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Everything posted by Nic.B

  1. Oh dear, hope you are feeling much better soon BC No need to feel sorry, you should see my balls ups on DOL :laugh:
  2. I have to agree. Fern is often crated if I am out. If I open the front door and hear "bang, bang, bang". It is difficult though I do not say a word. I go to the loo, turn lights on and even start the fire, put groceries away etc. Fern is not able to leave the crate until she settles. Even then Pern is sent outside (away from me) to wee etc. She does not come inside until she settles down. Having said that if you look at OT I am a terrible dog owner :laugh:
  3. All good Jelly :) As I said the most important recomendation (all have offered) is finding a really fantastic reputable group who will match you and Roo really well. Quarentine is also very important and of course an open line of communication and support if/when you need it. Greyhounds are "generally" a very laid back biddable breed to foster. If you are up front and honest (IMO you will be) re what you can offer personally and share/express Roo's needs you will be fine with a very reputable group :) Meeting hounds and foster carers is great, you are taking the time to consider regadless of breed and I think that is great :)
  4. I thought so too :) I was not sure of the Nic.B and "he" :laugh: All good. There is lots of great advice for Jelly in this thread. Meeting other Hounds and foster carers is great advice Alyosha :) I am sure Jelly and Roo will enjoy the interaction and experiences.
  5. Which other thread BC Crazy, I dont have a thread about a dog (that I know of lol) Or maybe I am reading it wrongly :laugh: I am good at that! Alyosha has a great point in perhaps meeting other hounds with Roo Hound foster carers would also be great to speak with :) The great thing Jelly is you are taking the time to research, get ideas and advice. Take your time (which is the impression I have from your posts) As I said, you will be a great assest for a fantastic rescue :) Your commitment and passion toward your little Roo is truly wonderful!
  6. As Stans Mum and Rebanne have said a reputable, experienced organisation who offer fantastic support is crucial. Temperament/behavioural assessments so that you and Roo are matched really well with your foster and quarantine prior to your fosters arrival into your home is also very important. Grey's are such lovely dogs, I have fostered a few and met countless Grey's locally impounded. I loved fostering Greyhounds :) You will be a great asset to the group you choose to foster for Jelly :) I am sure some really experienced Hound Rescuers will come along to offer advice. Hardy's Angel and Alyosha would be great to speak with :) ETA
  7. Just wanted to say what a fabulous initutive Erny Wishing you great success, the residents will be thrilled with such an opportunity. I know I would not ever be able to live without a special relationship with dogs, regardless of my age or circumstance.
  8. I didn't comment on the rescue/rehome side as I have been there (still am on a small scale, though it is via very specific contacts rather than being "completely" out there) hope that makes sense Rescue (each dog in your care) is individual. I always celebrated each rescue as an individual. Matching dogs and new owners is a priority to reduce any risk factors for both the dog AND the family considering adoption. Follow up support (open door policy)is also very important IMO. My rescues have all been assesed in my home for at least 4 weeks (thats what I feel comfy with prior to listing for adoption). The list to take into consideration for ethical rescuers is endless IME though crucial. Breed/breed mix and the traits of those breeds (or combo), age, training, health and excercise needs etc. What the dog responds to and is motivated by, training they have/need etc is also important (for me). Having said that, I have had consistant breeds (sadly not Pug's ) similar age, type etc though it is through assesment that I understand them, more importantly which type of home/owner would suit the dog. They are all very individual. I am probably not doing a good job communicating as I am a "hands on" girl so will give two examples of same breed, age, gender etc. Both working breeds and same type. Both dogs showed the most fantastic drive (ball) but that was the only thing they had in common :laugh: Both would sit, drop, for the ball if asked.Though; Dog 1. Showed fantastic control with the ball as his reward. He was very sensible and reasonable. He did well in a kennel environment (pound) when I met him. Dog 2. Was greatly ball driven (same as dog 1) though had no experience under his belt essentially. This dog did not do well in a kennel environment. Assesment, disclosure and matching well with families is key IME. ETA Sorry dog 1 went to EDU, dog 2 went to a family on an extensive well fenced property. Both are going great guns :)
