we also seem to be going backwards. Our 12 week old pup is also an indoor dog and has a doggie door to go outside to the court yard. She goes in and out the door without any problems. During the day she never goes out on her own to toilet but if we take her and encourage her to go we have some success. First few weeks we had her home we had more success than we are having now. Now we take her out often wait a little while and then go back in when nothing happens. As soon as you both go in she will go on the floor. We take her straight out again and leave her out until we clean up. We have waited for a few minutes to 10-15mins still same problem. It's like she is waiting to go back i before she goes.
When she does go we praise her heaps and give a treat. If she goes she will even now look to you for the treat. When she goes inside she never looks for her treat so I guess she knows it's not right. What are we doing wrong? How long shoudl we wait?