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Everything posted by Meea

  1. yes they can scratch but a wax and polish disapears them completely
  2. Feel free not to watch if you are not interested?! Simple really. And no I dont work for the national broadcaster and have no input into ABC programming. The end
  3. I am interested to watch the show. Perhaps others are as well?
  4. This is still workable with cattle I know. If they are down they are not likely to get up so it us worth a try. 50/50 sucess rate when I was growing up but probably conditional on timing. When they are found already foundered it is difficult to judge how long they hv been down. That Must impact survival too?
  5. How is it going this morning?
  6. Good to hear he is sleeping. If he had an uncomfortable tummy he would be restless. I have had a 'bloat prone breed' for 30 yesrs abd never had a case. The rule have changed back and forth over that time too. I stick to the horsey colic prevention ones. No food before or after running. Space drinking as well. Food they need to chew over gulping. I used to raise food then that rule changed!!! These days they eat lying down (relaxed) and several dogs along -all good
  7. Is he uncomfortable now?? Any tension around his tumny?? If he is calm and resting you should be ok. Any pacing whining grizzling??
  8. Breathe!! Dogs vomit a lot!!
  9. I have just bought a Hiace too and am pondering same. I am considering a false floor to take my show/camping gear which will let the young fella gaze out the window. The oldies couldnt care less. Maybe a dickie seat as well. Several cheap on ebay.
  10. Tks Guys Seemed too good to be true! Meea
  11. Can anyone give me a 10c tour on gaining pts in NZ. I have been reading up and it seems 8 pts are needed - how are those gained etc. Meea
  12. I have always known them as traffic leads.
  13. Happy chatting!!! Deerhounds do it a lot. Always been positive.
  14. Remember this guy didnt just lie about his own dogs - he faked other people dogs by saying he breed to them when he did not. Pure bred dog forum. If this is not important, why are we here and doing what we do??
  15. He is desexed he is not dead!! Perfectly normal and he is not the slightest bit embarrassed:)
  16. I see the problem really being the length if time it has taken DogsVic to get to this point. 5,6,7 years since this came to their attention?? That is a lot of pups to unsuspecting buyers. Some sort of wide ranging information earlier on to help buyers might have lessened the pain. Mind you - it is likely the more niave puppy buyer who gets caught in this sort of thing. Cue reg breeder negative press again. If we cant help ourselves.
  17. Quite possibly. I have been thinking on it and it would have come up where someone has DNA tested a rescue and the result proudly lists wolfie. Cue rolley eyed man and polite snorting. M
  18. Damn kebab skewers. The only blessing here is that she didnt eat it! Poor pup.
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