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Everything posted by Dova

  1. I'm looking for pet friendly accomodation around Nyora, stayed in the Korrumburra motel last time but it's been sold & no dogs allowed now, any suggestions would be appreciated. I've got 4 dogs so would need to be able to have them inside, to many to leave in the car all night.
  2. Just been looking at hiring a camper trailer,that would be better again, I'm coming over even if I have to sleep under the car, Trudy was great last time . Gotta tell what Bill got me for Xmas a bridge, no not a cutesy garden one a steel one I can use to drive the sheep over when I'm training very excited.
  3. I stayed in Korumburra last time but the motel has been sold & no dogs any more, starting to get desperate cos I really want to go. Considering a camper van, 4 dogs & me in the car is a bit to squishy .
  4. Have posted this in the Aussie Pics but thought I'd put it here too. I'm hoping to go to the Trudy Viklund clinic in January but have to find some where dog friendly to stay close to Nyora, have to bring all 4 of my dogs. The motel I stayed in last time has been sold, no dogs inside now & if I leave them in the car they'll bark. Just need some where to sleep with, hopfully, a shower & toilet. don't care if it's a motel, caravan park or some thing else, have thought of hiring a camper van & driving that over. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  5. Haven't been on here for ages but got a little to add, took Izzi out training the other day, I stood in the middle of the course & she took the sheep around, our sheep don't draw to people. Didn't do it in order & our paddock is 50m x 120m so Izzi had to think & work hard, it wasn't always text book but she did it, I'm so pleased with her she's a ripper litle working dog & I'm not bias at all .
  6. Got my copy of "The Lost Dog's" & there's some stuff in there that made me cry, puke & want to shoot any Bas***** caught using animals for fighting . Sorry if I sound a bit dramatic but reading about what those A H's did to those dogs was horrible, hell anytime there's a bullfighter gored on TV I cheer. But the people who rehabilitated those dog's are wonderful & deserve every bit of praise they get . Any way I'll get off my soap box, just had to have a rant .
  7. No one should be able to forcibly remove me, if emergency services came & I said not without my animals then they should just say your choice we won't be back. It's my decision & I'll have to live, or die, with it, but I couldn't live with knowing I'd abandoned my animals & let them die. I'd never condem anyone who does leave their pets because everyone has to do what's right for them. PF is right PLAN ahead as best you can.
  8. I'm not enjoying reading about herding at the moment because unless something changes soon I won't be doing it anymore , even though it's only been 2 weeks since our last training session I'm missing it like crazy . Going to try for one more pass in jumping to get Pebbles title & that'll be it, so at the moment I'm a very unhappy, grumpy old bag. Was hoping to put Delta in HS this year & be ready to give Izzi & Pebbles a run in intermediate, ok enough whining & :D happy herding everyone I'm off to pray for things to change.
  9. Pebbles got 3rd , one more pass to go WOOHOO. Found out just as I was about to leave last night I had no low beam so had to drive home on high then there was thick fog from Mt Pleasant to Tunkillo, high beam + thick fog niiiice, got to bed at 3.30 & up again at 6.45, no idea why I went to sleep in the chair after lunch , can't wait for the next NYE trial .
  10. Last night Izzi was going to do her first jumping trial & 5 mins before we were due to go in the fireworks went off & that was the end of her trial. Poor little thing if I had let her off the lead she would have bolted, lucky she was in a crate, scared but not panicking. JC was a bit scared, Delta not to bad & Pebbles couldn't care less.
  11. Izzi would be fine but she's the least likely to pass obed or jumping, there's no sheep out there :D, not sure how Pebbles will do in open obed. but she loves the jumping ;).
  12. Anyone out there going to the NYE trial at Gawler tonight ? I'm entered BUT if the change doesn't come through before I leave or the locusts are to thick through Mt Pleasant think I'll give it a miss. Yeah I know "wimp" but Pebbles feels the heat really bad & not being able to see out the car window bothers me, especally when there's roos & idiots on the road ;). Hope to get there though, had a great time last year :D so I've got my & all the gear ready to go.
  13. You can get fakies so your dog doesn't feel unhappy about losing his manhood now, saw them in a magazine ;), someone is making a fortune out of other peoples stupidity me thinks :D. Danielle, my boss, also a groomer, had someone tell her Dior, purebred STD Poodle, was a labradoodle & felt sorry that she'd been ripped off .
  14. This thread is sooooo funny, I'm loving it . Here's my moment, went to look at some Coolies a bloke bred, he told me they all ran together but that was ok because they wouldn't mate unless they were at least 2 generations apart , do I look that stupid or is he. Also he said I could have one of them because it had a bit of an albino eye, it was a deformed eye, not inbred of course . Had a lady bring her dog in to be washed, she said it was a pure bred Kelpie, it was black & white :D, no really we saw it's father & he was exactly the same & the breeder said he was a Kelpie, ok I'll just wash it & SHUT my mouth shall I .
  15. When I bring the horse & sheep out to the paddock in the morning, just before our walk to get the paper, Izzi loves to herd Jorja. Not sure if she knows I'm leading her or not but she thinks she's doing a great job of puttng the horse out , Jorja just sneers at Izzi & wanders along behind me .
  16. When I walk down to the front paddock in the mornings to get the paper I have 4 dogs, 3 sheep & a cat with me, the sheep play with the dogs & the cat , so no the dogs don't sit staring Jules .
  17. Way to go Belladonna it'll be impossible to get you out of the paddock soon, your OH will have to make baaing noises from inside to bring you in . We've got three pet sheep, no good for herding training but I've been thinking of getting 6 wethers for training & that'll save heaps in fuel money, then I'll go for a lesson once a month to get the bad habits knocked out of me . Have fun with your sheepies Bella & I don't mean cuddling them because they're cute either , but if you do cuddle ours like a scratch under the chin :D.
