Everyone in the area had a terrible time, my vet treated so many dogs. Last year was our worst year ever so far, the snakes seemed so active and angry for some reason. I hope this year is better. Would a snake be able to climb over glass fencing to get into a pool?
Yes, I have seen lots of snakes in the national parks while riding. The horses tend to spot them before I do and shy away from them if anything. As long as we keep the paddocks short they should be able to see them fingers crossed. Fancy a nest of snakes under the decking, that is really giving me the creeps! Holly Milo your poor sister! We have had a 2 metre red belly inside as well, that was a few years ago now after 3 or 4 weeks of heavy rain. I dont get it? They can go in the sheds, the laundry, the dam (surely there are more frogs there) Why do they come up to the house? The two we had last year were close to the house, one was right at the back door. Thanks for the advivce everyone, lets hope our animals are all safe.
We get lots of lizards too Chezy and Chopper I always wonder, snake or lizard? when the dogs bark. I wonder, do lizards have the same activity levels/seasons as snakes?
Yes, that is my concern. My Husband has wanted a pool for years and years, though I would not agree as the kids were so little. They are great swimmers (swimming from 6 months) though I can almost bet we will have more snakes as it is a great water source. We will be fencing in the pool area with thick glass fencing like our deck, can snakes get over this?
I bet it did! We had a baby brown in the vege garden and when I disturbed him he took off. The birds were incredible, swooping and diving until they got him. I let my neighbours know, just in case and sure as eggs they discovered a baby brown in their yard. Be careful everyone.
It doesnt actually stop, but as PF said, be on the alert now as it's all getting warmer. More activity in your house yard will keep them away? Nup sorry. If a snake wants to move through your territory, it will do it regardless of whether you have dogs running around or not. Thank You Raz
A little boy was bitten by a brown in the Hawkesbury a few days ago I beleive, which got me thinking. It is 25 here today. What are peoples experiences with pools and snakes? should I be worried? I guess a positive will be that I can check the pool area first and a snake will be easier to spot. Oh the joys of a house full of dogs 3 are working breeds, 2 are from working lines, a large breed puppy, as well and a foxie who is our best ratter, he really concerns me when it comes to snakes.
It has been quite warm in the Hawkesbury/Hills District during the past few days. We had a shocker last year seeing multiple snakes, two of which were in our house yard. It was such a close call with our dogs both times. Luckily they were under full supervision, I was able to intervene. We have a tidy house yard, no junk or rubbish, we are on 5 acres though and are surrounded by national park. I removed all water sources from around the house last summer. We have a large dam, though that is a fair way from the house and the dogs are not allowed to swim there in warm/hot weather just in case. Paddocks are regularly slashed and we have horses in the paddocks around the house. I worry about them as well One concern I have is that we are getting an in ground pool put in in the next few months. Will this attract snakes? The dogs are only allowed outside under supervision during snake season, and I nearly always sight the yard first. Aside from that they are in the aircon with their legs in the air or on our large deck. It has been suggested in the past that if there is less activity in the house yard (ie dogs restricted from going outside during active snake season) that this is more attractive for snakes to enter the yard. I would appreciate thoughts on that as well. Not to mention any other tips When does snake season start? as I need to be prepared. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for posting this very interesting. I cant beleive they all went out without vacc's! and the BYB had no clue as to health testing etc. Glad she took the pup back, though it probably had more to do with the "payment plan" IMO. If the puppy had been paid for, the owners may have decided to try to sell her off to anyone to recoup their money.... I hope the puppy she gave her mother is desexed, with an entire male now living there next thing you know they will have an unwanted litter. Hope she learns from this and never breeds again.
Are you serious? All they care about is profit not responsibly rehoming. They pay around $35 for one puppy and the markup is massive. $1000 + at least each pup. Which Is why they will NOT STOP. They are not looking to responsibly rehome at all, they are after the markups! Seriously. So you are saying every petshop exists for the sole purpose of selling pups at a huge markup - well I'm sure some of the ethical pet shop owners will be pleased to hear that. As TD and RSD wrote - it is already being done. Seriously There is a difference between pet supply stores (which I support far too much!) and pet shops who sell companion animals for profit. Surely you understand that?
and that is what we need - nothing emotive, no fingerpointing, no us versus them, and it takes away a huge chunk of the problem. Instead of puppies, with the right advice,training and suitable backup petshops could be used as one point of contact for putting people in contact with, and learning about available dogs in rescue. there's already shops who do this, petstock is one and another is petbarn formerly was pets at home. not enough of them do this. We do not sell pets and we point anyone looking for a dog in the direction of the DOL breeder listing or we give personal recommendations for breeders. petstock in Essendon Vic, supported a day where by they had pugs from a puppy farm so had an adoption drive??????? Are they a pet shop selling pets daily Toy Dog or are they a pet supply store supporting adoptions? That is the difference for most of us.
and that is what we need - nothing emotive, no fingerpointing, no us versus them, and it takes away a huge chunk of the problem. Instead of puppies, with the right advice,training and suitable backup petshops could be used as one point of contact for putting people in contact with, and learning about available dogs in rescue. Not everyone wants a "rescue" dog no they don't, never said they do, and I'm by no means anti purebred - I breed and show myself, but I do not like puppies in petshops, and if petshops can't sell pups why not use them for rescue, and to balance things out they could also have contact numbers for breed clubs and Canine Orgs, our local pet shop refuses to stock puppies but does have contact numbers for breed clubs so when people ask they are pointed in the right direction. Are you serious? All they care about is profit not responsibly rehoming. They pay around $35 for one puppy and the markup is massive. $1000 + at least each pup. Which Is why they will NOT STOP. They are not looking to responsibly rehome at all, they are after the markups! Seriously.
