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Everything posted by Nic.B
Blacktown Pound Compulsory Desexing
Nic.B replied to Mila's Mum's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Happy to stand corrected on this, though I believe this individual is a well known BYB'r who sources his animals from pounds and shelters who sell entire animals. No wonder he is upset. Councils will make sure it's rock solid, their legal teams are very thorough :) -
Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter
Nic.B replied to Nic.B's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
If there are any DOLers who would like to come to the Reunion Day and need somewhere to stay we have a self contained dog friendly garden flat you are welcome to use :) We are about 15 minutes from the shelter and 20 from Windsor which is lovely on a Sunday :) -
Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter
Nic.B replied to Nic.B's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Sorry, yes Juice it's a Saturday. What a shame, I would love to give you a hug :) Love the foster failures! Perhaps send some pics and a story of Ozzdog and we can display his gorgeous pic and story on the day. -
Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter
Nic.B replied to Nic.B's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
This is a fabulous day! and a great reminder of how incredibly meaningful and worthwhile all efforts are in assisting these lovely dogs and cats into great new homes via Rescue Groups and the Shelter. Come and have a yummy bacon and egg roll, sausage sandwich, coffee and cake with us, meet kindrid spirits and heaps of adored dogs! There will be lots of stalls and information on the day, animal welfare organisations, pet needs retailers, dog trainers, groomers etc are all invited and welcome to set up a stall. If you would like to set up a stall for the day, please contact Shelter Manager, Kellie Colley on 45604644 or email [email protected] All dogs must be on lead with a suitable handler and dog friendly. Hope to see you there! Will post some photos from 2010 and 2011 shortly :) -
INVITATION HAWKESBURY COMPANION ANIMAL SHELTER REUNION DAY 2012 PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL ANIMAL SHELTER REUNION WHEN: Saturday, 18 August 2012 WHERE: Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter TIME: 9:00am – 11:30am BRING: Your furry best friend or if you are unable to attend we would love to see your photos and happy ever after stories! R.S.V.P Not Required CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU :) Unconditional love is as close as your nearest shelter
Lady Looking For A Pup Beware
Nic.B replied to Lab Rescue NSW/ACT's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Yikes! Bet you anything she was still intending to get rid of her GSD, just used her in an attempt to still get Bubbles. Great response to her BTY and thanks for the heads up :) -
Which State Do You Rate The Most Dog Friendly?
Nic.B replied to ncarter's topic in General Dog Discussion
Norty! But gosh I laughed!! I would have to say NSW, VIC is the most worrying for me. -
What Breed? - Shelter Dog
Nic.B replied to Michelleva's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Use her impound number and speak with the staff as to why she is not available for adoption. Depending on the reason, she may be able to go to a reputable rescue. Sadly owners do lie when surrendering their dogs, or do not give full disclosure. Ie; "she is escaping the yard" though often if asked further re the type of fencing, they will respond with "no we dont have fences". Not all shelters find out further information from surrendering owners, they just fill out the surrender forms and that is it. In some states it is illegal to rehome an escape artist (VIC). The other thing you can do is have a qualified behaviourist assess her, you will need to work this through with the shelter first though and make them aware. I have witnessed SO many dogs surrendered by owners who are completely dishonest, these dogs have moved into fantastic, loving homes with no sign of the reason for surrender showing. Many of these people have been DOLers. Nic, there was no number on her cage, nothing to even say if she was a girl or boy, thats why I asked the staff. The person I spoke to said they get dogs for all different reasons and she isn't available for adoption, and that was it. No further discussion. She actually looks quite sad there, she really gave us that pleading look, like please take me home. My hubby was devestated when I told him she wasn't available. She's definitely been trained because she could sit, drop and shake all for a treat. She then took the treat very gently. She wasn't jumpy at all.. just the perfect dog in my eyes. Although maybe when she gets out of that cage her true personality will shine through. I will ring the shelter when they open, I know what cage # she is in, maybe speaking to a different person might get me more answers. This shelter is also the pound, so I thought maybe there was a legal matter involving this dog, which is not resolved. I'm still thinking about her this morning. Hubby already has a name picked out... oh boy! Speak with either the rescue co ordinator or the shelter manager and give them her kennel No. Be polite, calm and mention that you recently visited to donate coats and blankets for the dogs and noticed this dog. Ask them the reason she is not available for adoption, find out if she was surrendered/picked up as lost or seized and how much time she has before pts. You may need to act quickly. Try to find out her details in tems of age, sex etc and if she is chipped what she is chipped as. Once you have an idea, you know what you are working with. Let us know how you get along. ETA I have just spoken with a collegue in VIC, this Shelter do a fantastic job and are very proactive in rehoming. Sadly, there is probably a very good reason for her being listed as "not for sale" -
What Breed? - Shelter Dog
Nic.B replied to Michelleva's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Use her impound number and speak with the staff as to why she is not available for adoption. Depending on the reason, she may be able to go to a reputable rescue. Sadly owners do lie when surrendering their dogs, or do not give full disclosure. Ie; "she is escaping the yard" though often if asked further re the type of fencing, they will respond with "no we dont have fences". Not all shelters find out further information from surrendering owners, they just fill out the surrender forms and that is it. In some states it is illegal to rehome an escape artist (VIC). The other thing you can do is have a qualified behaviourist assess her, you will need to work this through with the shelter first though and make them aware. I have witnessed SO many dogs surrendered by owners who are completely dishonest, these dogs have moved into fantastic, loving homes with no sign of the reason for surrender showing. Many of these people have been DOLers. -
I know this is OT (sorry) though what are peoples thoughts on "black dog syndrome"? This also applies to cats. I am very interested as I have temp tested and photographed a lot of shelter dogs. Black dogs are very difficult to get a fantastic photo of at times. You have to have the perfect light and backdrop. Black dogs are also much more difficult to see in their pens, esspecially if the wire is small. Once you get them out of their pen, get a great pic and add that pic to their pen gate people are much more likely to consider them IME. I am not suggesting this is the only reason that black dogs and cats are at times more difficult to home, perhaps though a significant contributing factor.