  9. I have been through this with Fern and understand how difficult it can be. I used the roller and vet wrapped Fern's tail consistantly. My vet mentioned that if it continued docking (not a full dock) would also be an option. Perservered as I love Ferns expresive tail :) She was very young at this stage and I hoped that her tail tip would "toughen up" over time. Thank goodness it did :) We still have a very occasional split, though nothing like we experienced previously. It heals very quickly. Keeping Fern calm and relaxed indoors was important (and a commitment) along with training. Thank god for drop!~ The kids still say at times "mmuuuummmm Fern smacked me" :laugh: Good luck TCM and Gus :)
  10. I love Pugs I had the pleasure of meeting a few at HP over the years, they were fantastic little dogs! One who stands out was "Zenny" Gosh he was a character :laugh: . Zenny was mortified with the kennel environment though managed very well. Zenny used to come with me at luchtime, he was such an animated, bidable little bloke. Zenny went to the most fabulous home. The couple who adopted him came in daily to visit and play with Zenny. On the day they picked him up they showed me all of the things they had been buying for him :laugh: the car was overflowing! I saw Zenny again at HP's reunion day and he was simply in heaven. Clearly a very treasured little man :)
  11. I looked at your first pic and thought ohhh I would say thats a Mastiff mix, then I read your post :laugh: I have to say HP are pretty good at breed ID's. At times there will be three or four staff all looking at a dog to ID breed mix.
  12. I have been reading this thread for a day or so. Is anyone able to confirm what the charges are (against the owner/manager) or the shelter please?
  13. It's disgusting SAS, I am glad your Lawyer is taking it on. Anyway, what is wrong with the odd stray hair :laugh: I have one one my eyebrow that appears to have a mind of it's own. Got to keep a close eye on him
  14. SAS that is discusting. They are out of control and treat anyone in rescue who does not do exactly what they want the same way. I was actually blessed with a facebook page of my own :D Quote from the article; 'I was raised by my mother and she always instilled in me that if you want a good life, it's important to have a good work ethic." Perhaps we should all also send the abuse from MN to her employer. She is a Lawyer as well apparently :laugh:
  15. I hope you are 100% honest with any rescue who trys to assist your dog (past history and past health issues included).
  16. I think this is going to make rehoming particularly challenging. 7 is old for a Boxer. An old Boxer with ongoing health issues has its best chance with breed rescue but even they can't produce miracles often. Exactly
  17. Sorry, I have not read through more than two or three posts though I have to ask why "Tikira" thinks it is ok that any child IS GIVEN (under adult supervision) ANY oppotunity to interact with a dog so poorly? ETA Sorry not the Op.
  18. I agree, I'm all for trying out cardboard boxes. What a great idea! Bunnings have great boxes! I am always eyeing them off lol.
  19. Of course I don't support dog fighting!! You accuse Lilli of idiotic statements and come out with that clanger!! I also haven't said that this isn't a possiblity. But why, if dogs are being stolen, aren't they (according to this week's Gazette) being reported missing?? And if its already "under control" why are people being scared shitless about the safety of their dogs? Call the cops. Missing dogs? Are you serious? Council are not even able to enforce chipping! How are they identified? Do you honestly believe the Police have time to run the streets for a missing dog? or even a number of missing dogs?
  20. Yes, Though HW will not speak with them it appears. Happy to offer the number if that is any barrier. Given that I don't live in NSW, nor in the Hawkesbury LAC, I'll not waste valuable police time simply because someone on a dog forum thinks I should. I'll believe that they've got the answer when they make an arrest. Until then, I'll keep an open mind. I think it is already under control.
  21. HW, Oh you are good! You stated nothing in terms of SUPPORTING dog fighting, though you DID dismiss the OP and media statement in regard to dog fighting in my local area. You watered it down, gave it another spin, offered other options (pissed off neighbours etc) and now that has been proven wrong (dogs ARE being stolen to use to be used as bait or to fight) this is the best you can offer?
  22. Yes, Though HW will not speak with them it appears. Happy to offer the number if that is any barrier.
  23. Well, if you think that dog fighting is the only possible answer to the issue of missng dogs, read this I will not read anything at all. I am busy and beside that (and to be honest) I do not want to know. I trust the Police and I know some officers well. As I said call Hawkesbury Police if you have any doubts. They will make it clear to you. I feel like I am talking to a brick wall.
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