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    Amstaffs, Amstaffs and ummmmmmmmmmm Amstaffs :-)
  1. Hi guys Does anyone know the name of the website where u can do/print your show entries ? NOT "OZ Entries"..........the one where u can enter all your details and print the forms out. I have Entry Form Australia.......but with Windows 7 it wont let you preview or print them !! Cheers :)
  2. Hi guys :) I have a dog who has been diagnosed with Struvite. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what to feed him AFTER the crystals have dissolved as i an not keen on putting him on the food the vet wants me to (Hills Science Diet CD). I would prefer a natural approach. Cheers :) and thanks in advance.
  3. Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone can recommend a good vet for a Frozen AI, in or around the Gold Coast/Brisbane area's. Also, what was the success rate ? Cheers :D Michelle
  4. To Chrissie, Max, Aaron, Chris and kiddies....my heart goes out to you all *bighug* Was an honor to know such a dog and to have to her take her final sleep in my arms, and to be with her at the end was also an absolute honor....I'll never forget it Run free baby girl............god bless you and i will miss you !!!!!! *bighug* *bighug* Love forever Aunty Michelle Go get em girl !!!!! These were taken just before she got her wings
  5. Hey guys Does anyone know of any chiros in Townsville i can recommend to someone ? Cheers Michelle
  6. WOW Hiex..u need to shop around we pay $95 for the 22.5 kg bag........try Fervale Produce 5426 7300...they even deliver it or they can get it closer to you, which is what we do.....They ship it to a depot closer to us, then we go pick it ip from there. Michelle
  7. YEP...........my Huddy won't leave them alone. He hates to old hose down the gob thing........But still insists on hunting them. They don't jump very high............so they reckon something like shade cloth around the bottom of the fence line works well. We are gunna try it and see how we go. Michelle
  8. Put some Dettol in a spray bottle...............and spray the little suckers,(i do have other methods......but you asked for humane lol). Ours dogs come in at 6pm too...........my boy Huddy just won't leave them alone. He managed to find one smack bang in the middle of winter too. Michelle
  9. If it's summer in the yard with the hose. In winter in the bath. Gonna try the shower next time ;) Michelle
  10. Thanks for that everyone............Will definatley give it go go. And thanks for the Birthday wishes :rolleyes: Michelle
  11. Dru.......... firstly thanks for the birthday wishes. :rolleyes: I will give it a go...........i will try "anything" to fix her. It was devastating to hear this, it has to be up there with one of the worst days of my life. Michelle
  12. Thanks Tim'sMum, It was recommended to me by my dogs chiropractor..although he spelt it Cartrofen.........and that's how i spelt it when doing a search on the net ....lol Anyway sounds like you had success with it, i will ring the vet tomorrow and talk to him about it.....i just wanted to know if people here had used it and what they thought. With my dog being so young i just hope there is no side effects, if she needs it once a year for the rest of her life. As i was told after the initial course of 4 injections you get a booster once ayear. Thanks for your input Michelle
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