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Everything posted by Nic.B
Suprise suprise! What happened to the trainer you were working with? If you are not fostering or rescuing what exactly are you doing? adopting? or are pound rounds happy to send dogs to someone who clearly have no idea and is not able to manage the dogs? Where is Lucky now? Animal Aid? AWL? dumped upon another rescue? Rehomed within days? or in a kill shelter?
I understand that. I also plan to get into contact with GSN and see if they would like to chat a bit after the holidays, maybe give some pointers, maybe once settled see if they need help, a foster, or any transport help or home checks. We just arnt doing any of it until after the new year. Greylvr if you are affiliated with pound rounds in any way shape or form you will live to regret it. There is not a more incompetant buch of fools in this country. I speak from experience.
No it doesn't make sense. You are saying that you disagree with what you have been told by people here about running a responsible greyhound rescue. You don't want to follow laws and are not afraid of being sued if you don't follow best practice? You want to antagonise people who cross you? Why would you expect us to believe you can be responsible about rescue at all? PR is envolved. That says enough about the situation. Thanks for that Gillbear, I was not aware and I agree.
No it doesn't make sense. You are saying that you disagree with what you have been told by people here about running a responsible greyhound rescue. You don't want to follow laws and are not afraid of being sued if you don't follow best practice? You want to antagonise people who cross you? Why would you expect us to believe you can be responsible about rescue at all? Greylvr disagree's with GAP because of something on their website that she took offence too and disagrees with GSN because they were recommended to her as a good place to foster for and learn. I certainly don't have Nic.B's faith in Greylvr doing the right thing by my breed at all. I have probably not worded my post well Rebanne and perhaps there is a lot more going on that I am not aware of. I can definately see why there are major concerns from what has been posted already.
Let me tell you why (although I very much doubt you will understand). I have worked my arse of for the last 8 years to: 1) rescue greyhounds in an ethical manner as part of GSN - with all the bells & whistles you have been advised about from various people on here but igniored - legalities, insurance, temp testing, appropriate rehoming, financial and other resources and the rest 2) Spent a lot of time this year cleaning up the mess of a good hearted person who jumped in the deep end and started rescuing greyhounds without any forethought, experience or money - does this sound familiar? To rescue from a so called rescuer is suxh a bloody waste of valualble time, because you know that once you have dug them out of the shit, they will do it all over again. Re rescuing starving flea ridden dogs which have also become aggressive due to starvation is heartbreaking. There are things worse than death - I have seen those things. 3) over the last 6 years have been involved in rescuing form hoarders - again good hearted people without the means to support what can only be called an addiction. And finally - I live in the same council as you, and I have spent years ensuring that not only the rangers, but as many residents as possible, see what wonderful animals greyhounds are - and what lovely pets they make. You have undone some of this by being subject to a council complaint, and yes that does make me angry. +1!
Hey it was a learning experience and one I wont make again. I never thought in my mind that the neighbors would kick up a stink. Although I am a live and let live type person but hey they started it so they will be getting nice visits from the council because I am tired of listening to their dog bark all day. So they either shut their dog up or they deal with the rangers. How they can complain about dogs that never barked, we not outside unless supervised and only to play and potty is beyond me but we will see how they like the rangers knocking on their door because their dog is a small yappy dog that barks all day Seriously you have been given so much great advice from people who are not only very experienced rescuers also people who are passionate and work incredibly hard for this breed. I don't want to offend you though how you have responded and acted so far screams 'train wreck' for me. I have rescued and rehomed Grey's and followed other peoples invaluable advice and guidence. Greyhounds have many stigmas attached, enormous work has been done to break down those stigmas by ensuring responsible, ethical rehomes. It is vital for this beautiful breed. I think you are making a serious mistake with your neighbour by fighting fire with fire and calling rangers regardless if you are moving or not. Believe me I know and I did not do one thing to aggrivate my neighbours - ever! I honestly do not want to offend you and we have all made mistakes though I agree with Greytmate, Rebanne, Annie and the others, you need to put your energy into learning, experience, training, laws, legislation, dog handling and training, responsibly rehoming etc. Take on board advice and guidence from others who have been in the game for endless years. Even if you don't relate to it instantly, take it on board. I guarentee you will reflect and appreciate the advice at some stage.
The tests for small dogs are based on the greyhound's prey drive, not its defence drive. When a dog is acting aggressively through defence it will normally give the intruder an opportunity to retreat. When a dog is acting aggressively through prey drive there is no opportunity to retreat given to the intruder. I can't comment on what happened with this particular dog, but I agree that dogs that show prey drive towards other dogs are not suitable to be offered to the public as pets. All greyhounds need to be carefully tested for prey drive towards small dogs. If they fail, they are a liability, legally and socially, for the owner and for the group that sold it as a pet. Exactly. There is a huge difference. Yes, this is so true. I know we are referring to Lucky (Greyhound) in this thread although this applies to any dog regardless of size, breed, age, type etc.
