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  1. Love Charch McSmarch!! We call our cat Nero" Ratty McCatty" all the time! Don't know why...
  2. I named my girl "Nissa", which is Scandinavian for ' A friendly elf , who can only be seen by lovers'. We loved her and she had(and still does) huge ears... so what better?
  3. I was VERY suprised by my girl. She is a quite large Alaskan Malamute and LOVES everyone. The other day, my husbands cousin came to pick up a trailer. He didn't tell us or knock , he just started hooking it up. She went crazy barking and jumping around. Even when I called out that it was fine, she barked non stop at his offsider , who was trying to talk to her!! Maybe she knew something we didn't!!!
  4. i have an 18 week old mal. i dont like canned food so she has puppy kibble and a mix of raw foods ( fresh chicken or beef cubes with veges, large meaty uncooked bones etc). Bushes make a kangaroo steak for dogs that she loves too, has anyone else tried it? also i read that some fish is good for mals is this true? would like to hear what other mal owners feed their dogs. also she already weighs 20kg but is not at all fat. i keep hearing differing info on mals weight so is she large or average? her father was huge but the breeder said that she probably wouldnt get that big. thanks
  5. beccaul

    Funny Mal

    thanks for that! i dont mind her under the bed ( except when i found her large bone under ther too ) . we have started obedience training as she is going to be bigger than my last dogs and i dont want to be taken for a walk!! when shes older i would like to maybe get into sled pulling or some such activity. any info on that would be greatly apprieciated. thanks
  6. beccaul

    Funny Mal

    hi there, i have an 18 week old malamute. did so much research before i got her( Nissa) and the general consensus was that they are fairly active!! she loves a run and waits for my girls to come home, loves playing with the cat. but she is really quiet and will choose to sit on her bed or under mine ( lucky i have a high bed!!). has any else got a quiet Mal? Im really not complaining i just want to make sure this is normal for a Mal. thanks
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