I have a 12-13 week old English Staffy, when I brought her home she was very excited with her new home and just loved exlporing especially the garden beds much to my disgust and my childrens she was able to sniff out where our cat poos. She loves it and it is most distressing to witness. I had to take her to the vet as she got a urinary infection and I thought it may be due to her eating the cat poo.
(not caused by the poo)
The vet told us that it is very normal for dogs to eat their own poo as well as cat poo they love it!
Grose! apparently it is like chocolate for humans.
He reccomend that I watch where the cat poos and cover it with tabasco sauce. LOL I have't been able to see where the cat goes to poo but have been vigilant with removing her poo and she hasn't had the oppertunity to eat any for over a week.