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Everything posted by Tay.

  1. I'm still trying to decide on what lens I want, and I think actually "test-driving" the lens could help with my decision. Has anyone ever hired/rented a lens before? If so where from? I don't really know what to expect with how much to pay or anything, so if anyone has any experience in renting a lens, tell me your story :p
  2. I have two dogs, one competes in sports (4 years) - the other is more so my mum's dog (5 years) and doesn't compete. By the time Jess is 5, I think maybe sports dog number two could be on it's way. That way by the time future puppy can trial, Jess will be almost 7 years old and hopefully a bit more "mature". I don't think I could handle to train and compete with more than two dogs at the same time. For money/time reasons, also I think it would be hard to maintain a strong bond with a lot of dogs. So I guess that's my limit.
  3. Woohoo, congrats TSD! Way to go ness and dancing Kenz And congrats Caffy and Snaz on you're masters win! We had our agility trial today and Jess got and Q/2nd in excellent jumping and our first ever Q in open agility! However, good ol' one bar Jess, had three runs (2x ADX & JDO) where her only fault was one knocked bar. ONE BAR. Oh well, in no rush to get into masters, that's a scary thought.
  4. Nice run, sheena! sharing smisch's video because I can :p
  5. Watching your video now smisch. :D (btw, you need to change your location/state on here :p)
  6. I shouldn't of looked into this thread, I want a puppy now How exciting! Looking forward to more photos ;) Where is your pup coming from if you don't mind me asking?
  7. I'm really no help. Both my dogs are outside free to roam the backyard while we're out. Simply because there is no reason for them not to be.
  8. What a bunch of gorgeous greyhounds! :D Lovely photos!
  9. Wow! The 24 weave pole challenge dogs are amazing! Sweep and Link looked lovely too! :thumbsup: I'm looking forward to the different surface at ANKC nationals next year, hope it's nice to run on!
  10. Have you tried some action shots yet, sheena? Oh my gosh, so many choices!
  11. Does anyone know anything about the Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 ?
  12. Thanks for the replies all. I suck at making decisions! If you decide to, do you mind sending me a PM?
  13. You sell it well, Shell Another question , With IS or not? Is it worth it?
  14. I was considering the 70-200mm f/2.8 or f/4, you'd say the 2.8 is definitely worth the extra money?
  15. Such lovely smooth runs, AD! Looking forward to more video from sheena :) The venue looks amazing!
  16. Christmas is approaching and I think it's time for a new lens :D, I have a Canon. I'm looking for something to mainly shoot dogs in action, particular agility. Not too sure what my budget is right now, but some "affordable" suggestions would be nice What do you think?
  17. Congrats AD & your dogs! :thumbsup: The Grand Prix sounds like so much fun!
  18. I'm pretty keen to go on the 16th with my Border Collie. Not too sure as we have an agility trial the day before and might not be up for an early start the next day. We'll see If we miss the 16th we'll most likely head down on the 30th.
  19. Lovely! Noticed a few DOLer dogs in there :D I have no useful comments, but I thought they were all gorgeous photos! As I was going through I was like, "Ooooh, love that one. Oh wait, this one is really nice. Oooh, this is my favourite. Ah! I love them all!"
  20. I'll be there! Very excited, it'll be my first nationals ! Can't wait!
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