yes some people are really, really good at scamming. There is a often a price difference because of imported lines being used, cause c-sections are needed etc. To import semen can cost thousands and it's even more to import a live dog. I don't have a problem with rescue charging a realistic price for their dogs, the dogs are worth it. But a $300 difference, well I suppose that fits in with the breeders who charge more for show "potential" then for pets. And it's not only a $300 difference in some cases. No doubt I will get flamed for those comment's :laugh: but it is straying away from the OP's original comment. I don’t think you should be flamed. I agree there are some really good scammers out there and as Dogmad has said dog brokers who will adopt a sought after rescue fully vet worked etc for $300 and then on sell to anyone for double or more the price. It's really tricky at times, and of course opinions vary, though ethical rescues and registered breeders will always bend over backwards in doing their absolute best for their dogs welfare :)
I know of some fantastic rescue orgs who put a higher price on some sought after breeds and puppies so that they are not "on sold", I agree with this. aren't the mutts just as valuable? I get where the OP is coming from. Yes of course they are, though there are some particular breeds who are at risk of being onsold for profit. Increasing the adoption fee often avoids that happening. ETA Particularly as they are desexed prior to rehome, breeding is not possible. I would have thought vetting the new homes would help with that? and as you say they are, or should be, desexed. Anyone trying to buy a purebred on the cheap from rescue to on sell wouldn't be interested in a desexed dog anyway. You would be suprised Rebanne, we have all seen horror stories despite best efforts from Rescue and Registered Breeders. How long is a peice of string? why is there a price difference for any and all breeds of dog? Why are one breed more expensive than another?
I know of some fantastic rescue orgs who put a higher price on some sought after breeds and puppies so that they are not "on sold", I agree with this. aren't the mutts just as valuable? I get where the OP is coming from. Yes of course they are, though there are some particular breeds who are at risk of being onsold for profit. Increasing the adoption fee often avoids that happening. ETA Particularly as they are desexed prior to rehome, breeding is not possible.
How is it being hypocritical to charge a higher amount for a sought after breed or puppy from a rescue to avoid it being "on sold" for a higher price?
I know of some fantastic rescue orgs who put a higher price on some sought after breeds and puppies so that they are not "on sold", I agree with this.
Minimum Puppy / Kitten Rehoming Age
Nic.B replied to Sunnyflower's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Yes, it's illegal. Discusting. -
I will tell you why I took Peaches. When I met her and temp tested her I could see while she had a fantastic base temp and was great with other dogs I thought she may suffer from SA. I was terrified that a "group" who "rescue" dogs though claim they are not a "rescue" though have a clause, who call for donations on a massive scale on social network sites, and sprout that "fostering is free" then transport dogs all over the countryside without quarentine, without assesment to unsuspecting people who feel sorry for the dogs who are going to be murdered the next morning (I could go on) would get their hands on her. I trust my gut, knew they would get her, knew she would end up dead or on a chain, or dumped at a shelter in VIC because an average dog oner would not be able to deal with SA. I could see she was coming out of season and their was a chance she could be in whelp, so I put my name on her to buy her. Thank god I did, because I cant stand the thought of what would have happened to this lovely dog in their hands. Rant over.
