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Everything posted by MannysMum

  1. Hey everyone thanks for your replies & assistance. I have spoken to Julie from Barkers in Balance (a dog behaviour expert in my area) and we are having a home visit on Thursday. She thinks that he has significant separation anxiety issues & issues with knowing his "place" in the pack but is confident that we can get him sorted out. The good thing is that he is still so young & we can get a hold on this behaviour before it gets out of control. We do love our baby boy & he spends most of his time inside with us (23 hours a day approx) so we just want him to feel happy & content. We would just prefer if he didn't pee on the lounge chairs (lol). I'll keep you posted on how I get on
  2. Hi there everyone. I am in desperate need of assistance with my 9 month old Cav X Mini Poodle. He has the following issues that are getting worse, and I'm not sure what I should do. 1) Peeing on the floor, peeing on the lounge, peeing on stuff - basically peeing everywhere. I have booked him in for desexing next week, but this has been happening since day one. It is certainly getting worse now as I think he is marking his territory?? Will this stop when he gets desexed?? 2) Crapping on the carpet on occasion. 3) Scratching at the door to get in. He wants to be inside 24/7 and if I put him outside at all he starts trying to chew the glass, jumping up & scratching the glass door etc. He has already torn the entire screen off the security door (which is why we resorted to closing the glass door). On occasion he will dig out under a fence, come around the front & bang on the front door to get in. 4) Digging holes in random places in the yard. 5) Eating cat crap (how gross is that!) & chewing up pegs. 6) Following me around everywhere from room to room. If I leave the room he will follow me everywhere & gets distressed if he can't get to me. 7) Jumping up incessantly - even if I've just been in another room, it's like he hasn't seen me for a whole week. The biggest issues are the peeing & the door scratching. I took him to puppy preschool & have tried to implement basic obedience, but these behaviours are starting to get me down. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help??
  3. Hi there guys & thanks for all the advice - yes my probs were very similar to yours mynewbestfriend. I have started him on Pro-Plan puppy & his poos are much better. He wasn't fussed about the food for a day or so, but I just persevered & now he trots over & eats it happily. I also gave him a lamb brisket bone to chew on today - are they ok for pups?
  4. Wow - French Bulldog, so it must have cost you a fair bit with travel as well & now a huge vet bill - just what you didn't need. Prayers for your little pup that she is a fighter & pulls through. I had a dog with parvo once - it's a horrible scary thing isn't it? Big hugs for you too as you must be so worried about her. ;)
  5. Thanks for the advice. I have already taken him to the vet for his shots & they wormed him then. They said that he was very underweight (2 kilos) and that he most likely had a belly full of worms as his belly was really distended. He was also very lethargic when we got him, but since worming he has picked up heaps & is a very bouncy happy boy now. I just want to start him off on the right food but don't want to chop & change too much & upset his little tummy.
  6. I have a new cavoodle pup (8 weeks) and his poos are sooo disgustingly runny! He is on Supercoat Puppy - which is what I was told he was on before we got him. I have also been giving him some of the tinned puppy food (Nature's Gift & Pedigree Puppy) which seem to be making the situation even worse. He was going really well with house training but now he's crapping all over the place. I am happy to put him on a premium dog food, but there are so many different choices that I'm not sure which is the best??? Any advice would be great.
  7. MannysMum


    So sorry Pandii for your loss. He will always be your special baby boy. Run free precious one
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