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Everything posted by chuckie500

  1. RE: OCD, that's funny coz I think I'm border line myself. Can u offer me any advice. Maybe she is just like her dad! Hey I found the Sea Mineral Dermal Ointment, I had to try three different stores. I will massage it in tonight before bed.
  2. Good point erny. I need her to practice her discipline too.
  3. A month!. Well that is the rate of healing o'm having i think. she licked till it was almost raw, so now after about 2weeks it much better, but i can see that it has a little more time to go. The Elizabethan collar will just meld into her coat soon. i feel sorry for her. She even runs with it jiggling around her head.
  4. Is the Sea Minerals Dermal Ointment a spray or paste? Can u get it at the pet supply store or only at the vet? Thanks
  5. Thanks for your advice. It definitely better, but the healing paw is harder than the rest of the paw. its not red and angry looking as it did at first but a bit grey and dry and crusty. Waiting for it to go the black colour. I'm sometime have put fuzzy organic paw balm on it to.
  6. barf patties, and eaglepack mostly. I keep the completely off corn or wheat and pork. she is 7. she is about the right weight. I was just watching Dr Harry and they has pug with a compulsive licking behaviour and he just said to distract the dog, but this might take up to 6 months to change the behaviour.
  7. She more itchy in the past 6 months than normal. I give her fish oils. she is a very licky dog generally, always has been. she does it if am home or not. she is a very determined girl. she has had dan druff for the first time this winter but the vets don't seem too worried about that.
  8. I have a little one who has this habit of biting the paw side of paw. I think it started as a habit and now its a vicious circle where she chews it coz its sore and the chewing makes it sore, etc. I have been to the vet and she has a corticosteroid spray for it and i have been washing with malaseb too. Its much better bit it still not 100% yet. She has been wearing an Elizabethan collar for about two weeks now. Do paws usually take a longtime to heal? Thanks
  9. I have tried the lamb and rice one. Mine love it too. They seem harder biscuits and this encourages them to chew more. I think the stool volume is greater though. This forms only a portion of their diet. I even use it as a treat.
  10. If he was fine otherwise, bright, bouncy and no signs of dyhdration, i'd fast off food for 24 hours. then plain chicken and rice.
  11. Thanks. Yes I think it seems ok, but i just wanted to see what others thought. The think that puts me off a bit is the Beet pulp as the fourth or fifth ingredient, but as i said its not the mainstay of their diet.
  12. I picked up a sample bag a few weeks ago and my little ones like it. They like the big chunks to chew I think and I guess that's good for their teeth. I was think of using it just a bit (I usually use Eaglepack and Dr Bs BARF patties) as a treat snack more than anything. Any opinions of Nutro Natural Choice pls. Thanks ;)
  13. I bought an Elizabethan collar yesterday and to my surprise she tolerates it quite well. I thought she would go mental. I'm not brave enough to leave the collar on her whilst i am at work, but it seems to help in the other times. The tea I have to buy today coz I ran out of time yesterday.
  14. Thanks for all the replies. The Health food shop was out of Calendula Tea! Just my luck, will try somewhere else tomorrow. I have used a Rufus and Coco shampoo with selenium sulphide in it (the stuff in human shampoo for dandruff) and it seemed to help. I also used Malaseb last weekend as I thought about a fungi infection, but it & did not do much to help. I left it on the full ten minutes by the clock. She also on omega 3 & 6 supplements. They are (i think) on good quality food (Eaaglepack & Barf patties). Instead of getting annoyed with her ( which probably makes her anxious), I will try positive reinforcement and maybe longer walks to keep her busy). Thanks for all your suggestions again.
  15. Thanks I get to the shops today. I'll give anything a try.
  16. I found this article: http://ezinearticles.com/?Dog-Lick-Granuloma&id=2597298
  17. So its just a strong brew of the Calendula Tea? Hmm. Will it work coz it helps soothe or tastes awful? I'll try.
  18. I think she can do it anytime. I have had the two dogs for about 5 years now and this is only a very recent development. If I see her do it I tell her to stop and if i get annoyed enough I get some of the bitter spray. I think its vicious cycle. she licks it till its sore and then licks t because it is sore. I think during the day when the two dogs are alone they just sleep.
  19. Well before this started she was licking her genital area. She still does that a bit. I went to the vet three times (different vets too) and in the end they all agreed it was just habit. No other symptoms. I was concerned it was an urinary tract infection. After that I just assumed this is also a habit and haven't asked a vet about the paw licking. I have asked the vet about the dandruff but they didn't seemed that concerned.
  20. well its a bit of a chew and a lick. The paw doesn't seemed to be injured in anyway prior. She has been doing this for about a couple of months now on and off. She also has a bit of light dandruff but i don't think its connected.
  21. I have a little shih tzu who is a very licky little girl. She is very determined. She licks her front paw pads just on one section till it looks like it is through the black part. I have tried a bitter spray, but she is getting used to that now. At first it would put her off for a while, but i think she has learned lust lick it off and then keep going. Anybody with any ideas? thanks
  22. I have used the fish one for a number of years and find it good. But recently they ran out, so i tried the small breed formula (it have more fat and protein I think) and they like that too. Maybe I will stick to the small breed formula as mine are a small breed (9kg each).
  23. Am I giving this too much thought?? When I decide to give my dogs some meat, eg, beef or lamb, I usually trim off the fat. Is that bad to do or good? I give them some tinned salmon and off course that is low in fat. (Mine aren't overweight. I usually feed Eaglepack and Barf patties for about 80% of their diet.) Thanks
  24. I posted about this too a week or two ago. Here's what I suggest & tried: 1. I use Megaderm (a omega 3 & 6 suppliment). I think it helps a bit and can't hurt. 2. I shampooed in Epithsoothe and conditoner and that seemed to add some moisture back into her coat and skin. Some success, but not 100%. 3. I think also tried, as someone suggested Rufus and Coco Itch Relief shampoo (http://shop.rufusandcoco.com.au/p-7-itch-relief.aspx) which has selenium sulphide, used in human shampoos for dandruff). This has been quite good for it in my opinion. 4. I have dry skin and my doctor years ago suggested Alpha Keri oil for me. Bath oe shower with it instead of soap. Never used it on a dog before.
  25. They have run out of the fish formula Eaglepack I usually use so I bought a pack of the small breed formula (mine are 8.5kg and probably only just fit into the category). I was wondering if any one else has used this? And also what's the difference in the proportions of things for small breeds' food and also the seniors' foods. I notice there is nothing for a small breed senior. I use dry food for about 40% of their diet, but should i feed less fat as they get older or what? Thanks.
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