I fail to understand why rescue or shelters must run on the smell of an oily rag in some peoples opinion. If you are lucky to make a small profit, that money allows you to spend it on another. It makes sense to run any rescue org as a business where along with policies and procedures, profits are put back into the organisation to improve and maintain and build that org. We are not just talking about rehoming dogs, think of education for the public, newsletters, behaviourists, trainers etc. It is the people who cut corners simply to get the dog out of the pound and dump it in the first persons lap who comes along with no support what so ever, no checks, no quarantine, free on gumtree or at a very low cost (just to get them out the door, since the unsuspecting public have donated for some vet work because they feel sorry for the dog about to die on death row) or god knows what else, who make my blood boil. I only rescue on a small scale as I have other commitments with my local shelter though the female I have in care atm was in whelp. Her adoption fee will cover the cost of her desex, that’s it. She has been with me over six weeks as she suffers from SA (now managed, though will need an experienced, committed owner who will follow her plan) is fed premium food and raw and has the same level of training and care as my own dogs. When she arrived It looked like she was coming out of season, which is not unusual. She went through quarantine and then straight to my vet. I had a feeling she could be in early whelp after she was here a week and a half. Ultrasound and physical exam showed she was probably in whelp. Luckily she was only 3 ½ weeks into her pregnancy. I decided to have the bubs removed (which is not a nice decision to make) though she was only a baby herself at 10 months, god knows who the father was, it meant looking for 11 great homes instead of one. Thank god I made that decision as when my Vet called, she had 10 potential pups. I agree rescue pets are far too often devalued.
:laugh: love it. Some people just have far too much time on their hands. :laugh:
This ^ Remember that there are appropriate levels of barking (short stints)When you arrive home or leave for example. Rangers often speak with other neighbours. Stay calm and work everything through with council rather than speaking with her. I have the neighbours from hell on one side, we have a great relationship with all of our other neighbours thank goodness :)
Oh Rest In Peace little Sarge, what a gorgous little man you were. I am so sorry Rozzie. This dog should not be rehomed, the dog needs to be pts. Not once, but twice killing two family pets. It is clear the owners are incapable of being responsible dog owners and neighbours. Call your council rangers and the police, have the dog removed. Do they have any other dogs? If so, do they pose a threat at all?
I agree Mita, great post. I have no doubt that ethical and compassionate staff and vets are profoundly affected on many levels. Councils provide regular physiatrist sessions for staff for very good reason. We can 'pretend' to be as tough as we like, ultimately you can’t lie to yourself though. The destruction of healthy rehomeable pets, despite best effort to rehome or find rescue, is distressing beyond words for the staff who have nurtured the animals while impounded, formed bonds and are aware that unwanted pets are there most often through no fault of their own.
Rescue Group For Lambs/sheep?
Nic.B replied to ShadesOfGrey's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
There is a livestock impounding facility in the Hawkesbury. Sadly, I don’t like their chances, poor little souls The sale yards at Mulgrave are very distressing for those who love and care for animals. I have only been there once, came home with a two day old calf who I hand raised. I refused to leave without her. She was so distressed, sick and weak, my husband had to carry her to the car as she was too weak to walk, I nursed her on my lap on the way home. Olive is now an enormous Friesian who thinks she is a dog I am sure. Good Luck. Thanks for saving Olive. The plight of poddy calves is so sad. I wouldn't have been able to leave her there either & she sounds wonderful. It must have been so rewarding to rescue her. Olive is a doll I agree the plight of poddy calves is distressing. I rescued Patrick from the knackery (he was born in the paddock and I spotted him) Mum was taken there as she had black mastitis I did everything possible to save Mum as well) spoke to numerous vets, the university etc though nothing could be done for her. So I made her a promise. Poor little tyke was only a day old. I hand raised Patrick and when old enough had him castrated and him dehorned. I was hoping to integrate him with the horses, though they fobbed him off. I went to the sales to get Patrick a companion and Miss Olive came home with us. Patrick and Olive are inseparable. I was 8 months pregnant with my third bub and sat with Olive all night long, she wore a large dog coat and began to feed early hours of the morning thank god. My Husband who is experienced with stock didn’t think she would make the night. The doggers were bidding on Olive. I had $100 to buy her, my Husband did the bidding, it reached $100, he looked at me and I stood up on the metal railing and yelled at the top of my lungs "Honey, I don’t care how high you have to go but I am NOT leaving without this calf"! ETA I hope there is some good news for the lambs and sheep, any updates? -
Sorted: 5-mo Female Kelpie Needs Rescue By Tomorrow
Nic.B replied to JaneyA's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Is this girl still in need? -
Rescue Group For Lambs/sheep?
Nic.B replied to ShadesOfGrey's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
There is a livestock impounding facility in the Hawkesbury. Sadly, I don’t like their chances, poor little souls The sale yards at Mulgrave are very distressing for those who love and care for animals. I have only been there once, came home with a two day old calf who I hand raised. I refused to leave without her. She was so distressed, sick and weak, my husband had to carry her to the car as she was too weak to walk, I nursed her on my lap on the way home. Olive is now an enormous Friesian who thinks she is a dog I am sure. Good Luck.