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Stud Dog

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Everything posted by Stud Dog

  1. Sorry but in Victoria most of those points are LAW..........they can do lots if they really want to!!! I would sign a petition to get rid of the RSPCA before I signed one about puppy farmers
  2. Yes misinformation is dangerouse. I know the ANKC has said they do not allow dogs to be trained for attack work on humans. Is it legal (all states or which ones) for anyone to train dogs for attack work on humans or is there some sort of government oversight of this sort of training? What is required to hang up your shingle? Can any one own a dog that had been trained to attack humans in Australia? Or do you have to be licensed, permits by governement, any oversignt at all on who owns these dogs? In every state bar Victoria anyone can own a dog trained in Personal Protection. In Victoria you must hold a security licence to own a trained Personal Protection dog. The crazy part is a well trained personal protection dog is far safer than an untrained dog (which any Victorian can own) as you have both full control and experience on the trained dogs side. The untrained dog will be unpredictable and will bite on its own accord. All dogs can bite, so before anyone complains about trained 'attack' dogs, ask yourself if you have to be bitten, which would you prefer, by one that is trained and under control or one that will do what ever it wants.......'Attack' training is very misunderstood just like the term 'aggression' is. As per the video clip in my previous post not all "attack" dogs are dangerous..... well trained balanced ones are only when they are called upon. So if anyone can own and train attack dogs (except in Vic), why would you think that is safe. Seems that 'anyone' could easily be training incorrectly, selecting the wrong type of dog or managing their dogs in a unsafe mannor. I watched as the pitbull was discovered in the hood. They were all owner taught attack dogs and it was and still is far from safe. Here we are 30 years later. Two wrongs do not make a right. I do not want to be bitten by any dog but if I had to pick I would prefer to be bitten by a untrained dog. No way I would want a well practiced attack dog takeing me down with "anyone" on the other end of the leash. I always fear people a lot more than dogs. If you re-read my post I said WELL trained, not backyard trained!!!! Also if you want to be bitten by an untrained dog that is fine but if it is a big strong dog that is uncontrolable I doubt anyone will get it off you..........the trained one will come strait off and more to the point would more than likely be recalled before it bite you. As I said most people dont understand "attack" dog training just like they dont understand "aggression"
  3. Yes misinformation is dangerouse. I know the ANKC has said they do not allow dogs to be trained for attack work on humans. Is it legal (all states or which ones) for anyone to train dogs for attack work on humans or is there some sort of government oversight of this sort of training? What is required to hang up your shingle? Can any one own a dog that had been trained to attack humans in Australia? Or do you have to be licensed, permits by governement, any oversignt at all on who owns these dogs? In every state bar Victoria anyone can own a dog trained in Personal Protection. In Victoria you must hold a security licence to own a trained Personal Protection dog. The crazy part is a well trained personal protection dog is far safer than an untrained dog (which any Victorian can own) as you have both full control and experience on the trained dogs side. The untrained dog will be unpredictable and will bite on its own accord. All dogs can bite, so before anyone complains about trained 'attack' dogs, ask yourself if you have to be bitten, which would you prefer, by one that is trained and under control or one that will do what ever it wants.......'Attack' training is very misunderstood just like the term 'aggression' is. As per the video clip in my previous post not all "attack" dogs are dangerous..... well trained balanced ones are only when they are called upon.
  4. There is nothing at all wrong with advertising like this, in fact I would say this kennel is being very honest and more people should take on board the temperament of the dogs when breeding and advertising instead of just their looks. Most people dont understand the teminology used in working dogs. Words such as aggression, prey drive, defence drive, courage, dominance, etc are used to decribe the working ability of the dog. In a well bred and well trained dog all these traits have a place and are needed for the dog to be balanced. When this is achieved you get a very confident dog that will fit into any situation........from being at home playing with kids to taking on attackers in a riot on the street. The balanced dog can be turned on and off and is very reliable..........if more people bred and trained dogs like this there would be far less dog bite problems!!! This video clip may help you understand how a balanced dog is turned on and off and is under total control in all situations: Note aggression in a dog does not mean it is dangerous!!! In fact a dog with no aggression is therefore unbalanced and is more likely to bite a person out of fear, compared to a well trained balanced dog with natural aggression!!!
  5. I'm not that far away, just Noth of Heywood. I do private dog training with a guy near Warrnambool every week.
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