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Everything posted by Nic.B

  1. I dont agree. The child was not harmed and they would have to show a bite. The child was not rushed, the dog was on lead and is owned by a responsible owner. I do think you need to report this to both the police and your local rangers so that you have a record early. We both know that, but would the Council/police/rangers? I did tell you I was being cynical..of course I would love to see this idiot get his dues, but how often nowadays do the good guys win? I believe so under the circumstances. This is why it needs to be reported asap to both police and rangers No use worrying about what this jerk may or may not do. The OP needs to report the incident to look after herself and her puppy.
  2. I dont agree. The child was not harmed and they would have to show a bite. The child was not rushed, the dog was on lead and is owned by a responsible owner. I do think you need to report this to both the police and your local rangers so that you have a record early.
  3. ^^ This and he needs to be reported. At the very least you will have a record. Make sure if you go there again you take your phone with the number of the police and your local rangers on speed dial. He was intimidating you and also using his dog to threaten you. That is against the law and should never be accepted. Glad Rosco is ok and hope you are ok too. What a jerk.
  4. I agree a second opinion is needed. Re the meter reading. We had an incident a while ago where a meter reader was negligent when entering our yard while two of my dogs were out with me in the yard. Long story short he was a nasty peice of work and threatened to hurt my dogs. I put in a formal complaint and the electricity company manager came here for a meeting with us (the dogs all lying around us snoozing We had never had a problem in 9 years of meter reading prior to this new guy. Our regular meter reader loved all of our dogs and we always had a chat. While they were unable to tell us what action was going to be taken, due to privacy laws, disiplinary action followed as this was not the first complaint made against him which was similar. We self read our meter now despite the fact my dogs are all inside if I am not home. I hate to think what may have happened if I was not home and the dogs were out. Good luck with your little dog, I hope everything works out well.
  5. I have always wondered about the difference between a snake rearing/standing up (I think, cranky and ready to strike) my dogs. And then those snakes who lay very low on the ground and "flatten out". I have seen snakes fit into all sorts of tiny gaps. Tiny spaces I would not have thought possible for a snake to get through.
  6. Great runs O So Swift and Shepherds Fingers crossed in keeping the snakes out. Mean while my big, long legged bunch of bandits are upside down on the couch in the air con. Have been all day long. I am waiting for it to cool down and check the yard before we play, race about and train. That is the way it will stay during summer and hot humid weather. I have to vacume the floors and dust twice a day as they are such a hairy bunch!
  7. This is why I love dog parks. So much goes on in them that is below the notice of most people, but it's really interesting when you start watching. Kivi has left me picking my jaw up off the ground several times because he handles tense social situations in quite complex ways with such success sometimes. I learn a lot from him. Do you ever find it stressful? I know I do, seeing all this underlying talk going on between the dogs and the owners are oblivious. My partners German Shepherd Ricky was for example, becoming extremely stressed by another GSD who was being very rude and pushy, it was like this other dog was trying to push ricky into a confrontation.(Putting his head over his shoulder, growling, getting right into his body space). I could see in the way Rickys face was tense, ears back, hackles going up, tail curling, lip curling a little that it was a matter of moment before he snapped at the dog out of most likely fear. I intervened, blocking the other dog from Ricky with my body and then moving Rickys attention to his frisbee and getting him away from the other dog. This all happened in a matter of moments of course. My partner had no clue, and the owner of the other GSD told me off because I should "Let them sort themselves out" I dont visit dog parks Lovemesideways. I agree there is a lot of 'talk' between unknown dogs, Some of it damaging and I would find it stressful to navigate with unknown dogs and my own dogs running together. Dog owners (when introducing) need great communication skills, and a high level of common sense also great experience. My own dogs are bomb proof in many respects with unknown people and dogs. We have had hundreds of dogs through here, you need to know what you are doing though and that is probably the difference IMO. I would not trust people I dont know or have no faith in.