I get your point Poodlefan, we may have to agree to disagree though. Spending 7 to 10 days in a pound or shelter is stressful for companion animals. The actual act of euthanasia by lethal injection is the most humane death we can offer happy, healthy family pets. It should never be acceptable though. I have seen these dogs 1000 times bum plant all the way to the room, or lie flat like a pancake on the ground. Nearly all “put the brakes on” It is deeply distressing to witness and for the staff. It is not just about euthanasia though. What about all of the dogs suffering passive neglect in a backyard once they are not so small and sweet? How on earth is it not stressful for a dog to be surrendered by their owners with no hope of finding a home in a foreign, noisy and stressful kennel environment? And you know what, despite their despicable owners, they still love and show loyalty toward them. They wait and look for their owners every single day. If they are lucky they don’t “shut down” due to the stress, because if they do, they have no hope. I am probably best off to bow out now, as this is now a distressing subject. I would prefer to continue with my hands on work in trying to make a difference for these lovely souls, rather than discuss here on DOL. It is a subject close to my heart and something I have years of experience witnessing.
I do not support animal cruelty yet there is no way i will ever support any group/s that speak of 'ethical' but lie, steal and perform illegal acts under the guise of 'rescue' to get their own way. I have no respect and will never support them in any way. I do not/would not support these groups either. There are some groups who do an outstanding job though.
Not quite. Some folk find the reputable breeders.. quite a few in fact. I am not at all discounting beautiful pure breeds, I have them here with me now at my feet along with rescues. I just think that if there was much more info re pure breeds, even if people google junk it would be fantastic. There is plenty of information on purebred dogs on the Web. Most breeders and breed clubs have websites. There are whole websites devoted to matching people with purebred dogs suitable for them. But you're not talking about people who research breeds here. Impulse buying and buying a dog that fails to live up to your expectations is what sees dogs dumped. Buy from soneone who doesn't give a damn about the kind of home the pup is going to and the chances of dumpage grow exponentially. This is great, sites matching people with purebred dogs up there with the farmers and BYB's etc would be excellent. As I said, it is probably not the market you are looking for, though providing user friendly education is so important. As I said at times we have to suffer fools. I agree with you 100% re your comments re impulse buying, risk factors of dumping, abandonment and neglect go through the roof when the seller does not give a damn about the home, simply profit.
Sorry, have read through the rest of the posts and it is too backward in thinking for me to respond. Talk abaout the definition of insanity; Do the same thing over and over again and hope for a different result.
Ok, let’s look at things differently. Do you support whaling in protected waters or otherwise? Do you support clubbing baby seals in front of their mothers? Do you support bears being trapped in cages for their bile? Do you support the black market trade in Rhino horns, Gorillas feet and hands, Elephant tusks and god knows what else? Animal rights groups bring these sad pictures to the world by being there. If not for them we would have no clue really of what is really going on out there. Tangible PROOF and yes the real story. They make a difference. So, what is the difference with companion animals I ask? With a massive number of family pets being silently PTS in shelters and pounds.
Sorry, will empty my inbox when I have a chance.
Not quite. Some folk find the reputable breeders.. quite a few in fact. I am not at all discounting beautiful pure breeds, I have them here with me now at my feet along with rescues. I just think that if there was much more info re pure breeds, even if people google junk it would be fantastic.
I am not sure what your point is no disrespect intended. I need to vacume the dog hair away anyway so will try to reflect LOL.
Sorry to get you started I am not sure why you are saying? Are you suggesting that if rescue assist a female impounded who is due to whelp any second that that is wrong? What has that got to do with puppy farming? I can tell you now females that close in whelp at the shelter I volunteer at are not available for sale, they are rescue only. It is a stringent process and the scope of an appropriate rescue is small. Yes, they (and their babies in their belly) have been pts if noone is able to help them. What is the opposite of 'what should be done?' I will not ever support an unreputable rescue. No these bitches are straight from the puppy farms. Ok, are you saying that they have been rescued from puppy farms "ready to drop" and rescue have taken them on and allowed them to have the litter, raised them, desexed pups and Mum and then found homes? Or is there more to it? PM if you prefer.
That doesnt count though when you google "I want a puppy" I am well aware they are more than likely not an appropriate home. Forget about the home. You dont need to offer details either. You can however offer education and another perspective. At the moment the farmers have an open market. No one sees anything other than them.
Sorry to get you started I am not sure why you are saying? Are you suggesting that if rescue assist a female impounded who is due to whelp any second that that is wrong? What has that got to do with puppy farming? I can tell you now females that close in whelp at the shelter I volunteer at are not available for sale, they are rescue only. It is a stringent process and the scope of an appropriate rescue is small. Yes, they (and their babies in their belly) have been pts if noone is able to help them. What is the opposite of 'what should be done?' I will not ever support an unreputable rescue.