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Everything posted by Pointees

  1. OMG. That has to be the cutest thing ever!!
  2. As gorgeous as that really does sound. If just sit on the grass in an open area, with REALLY short grass, April will still manage to crash into me. Becandcharch, Shaun is soooo cute. His underbelly gets all dirty too, cause of how low to the ground he is. Hehe. Edited for bad spelling.
  3. For sure - more fun then I imagined they would!
  4. I like the one of April sitting down, as she doesn't stop all that often.
  5. This morning I took 2 out of 3 dogs to an offlead area in Sunbury - no other dogs were there as it was about 8.30am. Its a beautifulb, big, open field, with some trees bunched together in two different spots, and a creek. My little man, Shaun, followed the path with me mostly, and is now compeletly worn out. While April, bounced everywhere. She is happily wrestle Alexis as I write this though. Here come some photos.
  6. This list just keeps getting bigger!
  7. April 15th. 5 days after the April kepala - great way to spend ones 20th I do think!
  8. The oval around the corner from my house is completely fenced off with swinging gates. There are also a number of off lead dog places in Sunbury - although aren't fenced off. April, Shaun and I went for a walk today - open field, grass, trees, a creek, they absolutely loved it. And I had the joy of taking photos of them. Will upload later, need to clean some rabbit hutches.... ETD; Thanks for the comments guys!
  9. List of Dogs coming pip1981- Dakota & Tika spitzbaby - Kairu Misha&Milo - Misha, Milo and Flash MavericksMission ~ Maverick & Hectorrr Kirst and John - Luna (lunaburger) Evolving - Bobby, Echo and Alera Lucycharzie - Charlotte Pointees - April, Alexis and Shaun. Pointees father - Jack and 'other' SmoothieGirl - Bronte Keroppiyo - Buffy Lindainfa - Arnie and Lola Lindainfa's sister - Soko KJ -Henrietta and Teddy Canine Friend - Dexter TooFarNorth - Billy Groupfive - Flash Stacey and Pete- Belvedere and 'Staffy' deadsheep & friend - Mort, Mrs T, Hannibal (maybe Hunter and Arnie) List of food pip1981- marinated chicken, noodle salad, soft drink spitzbaby - not sure yet, maybe juice and snacks... will update Misha&Milo - snags, rissoles, chips, bbq shapes, ( Hey Spitzbaby we want those awesome brownies again ) MavericksMission ~ Potato Salad and Something Else Kirst - Drinks and chippies think but ill update laters smile.gif Evolving - salad. Lucycharzie - salad. Pointees - fairy bread and pigs ears Pointees father - not sure SmoothieGirl - Still thinking about it Keroppiyo - curry puffs Lindainfa - Turkish bread and dips and something else Lindainfa sister - Betty Crocker Chocolate cake KJ-not sure Canine Friend - sausages TooFarNorth - bread rolls and vegie skewers Groupfive - Chips and coke deadsheep - hamburger patties or sandwich steaks Just updating. I forgot to put Shaun on the list. And my father is bringing two dogs, not one!
  10. Looks like you all had fun! :p What a great place to go! Your dogs are just gorgeous!
  11. Last one. This was taken in the afternoon of Miss Alexis. I think she looks very elegant and pretty, on top of that, we started learning stays, drops and heeling two days ago. So this is a lovely sit stay, I was about 3 metres away. Very proud mummy here.
  12. April, then Dexter, and then Alexis with the weird smile on her face.
  13. CanineFriend and I had a playdate with our dogs this morning. We are part of the regular Kepala crew, so as soon as the doggies saw each other, it was full on! It was absolutely lovely weather for it - I'm not sure about CF, but I got sunburnt. :p Here come the photos.
  14. Hehe, that would be awesome. I am looking at making a photo album for each girl. And one for the bunnies. :p Its going to be a longgggg process, so help is more then welcome! I got this lovely photo of Miss Alexis today in Sunbury. Sit stay position, yes, she is learning!
  15. Hey kirst_goldens, Baby Pointee pics!! Under 20 weeks old... I think she was actually about 15-16 weeks old in the photos...
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