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Everything posted by tez

  1. :birthday: ;) To Tully!!!! She looks beautiful in her birthday photos...very very pretty and very very clean so I'm guessing she didn't get her hearts desire for a pressie...a large pile of fresh manure to roll in???? Well the two roosters went off to their new homes today. Heaps of fun tring to catch them in the rain...not! but all worth it as they have neighbouring pens in a lovely chicken run. Tenties...I hope your girls were a little more gentle on your rooster as Jenny's chook didn't seem to fall instantly in love with her new boyfriend! Now I really know what a 'hen pecked' husband looks like! BTW it was nice to meet you! God what a shocking day its been weather wise. Hopefully all the rain will be gone tomorrow. Just about to google the directions!
  2. No coats for my two. They have to walk in the rain in the nude. Neither are bothered by it, in fact, the rain brings out all sorts of interesting smells and sounds and they both love a towel dry when we get home. I bath my dogs very rarely so a good natural rain bath gives them a good rinse! I don't really like it but once we are out in it its ok. Like C.W, I walk my dogs separately so if its really pelting I get abit grumpy!
  3. I agree about personality being a real factor in how dogs go through their teenage phase. I could imagine my Jane being surrendered if she happened to live with less doggie type people than us due to her stubborness and head strong ability to go and get whatever it is she is interested in. She is constantly testing my patience and keeps me forever on my toes in an effort to be one step ahead of her! Where jane goes, chaos reigns! Mind you I love her to bits and she is safe and sound with us! Gus on the other hand, well hes so placid and low maintenance, I can't imagine anyone would find him a difficult dog. About the only thing he does is bark abit!!!
  4. Hey Tenties...very small world isn't it!!! Spun me out when I was talking to my sister this morning and put 2 and 2 together! Gotta admit that when we worked it out I thought well that probably means only one rooster gets to make some new girlfriends! Having the 'bros' going together is great!!! Pandii...we have a sort of open plan kitchen living room so unless I lock the dogs outside I can't really stop them getting into the kitchen. Plan B is underway though where we push a large castored bench against the fridge as well as replacing the child lock on the other side of the vegi drawer. I going to experiment with vicks vapour rub on the vegi drawer this weekend as I don't think the aeroguard smell will last long enough for gutsface!!! Bloody hell Tic...20cents per frame is a HUGE bargain!!! Is there much fat on the frames??? Bet your doggies are rapt! Hows the dry food going down?
  5. Packing up a whole house is the most horrible thing ever RJ but in 12 months time you will no doubt be kicking back in your brand new house on your beautiful acreage cooking a lovely bbq for all your envious doler friends Well Tlc...I know what Jane ate cos I saw it in its less attractive state on the concrete outside the vets this evening! Nothing too bad thank god but just lots of it! As far as I know 2 chicken frames, 600 or 700gms of premium mince and half a loaf of pumpkin bread. Don't think Gus got much of a look in although he was helping Jane shed a head of lettuce when she got home! Funnily enough, the vegi drawer was shut so at least she is energy conscious! The worst thing is that now she is dozing under the doona next to me and her farts are making my eyes water! I'm too scared to lift the doona up
  6. Taking Jane to work would be like taking a bull into a china shop Gus, on the other hand, would be a sweet little gentleman but sadly I'm sure the Doctors wouldn't be impressed if I bought him along as the fifth receptionist...plus he would probably do a better job than me and I need the money to pay for all Jane's vet bills
  7. Woo-hoo! I'm sure my Wyandotte Rooster would love a new home with you Tenties!!! One is going to a friend of my sisters in the big blue house near you so I would be happy to deliver the other one to you on the way through on Satday arvo if thats ok! Not exactly sure where you live so please PM me the details and he's all yours!!! That just leaves the black rooster which I think we will keep. At the moment all three don't do much crowing so I'm thinking the neighbours won't complain about one and apparantly a rooster is good to have in the hen house! Well the saga continues with young Jane! The fridge is now secure BUT the separate vegi drawer at the bottom of the fridge is another matter! I saw her nudge the drawer open this arvo when I was home for lunch so smugly fitted another child proof lock on to that part of the fridge before I went back to work. At 5pm when my sister came home, Jane had managed to distroy said lock and open the drawer. All the vegis are untouched but she managed to lift up the top of the vegi drawer that is the bottom tray of the fridge compartment and GORGE!!!! She looked like she had swallowed a basketball Very freaky looking but happy and playing with Gus. By the time I got home it was after hours but I rang the vets and met him down there. He took one look at her and very wisely announced that that stuff has gotta come out! 20 minutes after she got the injection there was mountain of spew everywhere and a very sorry but more svelte looking Jane. I decided to walk her the four blocks home as she was still retching but it took ages as the morphine she was given also made her wobbly and tired so we spent a fair bit of time on the way home with Jane having a long lie down every few metres!!!! Needless to say...she has fully recovered as I type and is making up for lost time but charging around the house with Gus as she was locked in my room while she recovered from the injection! She has to have 10mls of parriffin tomorrow to move any residual bulk but should be fully recovered (if a little hungry) by tomorrow!
