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Everything posted by Tay.

  1. ^^ The judge was in front of her, left of me. But she wasn't looking at/for the judge at all so I don't know. Finally uploaded last weeks video, didn't film this week though- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VycxWCulqo
  2. Yay Smisch, Jock and Den!!! Congrats!! So happy to see Jock back into it! Not really a brag from me tonight. OT (novice) was basically a repeat of last weekend. 34 Heelfree, 30 SFE, 37 Recall, COP 0. Silly girl did COP all week, every single time. Then in the ring, I told her to drop and she stared right at me and just stood there... No one knows what her problem is lol! Nice weather this time though
  3. Well done TerraNik & Jedi!!! :cool: Is there a video?? :D
  4. That's pretty funny but its annoying!!
  5. Bailey has a fruit addiction He loves it all!
  6. Aw poor doggies! Wish I could help.. God, I hate puppy farms!!!!
  7. Nothing too bad from my two. But my cousins dog did jump up on me and chipped my front teeth, trip to the dentist fixed 'em up!
  8. Well done Jess & Darcy!! What a brag!! I have a brag!! First trial of the year for me and Miss Jess, entered in novice. What a good girl (for most of it!) Heel Free- 30, SFE- 30, Recall- 35 and then someone decided that COP didn't matter so 0. But up until then I was very happy with her!! Not quite a pass but some really nice work! ~video coming soon ;)
  9. Very nice photos! What camera do you use?
  10. Thanks all! Might just stick with my white one then
  11. I saw a fluro pink dumbbell at a pet store the other day, and I'm in need of a new dumbbell and I thought a pink dumbbell would be pretty awesome. But I wondered if it would be allowed in trials? *maybe a dumb question *
  12. Go Dova & Pebbles! Great job!!! Is that her title now?
  13. Congrats Zug Zug!!! Just one more leg to go!!! Now off to check out the brags thread....
  14. Going on facebook right now to join the group
  15. Did I read in the journal that there's a obed trial at Gawler on the 20th Feb? Or am I imagining things.... Good luck all
  16. Good luck to all at the NYE trial (s)!!!!
  17. She did very well for most of it!!! Love how you did stuff with the boogieboard
  18. I wanted to go to Gawler but mum wouldn't take me lol
  19. Big congrats to ness & Kenzie!!! I saw the video just before... amazing!!!
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