  8. So true Trisven, it is always so interesting and rewarding to witness. Updates are the best
  9. Yikes! You are very brave to get so close! He looks relaxed enough though. No idea on what type of snake. I see a brown coloured snake and say it's a brown
  10. Great article, thanks for posting Not very long ago I was doing an intro with a fantastic medium sized mix female and an 8 month old working breed male for a family. Both dogs were great with other dogs overall, though the working breed male was pushy and needed to learn some manners when meeting unknown dogs. He ran with my pack (large and small with no problems though he was introduced fairly slowly, starting with our dominent female) As we walked together the working breed male could not help himself and occasionaly jumped about on the end of the lead and bounced about. She turned her head away from him and gave a low growl. Her owners were shocked and upset as they had never seen that before. I could see they were about to correct her verbally so let them know that she was well within her rights to let him know she will not tolerate that behaviour and that she was appropriate and well mannered in showing him the same. The male took notice and realised he would have to change his behaviour if he would like to interact. It was such subtle body language in many ways though so meaningful and worthwhile. I love watching dogs interact and teach. At the G2Z summit a few years ago there was a speaker from the UK who used her own dogs as teaching dogs. I have always said as a foster carer/rescuer that I only do half the work. My dogs do the rest bless them.
  11. I am so sorry Leithy, sending healing vibes for your little Jack. Hope he is home safely very soon.
  12. Maybe post some pics of your run, there are lots of Dolers who would be happy to help I am sure
  13. I am going out to buy some today OSoSwift I will grab some extras and am happy to post them to you if you like
  14. Sammy and Mumbles shied away from me for no reason in particular. The water we have in buckets are before the fencing of our house yard. We have two acres of house yard and another three acres of padocks for our horses and a large dam. I am not good with distances, though I can ask my Husband later tonight if that helps. Perhaps Snake Catcher can help There are a lot of people with dogs in runs on DOL. Are you able to crate them inside during the hotter months and if you are not home? Just a thought
  15. I have tried the better homes and gardens team. No luck and no contact point as yet. Channel seven has said to ring the radio stations instead of them. ETA Have just got the info for complaints. No email or phone complaints will be accepted. All complaints must be in writting in letter form and addressed to; Complaint Officer PO Box 777 Pyrmont NSW 2009
  16. What exactly are you saying? Are you suporting cavoodles and designer breeds? Or are you being sarcastic?
  17. Big brown (I think it was a brown, it was brown in colour) in the padock late today. I was transferring water from our inground concrete tank to the house. The horses spotted him before I did as they were mooching around me. It has been pretty hot day today for us. Please be careful everyone and thanks so much snake catcher for your guidence and support Good luck Shepherds, we have removed all water sources other than inside the house and on our enclosed deck and I have put buckets of water outside our house yard, we also have troughs. It is a pain to keep them full (the toughs self fill) though better than a snake coming into our house yard looking for water.
  18. I tried to call on Saturday though noone was available to speak with. Will give them a buzz tomorrow to get the best point of contact and find out exactly which vet it was then post up here I am going to write in for sure.
  19. Sandgrubber, I dont think anyone is 'defending' horses, well maybe a little, though mostly trying to educate. I just dont think it is a fair comparison to use to make a point. They are two very different animals in just about every regard. We all love dogs, which is why we are on a dog forum
  20. Lol, I have never spent any time with pigs. We had a pigglet come into the pound not that long ago He was really sweet and went home the same day. He was only little though. Cows I can relate to, we have raised poddy calves here (from the sale yards and meat works) Even when they are little they rub and push up against you like they would their mum. Problem is mum is a lot bigger than us! When I visit them now they come running up to the fence with their tongues out and tails wagging. I am sure they think they are dogs I love cows! gosh they are enormous, strong, magnificent creatures! I remember when I was pregnant with my son I was chased by a steer, that was scary
  21. I didnt like the segment myself. Labs and GR's can be a handful (as with any breed) I have owned two who I adored but gosh they were more than your average bear for most puppy buying owners and did not settle down (well slightly) until 3 or 4 years of age. Dr Chriss also stated re ooddles that they were allergy free and therefor good for families, which also rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps bronsonb can share a little more As I missed quite a bit of it.
  22. Thank goodness I was not the only one. What did you think personally?
  23. Not so much a "lap" dog - she's more of a "whole body" dog, isn't she? I love whole body dogs We are lucky to find room on the couch!
  24. Sorry, just a rant. I was just heading up to the shop and heard the better homes and gardens radio show. I am sure it was Dr Chris Brown who was recomending breeds for the best family dog. Number five was Pugs, Number four was labs or retrievers though only the goldens/yellows as chocolate and black labs have issues :rolleyes: I missed number three as I was opening the gate. Number two was....wait for it! Anything ending with oodle Missed number one as I was closing the gate and had the dogs in the car with me. I cant believe it! God knows how many people listened to his recomendations.
  25. Has the dog/owner had any other complaints made against them in the past? I am just wondering why he is muzzled and why council have been so hard on them. Terribly sad.
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