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Everything posted by SmoothieGirl

  1. Congratulations, great news. I love the little one at the end that's upside down, all you can see are perfect pink paws and a white tummy - lol. Are they all wire hairs?
  2. Ok, tell the truth, Toby isn't a puppy he's a Mogwai isn't he? Just remember not to feed him after midnight...or you know what happens... He is just squeezalicious.
  3. Not sure if they are cheaper than Vebo but I bought my latest from Pet Network. www.petnetwork.com.au Incredibly quick delivery!
  4. Just a note on Cetrigen, don't use it on a wound if you think there is a chance it will need stitching at some point. It's a nightmare to pick out the edges of the wound once that stuff is on.
  5. Yay!!!! A puppy!!!! And a tiny tot JRT at that, I love 'em. All fingers, toes and paws crossed over at my house. Will be keeping an eye out for further news.
  6. Well I'm not sure she is hot, but she did it again this morning. I've now reinforced the fencing and picked all those that were in her reach. Little ratbag.
  7. Luckily the tomatoes are behind a higher fence and not growing through it, unlike the cukes. I've got loads on them too, but they are taking forever to ripen. I think one will be ready tomorrow and I am going to eat it, not Bronte. Think you are right Krislin, no airy side effects yet, so should be a-ok.
  8. So I get up about 45 mins later than I normally do on a weekend, which is still quarter to eight, not late. Its one of a few days of holiday and thought I was due some real sleep. Anyway, I get up and wander down the house chatting and playing with the fur kids. We water the vegie patches together, I hang up a tug toy for Bronte as part of a toy rotation, then I walk inside and find this. She's stolen one of my pride and joy, one of my cucumbers! Socks I can deal, the bra she has just walked past with in her mouth is passable. Hang on, must retrieve...all better now. Weird how she brings socks to me, but bras and nickers she tries to keep for herself. But my cucumbers, that's just taking this to a whole new level, now I'm worried she'll steal the whole lot, I'll have to extend the fencing some more. Clearly they taste alright though. Now I'm just waiting for the gastronomic after effects - I may have to pop out later this morning and see if they sell gas masks at the local camping shop. Oh, Bronte....
  9. Bronte slept in her crate with the door shut until she was about 8 months, but the last two months of that she was confined with a couple of health issues so I didn't want her wandering around unchecked in the night. Since then I have left the door to her crate open and now she usually starts the night on my bedroom floor and then when she is ready to go into a deep sleep she goes into her crate by herself.
  10. Those shots are gold Krislin. My god how happy does she look. My fave is the first shot where you can really see her thinking 'wow weeeeeeee this is AWESOME'. Love her whiskers too. What's her name?
  11. Bronte was such a good girl during her confinement after she had leg surgery. It also gave me a chance to get some close ups.
  12. Did someone say 'ball obsessed'? Now those shots demonstrate that perfectly, awesome!
  13. Hey Deelee, Typically it all depends on the individual dog and the amount of time you are prepared to put in to mental and physical exercise. I have a Collie and she is reasonably active, but less so than a Border Collie. I have a largish courtyard and live on the city fringe. She is generally walked twice a day and had big days out on the weekend. I've just started taking her to dog day care one day a week as she recently redesigned some of the courtyard plants and I didn't want to risk her being excessively bored and starting to become a nuisance. She has run of inside and outside, is good at entertaining herself when I'm not home and has a cat for company. She is a little bit quieter now she goes to day care, but I'd say she copes with the small yard just fine. I specifically chose a Collie because I wanted a working dog type, but their breeding is more akin to a pet personality than maintaining their former working dog personality - big generalisation, but I went with the averages and I think I've done ok. Good luck in your search, but remember its a choice for life, so if you do go with a working dog be prepared to keep up all your efforts at training and entertainment.
  14. I love that shot, shame she got her nose out of frame. She certainly did let loose in a couple of those zoomies, she's not really that fast, but she does a good impression of it. I also like that photo of the three of them - tongues lolling. That first shot shot of Diablo is lovely too, he does look glam doesn't he.
  15. Very impressive. I have no constructive criticism because when it comes to art I'm a dud, but I will say that you have the patience of a saint. 9hrs! Lordly, I could smash my PC just thinking about commiting that time.
