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Everything posted by steve11
Yes ive seen the "american bullies" become more & more popular, they definitely have a great deal of neopolitan mastiff in them too. As far as i know they are another unregistered designer dog breed & destined to go down the same track as the original English Bulldog ie. exagerated body & heads that require ceasarian birth. Then there is the "American Bulldog" a breed that is recognised by the ADBA & i think the UKC will follow suit, these are at least a somewhat credible breed that breeds to "type" & has some history, unlike the "american bullies" which are purely a designer dog with no credibility whatsoever. By the way, although not commen like the AST or SBT Pitbulls do come in blue & there have been some great blue dogs in thier long history, in fact any colour is acceptable in the standard even black & tan! (a definite recipe for disaster).
It's in the 'News' section, not in general dog discussion. Not everything on this forum is related to dogs. Fair enough but read what it says under the "in the news" forum heading. Its no skin off my nose either way, i honestly couldn't care less what people post up, but why not have an "off topic" section for people that just want to chat about general stuff thats not dog/animal related. Just an observation of the contradiction of what the "in the news" forum states it is about.
Sad but how is this a canine related item?
He punched a poor defenceless animal??? what a hero!!!
Personally i would be surprised if the dogs concerned are true Pitbulls, more likely just some crossbreed. Plus most police wouldn't know a true Pitbull from a daschund. I honestly believe the term Pitbull is used in many cases to justify acts of cruelty or simply for publicity purposes. The worst thing that the Pitbull afficianados ever did was to use the word "Pitbull" in the naming of their breed, had they just been named "American bull terrier"or something similar they would never have had the problems they do now or have attracted lowlife owners who just want such a dog because it sounds tuff, (just look at the american staffordhire terrier for example). Also you can't blame a dog for trying to protect it's owner or property, a dog doesn't know it's owner is a drug dealer & a dog doesn't know a police officer from any other intruder. If the drug dealer was an invalid & the police were thieves people would be praising the very same dog concerned, so how do logically expect a dog to differenciate from one scenario to the other.
Just when you think the scum of the human race have stooped as low as they can go, some gutless little flea does something like this. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Kurri pound has a very long very tainted history, including reports of a previous pound worker involved in dogfighting supposedly stealing staffords & the like to use in local dogfights. I wont say any more but this issue and others are well known to those in the loop.
Rot in hell scum. Hope you get a big big cellmate who thinks your a pretty boy.
Congrats to all involved, great news.
I have read all the posts & the edit feature is there for a reason. Its not about you! Not sure what your self absorbed problem is either.
Excuse me but dont tell me what to do! If you have something to say to me PM me dont publish it on here. MOVE ON.
I was refering to the post you were quoting. I got your point. Ive been breeding & exhibiting dogs long enough to have seen the finger pointed at various breeds over the past 30 years & still dog owners dont get it. I just dont see the point in giving airtime to these rubbish reports & dont understand why misinformed supposed dog enthusiasts see the need to point the finger at other breeds, it serves nobody!!!
Remarkable. All pure-breds apparently! Why do supposed dog lovers keep dragging up these sensationalised reports. If you want to bag dog breeds find another site, this site is supposed to be for dog enthusiasts not for those who believe everything they read & cant think for themselves. The problem is with irresponsible owners not the dogs whatever breed they may be. Continually reprinting this journalistic crap serves nobody. Stop arguing about what breed did what, the problem of irresponsible owners affects everybody & as soon as your breed becomes popular it will be the next supposed bad breed. Wake up & move on people...
Its quite simple. Whatever dogs are the most popular at the time will always appear highest on these lists. It matters none what breed it is as its always the fault of the owner not the dog. These type of reports are not worth the paper they are written on. If you want to read something written on the subject by an expert & not some fool journo, try this link for valuable, honest & interesting reporting.... http://www.dogstardaily.com/training/breedism
Dog Dna Proves Gold Coast Council Made Wrong Breed Id
steve11 replied to Mrs Rusty Bucket's topic in In The News
There is no way to be certain by features alone as both breeds were once the same breed. However, generally speaking a good Amstaff has a wider head & chest than that of the Pitbull which has a more brick like head & a narrower chest. The reason for these differences is in the way the standard is interprited for the Amstaff & the fact that the Amstaff was bred solely for looks whereas the Pitbull was bred for ability. -
I agree totally.
Dog Dna Proves Gold Coast Council Made Wrong Breed Id
steve11 replied to Mrs Rusty Bucket's topic in In The News
Um, sorry to tell you this but what the hell do you think an Amstaff is? Its the show version of a Pitbull. Don't get me wrong , i love Amstaffs & think BSL is disgusting, not to mention identifying breeds by look alone but an Amstaff x boxer is likely to resemble a Pitty somewhat. The simple answer is to buy a purebred dog with papers from a registered breeder and stay away from petshops & byb's selling x breeds for pure profit. -
Absolute scum, i hope the culprit rots in hell. It is a proven fact that humans that are harmful towards animals eventually graduate to being harmful towards humans, yet the authorities do nothing to stop this type of human garbage from continuing to flourish.
Tradesmen Can Now Use Their Dogs To Put The Bite On The Taxman
steve11 replied to kenDOL's topic in In The News
Of course they do, but that doesn't make it right or safe. -
bump for those who missed it or just didn't "get it"
I find Iranian clerics tend to be disgustingly unclean & therefore not suitable as humans. lol.
Tradesmen Can Now Use Their Dogs To Put The Bite On The Taxman
steve11 replied to kenDOL's topic in In The News
Just great, does this mean there will be even more pathetic losers driving around like idiots in their utes with the poor dogs just struggling to hold on. We don't need to be ecouraging these ----wits. -
The report was wrong in that it described these gutless wimps as "men", they are nothing more than pathetic little boys at best, definitely NOT men. Heres hoping someone sticks a stake through their necks, that would be nice.
This article is way too important to be hidden away. All dog fanciers should read this & learn... http://www.dogstardaily.com/training/breedism
Quite simply the most intelligent and factual info on this forum, read & learn people!!! This should be compulsory reading to anyone involved with enforcing or creating or reporting dog laws.