Greylvr you have been given some really great advice in this thread. Greytmate, Dogmad and others are very experienced and are brilliant in all they achieve for Grey's. I have always soaked up their knowledge like a huge sponge :) I agree fostering for a great rescue group is a brilliant way for you to begin. I was blessed to foster for a fantastic group many years ago and learnt an enormous amount with full support. I then began rescuing myself and am still learning, rescue is FULL of new experiences! Other people’s opinions and advice is something good rescues are grateful for. Each dog is individual in their needs. Assessing is critical and you truly need to know what you are doing, I spend a minimum of 4/6 weeks assessing in my home. Full disclosure is also critical along with addressing any behavioural/temp/health issues. Re testing with cats and small dogs there are a number of behaviours that can indicate an interest. Everything from a flick of the ear, quivering lips, jaw, lunging, verbal sounds, excitement, barking etc. Even a dog who does not show any interest in the pound can show interest in care, you need to be extremely careful. You have indicated that you are distressed/upset, you sound as though you need more support. Please don’t dismiss what experienced rescuers are communicating, they are doing so for the benefit of Lucky and yourself.
This idiot has no idea how to handle a horse, let alone get the horse on a float. It never ceases to amaze me at how incompetent some people are
I always recommend people go to police if people are being threatened. What tends to happen Sheridan (once pound rounds become aware that formal complaints are being made and the knowledge is public) they will back off and then decide they will pay costs (for dog attack vet bills, adoption fee's etc etc). The sad part is, public pressure and formal complaints are the only thing that is assisting people burnt by pound rounds. Pound rounds are being held accountable and (somewhat) being kept in line through public pressure and formal complaints. It is most certainly not coming from the group itself.
I believe they now have tax exemption/status MRB. People who 'adopt' and pay for a dog through pound rounds make a "donation' rather than pay an adoption fee. I have emails from adopting families who have pulled out of a pound rounds 'adoption' due to the clear level of incompetance and non existent communication. Pound rounds refuse to return the money these families have paid in advance for adoption, kennel fees, transport, bathing etc. In some cases it is over $500. Pound rounds response to these families is that they have simply made a 'donation'. Not only will they not refund the money (family has not even met the dog) the families are then guilted and threatened in making the decision to pull out. They are also forced to cover all fees and costs until the dog is rehomed through pr's
I understand that when people have bad experiences, and particularly if this is combined with grief, the first reaction can be to just walk away from it because it is just too painful. However, if there are so many people suffering at the hands of this group, particularly if they have bad fostering experiences, why are they seemingly able to operate with impunity? Why are pounds still releasing dogs to them? Is it that they aren't aware of the dubious practices? Are they just happy to get a dog out of their pounds, no matter where it is going? I am not criticising; I am just thinking out aloud really. I will try to give you a call DD, there is a huge amount to it. The DLG and the councils involved have a lot to answer for IMO. I will leave it at that.
It is at Riverstone! Whereabouts Lillypilly? I've been trying to search for it because I'm a sticky-beak and there aren't many details available on the net. I was wondering if they've taken over somebody's kennels or built new ones (and presumably put a DA/BA through Council)? Winsdor Rd Box Hill Katdogs. No D/A approval, stables have been converted (or are being converted) into kennels.
It is at Riverstone! It's more Box Hill area Lillypilly, it would be bordering Riverstone and is a very large prperty.
I have spoken personally with endless people who have fostered for pound rounds. What they have been through is horrific. All have very similar experiences and all of them have been blamed, bullied and called liars when they have raised concerns. There is no support, nothing. One lady's dear little dog was killed by a pound rounds foster dog. Pound rounds told the lady she was lying and that her little dog died from a seizure. I have the photos of that little dog after the attack, he had no chance. The dog that attacked him should have been pts immediately. Pound rounds are still trying to rehome that dog with no disclosure. This dog has bounced through an endless number of foster homes/kennels over a long period of time. I honestly cannot believe how recklessly and dangerously they operate. It is only a matter of time before someone is killed.
I had a lady who was surrendering her 10 year old dog who said she was moving. I then found out she was buying the house, I offered some suggestions. She then said "oh, I am not a doggy person" You had had him for 10 years! I temp tested a gorgeous red cattle male once and could not fault him, he was such a fantastic, sensible, biddable dog. Went into the office to find out the reason for his surrender "Too loyal" Well they got that right I thought. Agree these dogs are much better off in fabulous new homes with committed owners.