  16. Five weeks old: 3 months old: 5 months old: 8 month s old:
  17. 10 Facts about Bronte... 1. Bronte LOVES cats. She has grown up with her very own, Little Lara and the two of them are very good pals and playmates. Whenever we are out on walks and she sees one she simply turns to goo. She waggles her whole body, squeees up her face with her ears soft and flat and cries at them. Unfortunately so far she hasn't found neighbourhood one willing to humour her good nature and they just sniff and turn tail. 2. One of Bronte's favourite treats is a carrot. She will steal them from freshly made up horse feed buckets down at the farm and out from under my horse's nose. Mostly she enjoys eating one straight from the fridge while lounging in the sun on the grass in the back yard. 3. Bronte is a talker. I know when I come home from work I will be chattered at for a few minutes while she welcomes me. She has quite a large range of chirrups, yips and tiny oofs. She's always up for a chat; with other dogs, when we go to the vet, when she meets someone new and when she has had enough of her dog obedience class or the trainer is talking too much. 4. She is a regular Miss Congeniality. There is no one; person or dog, that Bronte doesn't like or want to be the best of friends with. Bronte just thinks everyone is a friend - I hope I'm never robbed, she'll probably help the crooks load their truck. 5. Bronte is only 8 months old and has spent two of those months confined with limited exercise. She fractured a growth plate in her hind left leg when she was 5 1/2 months old and it required an operation to put in a pin, two weeks of splinting and then two weeks of no exercise. Then the poor love was desexed and had another two weeks of confinement. Typically health injury challenged, a gap then formed between two of the internal stitches and she needed another operation to put an extra stitch in. Another two weeks of confinement and finally she was able to rejoin the world again. 6. This little Collie is very smart. At Obedience school she moved from puppy obedience level to Class 1 at 5 months, a month ahead when they normally move up. She then had two weeks in Class 1 before being prompted to Class 2. Then she had her run of bad health luck and missed two months of classes. She has now been back to one class of Class 2 and we have been told that she will be in Class 3 very very soon. 7. Bronte is a poor traveller. She doesn't get car sick anymore and doesn't seem to outwardly stress, but she is an excessive drooler. So much so that I worry about dehydration when we go for some of our trips. She always recovers in a jiffy once she's out of the car, but even a 5 minute trip gets very messy. 8. Bronte sometimes shows tell tale signs that my old Dobermans spirit is with her. My Doberman Sasha used to pin me to one spot when she didn't want me to go somewhere or wanted me to play by wrapping her front legs around one of my legs and hanging on to it as I was trying to walk. Bronte has EXACTLY the same manner and timing with this little habit as Sasha did. 9. Bronte and my Blackberry alarm are in cahoots. In the morning when my phone alarm sounds, the very next thing to happen is for this little Collie to pop her two front legs on the bed and push a loving and eager nose into my face. Then start the little, 'get up, get up' squeaks and tweets from her. But with such loving, gentle eyes, how can I resist getting out of bed for our morning walk. 10. Bronte has my heart and my dedication. Collies are often described in temperament and appearance as having a 'sweetness' about them. I never realised how true this was until Bronte came home. She is all that and more. She's a loving little friend who I always want to share things with. While I'm toiling at work, the one thing that always keeps me going is the weekend of doggy plans I have made for us. On Friday nights I used to go out for a few drinks with colleagues and friends, but now all I want to do is rush home to spend time with my girls, Bronte and Lara. I can't wait for our next addition in a couple of years, a male Collie.
  18. Hiya Herding peoples I'm trying to find out more about herding training days. I've sent a message to the Vic Herding Assoc, but no reply yet. From what I have been able to decipher the training seems to be out east of Melb. Does anyone know if there is anything in the west or Geelong way? I'd like to get her involved early as she is really quick to learn and needs quite a bit of variety in her education. We are doing obedience and will start agility as soon as she is old enough, but I'd like to dabble in herding. She is starting to show some aptitude for it at my friends farm, particularly in the last couple of weeks. I do try to explain to her that chickens don't herd, but she has shown a keen interest in the large flock of geese they have. They have goslings at the moment though so I'm keeping her away from them because the poor little tykes legs can't keep up when she pushes the flock up. Thanks
  19. Finally set up a YouTube account and posted these from when Bronte was 10 weeks oldish - so cute. Its so easy to forget how little they were. I think this is the one of her playing with her cat Lara.
  20. Where has the time gone indeed! She does look so adult now, but trust me, there is a heck of a lot of puppy 'tude. Shelle I'm very fond of Aussie's too. But my problem is that I wouldn't be able to pick just one colour.
  21. Oh come on fess up, Alexis isn't a dog, she's a teddy. No really, she is just adorable, you lucky thing.
  22. I think they will too, little besties. I love Annie's photo in your signature too, SOOOOO cheeky.
  23. Nik and I live pretty close to each other and decided it was about time our girls met. They were instant friends and really enjoyed playing together, even if they couldn't decide who was herding who. For those of you that don't know them; Annie is Nik's 5 month old Australian Sheperd and Bronte is my 8 month old Collie Smooth.
  24. These shots are fantastic Luke. I hope one day I'll get some of this brillant whimsical and display quality shots of my girl. Think I'll have employ Dad though, he's the photo hound in the family, not me. That shot of him on the chair at the table, it seriously looks like he's got one eyebrow cocked.
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