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Everything posted by STICK

  1. Just like to let you know that the Tea seems to be working , He is starting to look a bit better today. I have sprayed him 5-6 times and will keep it up for a few days , Will keep you posted.
  2. P.S He likes drinking it more than being sprayed.
  3. Thanks Erny......Biff is now soaked in Tea , Will see how he goes , I will do again in a few hours.....cheers
  4. Ok ...I have hunted down some Calendula tea , have made it up , Just waiting to cool. I will let you know how it goes , Still trying to figure out what has caused it. The only things I can think of is he had some lamb off-cuts and I have put a canvas cover on his bed, or Mozzy bites[have coils going every night].
  5. Thank's for that info.....I cannot seem to trace the problem , Same thing happened a few months ago. I took him to the vet , He was given a injection and precribed Macrolone tablets. It cleared up in a week or so , but has happened again. Mozzy's maybe?
  6. Hi , My dog seems to have Hives....what would be the best treatment?
  7. I went to the local club to have a look at some Schutzhund dogs,they are amazing.So well trained,i was very impressed.
  8. Try a check and a harness,use a 2 clip lead,have 1 clipped to check chain and other on harness.Then you can keep a bit of pressure on the harness and have a bit of slack on the check.If that makes sense.
  9. Yes...Could do protection work,but wanted to really stay away from that....I had a Tosa-inu,We did some security/protection work,but his personality started to change so stopped.He was obedience trained and was exceptional.
  10. Damm....Thats a shame,I was really keen to do this with him.....There is IRONDOG but only in Victora
  11. AB = AMERICAN BULLDOG Feel they are not suitable,not trainable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFAbRyccjXo
  12. Hmmm.....Just got off the phone,was told that AB's are not suitible for Schutzhund....?
  13. Yep, i think its called Gold Coast sports dog club or something similar, some members were at the trials on the weekend with the uniforms on. Excellent,thanks for that....Will contact them tomorrow.
  14. Hi..Just was wondering if there a club in Qld [gold coast,Brisbane]?
  15. Just want 2 know,are vets the only people able 2 Vaccanate/micro-chip dogs?
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