Speaking of fostering, I was just sent this. Below is pound rounds latest Visit now and impulse foster today 'I want to speak to you about a win, win situation. So you want a doggy for the xmas holidays because you have seen the doggies in the pet stores and you love the idea of a doggy - only let's be honest you are human and haven't really thought out the next 20 years of your life - come on be honest - who has right?! BUT DAMN! those doggies are so cute and you have so much love to give and they need "rescuing" right! BUT another damn is that for $1000 bucks you could probably buy that holiday you will need after all that Christmas shopping and there is no way you can afford presents, the holiday and the doggy! Well here is an offer you are never going to be able to refuse. If you have no other pets (or lovely ones at least) - our shelter wants to give you a free dog - but without the lifetime responsibility! That's right - who doesn't like the word FREE before Christmas! Who here doesn't like to commit to a lifetime of responsibility!? You? ME! So what's the catch I hear you say??!! Free dogs, Free doggy training. Here is the catch. You must be willing to accept the waggle bum, the snooky waggly tail lovely smiley faced love bug into your home. Some doggies can only be inside doggies - some need people home all day - some need a good long run every day - some need to sit on the lounge beside you and watch Oprah, some just wanna hang outside & sleep. Some doggies need training on a lead and some doggies just want to be loved so much it breaks their heart to be alone. Some doggies love a clam pool, others love to chase the ball. A doggy for everyone! If your foster dog is still with you after 12 weeks and you have fallen madly in love then as long as you are an approved long term home and you have undergone the doggy training required, you can apply to adopt your doggy for free too. Fureva adoptions for free are only available to the most strictly approved homes who commit to ongoing doggy training. So let's sum up here - you need a doggy for Xmas - you can have a doggy for Xmas for FREE - you can receive FREE doggy training AND you can adopt the doggy for FREE after 12 weeks. Better yet - no after Christmas pet dumping. Fostering a doggy means YOU help save lives too! Call right now - email right now. You will need to fill in an application form. A beautiful shiny new re-fur-bished doggy is waiting for you!! Visit STAR right now! If you visit the STAR page and order your free doggy within the next 24 hours you will also receive FREE a) a FREE collar and lead b) a FREE tick treatment c) a FREE rawhide bone d) a FREE tail on your doggy e) a FREE wag of that tail!! Disclaimer: FREE tail wags cannot be guaranteed and may depend on whether or not you are holding the free rawhide. All FREE items - especially tail waggles on doggy to approved homes only. So visit now and impulse Foster today!'
Oh I hope your little girl is ok and feeling better PW. They are monkeys at times though we wouldnt be without them :) Great news, everything has come back as clear, nothing to worry about at all Bella is much better and almost back to her old self. The wounds are all clean, dry and normal colour, no swelling etc. I am thrilled, so happy for Bella, I have told her she had better stay around as I need my nanna dog. Thanks so much guys for your wishes and support
Dear little bug, it is terrible for us when they are out of sorts Jules. My kelpie Bella just had surgery and had 1/4 of her body shaved off. You know your little girl, though out of my four dogs Bella is the most pedantic about any change. She hates anything out of the ordinary. It takes her days to adjust to anything going on with her body. She gives me the evil eye for days even after her bath :laugh: My Dad is terminally ill and very sick. Mum and Dad's dog Annie has not left ever Dad's side, sleeps in their bed etc etc though recently she won't come into the house Do you think that Renae is perhaps feeling odd with her tum shaved? or maybe it is a combo of the vet trip, shaving, meds and the heat? If you’re worried give you vet a call, even if it is for your own peace of mind.xx
I know! I am such a worry wart, I try not to be though I am hopeless. I hope Bella keeps on her side of the bed tonight! Bet she doesn't though :laugh:
Thank you Alyosha, me too! You know how much Bella means to me :) Bella finally got out of bed late this afternoon to check on the ducks and chooks so she is feeling much better.
Bella and I send big hugs for you as well Kadbury. Naughty little bug is not feeling very well and has slept in my bed most of the day today. I know if she was up to it she would hop out of bed and get up to no good somewhere. At least to watch the chooks and ducks.... Dear soul, I will keep a close eye out. Needlees to say my entire day has revolved around my little heart beat and even though she is an old duck I think somehow Bella Donna will be ok.
Nic I don't think any of us is realistic and logical about our lovely dogs - know I'm not. But very good to hear she's home safe with you. That means such a lot. :D Oh I agree and I love my babies so much (even they are bandits at times!)
Me two. Bella slept ok. She cried last night and was wrestless in her sleep all night. I had to keep tapping Bella on the shoulder in the middle of the night as she was very 'expresive' during sleep. Little bug has had BBQ chook for breaky (in bed) yogurt for a snack, puppy milk and honey and we are working on dinner now. I have got some photos though am not able to post them as I don't know how. If anyone is up for it I can send them through. Thank you for your great support, I love my Bella and I am so happy she is home.
Thank you Pers, I don't think I can ever put into words how much this little girl means to me. 'Aunty Kirsten' (Bella's vet nurse) is amazing, she too adores our Bella Donna. Bella has the phone put up to her ear at the vets so that she can hear my voice and she loves it. She is such an amazing, strong, healthy little girl. I am very lucky as she looks and behaves like a two year old. Fingers crossed the results are good and we have many more years ahead of us. I think we will both sleep very well tonight xxx