  18. Took the girls herding again, I'm cramming before the hot weather arrives , & Izzi worked sooo well at driving I can't stop smiling :D. Put her around the PT course driving 7 sheep, this is the best bit ,I stood in the middle & didn't move, she worked her little heart out & got them around the course I was stoaked, it wasn't perfect as my timing really sucks at times but SHE DID IT . But wait there's more ;) when we took the whole mob back out to the paddock I got Izzi to drive them through the Y shoot & all but one went through, gotta say it was pretty messy but she did the best she could with me in charge . Pebbles is still confused about driving but it was only her 3rd time & I know she'll pick it pretty soon. Delta is the only one that has her side cue's, if I say come round/away she usually goes the right way, although she always has to bark at the same time but I'm working on that at home , she's still on a long line. I've been thinking about what trials to do next year & when Pebbles gets her open in obedience think that'll do, probably keep doing agility & jumping with Pebbles & Delta it's good fun, but we aint giving up herding it's way to much fun & the only one that they all love. Might get 6 sheep of my own so we can work at home :D can't use our 3 pet sheep they play with the dogs . Enjoy your herding everyone, looking forward to next season & hearing everyones brags .
  19. I'd love to Jules but don't think I could make it there & back then be ready to go to work Monday , have a good time. Was going for a lesson tomorrow but it might be to hot, check the weather report tonight.
  20. Hey Janba sounds like Cole is going really well :D you should be proud of yourselves, feels good when it all starts to happen doesn't it. My three are all so different, Izzi works wide & slowly, she's also very sensitive to me raising my voice so I'm trying to remember to be QUIET . Pebbles just loves to play with the sheep by running around & shouldering, but we're getting that under control & working on the driving so at the moment she's but getting there. Delta is just young & thinks everything should go at 100mph yelling all the way , I use a long line & harness for teaching her to drive at the moment & she's learning so fast, she'll be ready for HSa next season :D. I love all my girls so much , that includes my old dog JC, she use to bring the cows up & move pigs from yard to yard but only puts the sheep in the trailer when we're trialing now, she's 13. We'll be expecting a WOOHOO post in Janurary Janba, your making real progress with Cole . Just a small change of subject, I've been reading the rules for intermediate & it's a huge jump from what you can do in HS to intermediate, is it just me being wimpy or does anyone else agree, I'm also going to have to ask someone to explaine parts to me because I don't understand some of it . OK enough wimpy whining I'm off
  21. Went to Victoria for the Most Versitile Aussie comp. last month, yeah 100mls of rain in 24hrs, started a couple of hours before the obedience trial . We had to do the trial inside, the rain on the roof was like a jet engine poor Pebbles was so scared but she tried very hard. In the sit stay we had to hide in the toilet, niiice, Pebbles was doing well & about 30 seconds from the end the rain hit even harder, she closed her eyes & sunk to the ground I was still pleased with her she tried her best in really awfull conditions. We also did herding, jumping & a conformation class, came home with a blue rosette & lovely dog bowl for the fastest time in jumping, even with the weather had a great time & everyone was terrific over there . Zug Zug I'm glad your allergic to dogs don't want to have to hunt you down to get Pebbles back :p, I was hoping you'd be coming to the NYE trial it was good fun last year & I promise not to snap at anyone this time ;) honest, have fun OS.
  22. Went herding Sunday, I'm so excited I can hardly think :D, took Izzi out to bring the Texels in, not trained sheep, started on the long line, she did the yard work as well & nothing was going to stand her up an old ewe faced Izzi up but she put it where it belonged & took no crap :D. Then on the way out I turned Izzi loose & she worked like an old hand, no running around the sheep worked the sides & kept them moving, I had to open the gate & muffed that up a bit but nothing Izzi couldn't fix. That was real work & Im so proud of my little girl :D I could just burst. Pebbles is starting to get the driving thing, but it was hot & she'd had a big night at an agility trial Saturday night & we both needed some , got home at 1.30am . Delta will be very ready for HSa next year she can work great, I've got to train carefully she had a bad life before we got her but she's coming along beautifully. Yup I'm the happiest vegimite around at the moment :D. JulesP how scary was that glad you both came out ok though. Great photos BellaDonna, real action shots especially the one of Katie :D. That's a bummer Piper it's hard not being able to get out training, I'm trying to get as much as possible in before the hot weather starts.
  23. :D Ok now I should tell you what I'm on about . We went herding yesterday AND I love my dogs :D, Izzi was driving like she'd been doing it forever, had to start with her fetching then I stopped, let her drive the sheep past me & just stayed behind, she kept going & going, WOOHOO we're on our way to intermediate, well gotta start somewhere ;). Pebbles did some beautiful casts, good shape & speed & didn't run the sheep over top of me, she did some lovely work, we'll start a bit of driving with her next time. Delta's finding out she doesn't have to yell at the sheep to make them move, she's driving, on a long line, nicely & understanding the flank cues very quickly. Now if I can get my rear into gear & get in the right positions we'll be right .
  24. I've just started agility with my three, we went to training last night & Delta my Kelpie showed how enthusiastic she is about the whole thing, read 95% enthusiasm, 5% control. She was doing her usual, race over the jumps & yelling the whole time, then she jumped over a jump, raced up the scramble AND launced herself from the top , scared the you know what's out of me. All I could think was broken legs/neck or badly hurt but she jumped up & started yelling at me to hurry up & get on with it, think my face was white as a sheet & heart in my throat, the instructor said she'd never seen a dog jump from the top before & I don't want to see it again ;). Took her back & did it again properly, looking forward to getting Delta into a trial but it won't be for a while yet, think I'll just do herding with her at the moment, much safer .
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