  8. Thanks for the reference..will do!
  9. Thanks for the link...just waiting to see if they will let me join!
  10. Hope all is going as well as can be expected Pandii. Kids are a worry but they do tend to recover quickly thank god! Yes.. Poor Brooke! And Poor Anne Marie at the vets...no tears today but in the past she has had to put up with me blubbering when Meg my border collie cross was on her last legs and also when the two pet rats we had for 3 years had to be pts due to cancers. She did offer to treat Brooke with antibiotics but wasn't hopeful it would work so we both agreed that a quick painfree death was better than a long drawn out treatment that would possibly cause more suffering.
  11. :D Well done Bosley...you sweet lovely thing you!!! She has come a long way in a short time so congradulations to all of you!!! Does she need to be re-assessed and if so when?
  12. Thats a great story JJ...had me smiling and then almost crying :D Really makes you think about the emotional needs of our animals too. On another sad note, I had to take Brooke the Chook to the vets today and the poor love didn't make it home. She had to be pts due to having pneumonia. Such a great mum rearing three day old chicks to maturity and then gets sick and dies!!! The three chicks have all turned out to be roosters by the way so if anyone knows someone who would like a wyandotte rooster (black and white) or a cross breed black rooster I will gladly give them away free to good home. I'm tossing up whether to keep one as they are not big crowers but I certainly can't keep 3 when I only have 2 hens. The poor girls will be spending all day with their bums against the wall!!!
  13. All quiet here too! Janes sad cos the fridge door won't open
  14. Woo-hoo...great news about Lilly JJ! What a great life she is about to have! "Junior" was a little charmer today! Nothing cuter than a little Viz and he did so well meeting and greeting all the other dogs! In fact it was a great walk as ALL the dogs were so relaxed and easy going. My two were happy tired puppies afterwards and I was very pleased at how well Gus did for his first 'group' walk. Jane also did really well off lead (thanks Barb!). Here I was worried she wouldn't recall well and she barely left my side...don't know what that was about but I'm happy she seemed content to hang around us. RJ...thanks for the 'thingy'. It works well on the fridge, much to Jane's disgust, so the diet is off and running once again . :) to Bronson who did his Mum proud at training. Nothing like having a dog to keep the surprises coming. He was so relaxed about his milestone too...like he knew he could do it all along but just didn't want to until today Tlc...the photos are great! They really capture the lovely day everyone seemed to have! We will be staying for the bbq after Tracking next week. Its byo meat and salad to share isn't it? If so, we will bring a fruit salad if thats ok!
  15. A walk sounds good...lets see how Gus the Good goes. I won't tell Allie til we're at training though BTW she's keen to take Gus to Tracking...she thinks it sound interesting( got a feeling she's picturing Bloodhounds and dead bodies from some movie!).
  16. :rolleyes: I think you have missed your calling RJ...ever thought of marketing as a career??? That 'thingy whatsit' sounds fantastic...almost want to get on the phone and order one from Danos Direct straight away!
  17. Come on RJ...are you going to tell us what it is or do we have to guess??? Is it a gun!
  18. Don't worry Barb...you'll never be as old as me! Update on the Jane diet...I gave her a very lean chicken frame tonight and then while I was outside watching Gus eat his, she went and opened the bloody fridge again and scoffed the just opened pack of 'Four Legs" training treats I had bought today :rolleyes: So its off to the hard ware tomorrow to get some electrical tape...not to tape her mouth up (although its tempting) but to tape the fridge door shut!!! And yes...the stool was infront of the fridge and Yep...she pulled it over and moved it away BEFORE opening the fridge The only positive is that taping the fridge up means I won't be able to get in there either...don't know about anyone else but my appetite has exploded since the cold weather hit! Just saw your post after I posted Tlc...yep we'll be at training tomorrow...just need to put some more air in my rear tyres to offset Jane's extra pounds per square inches in the back seat!
  19. As to why some dogs watch TV and others don't...I thought it had something to do with placement of the eyes on some dogs. Jane's eye are fairly centred and closeish together so maybe her central vision is better than dogs that have eyes further apart. So my theory is eye placement PLUS a natural overt curiosity in the world around her. Gus's eyes are further apart and he is a more introverted fella...no interest in the telly what so ever! Wonder if the new flat screens with their superior sound also means that more dogs show interest????
  20. Its great to hear Migs is feeling better and has her appetite back! Jane was happy to donate some extra kilos but sadly its not needed now...Oh.. and I hear RJ has a cat she would happily make into dim sims for Migs
  21. OMG...Jane is a shocker with watching the TV. No fun if we are watching an animal docu as she can get quite excited! We have a TV on the wall and she has been known to watch the action on the docu and then when the animal goes off screen, she has run to the next room behind the wall the TV is mounted on to find out where the animal went!!!!
  22. No worries about the grass, Janet. My two will tear it up and distroy it with their zoomies in no time! We could turn it into the mud wrestling pit at the SWCSC!
  23. OOOoohh I like the cinema screen idea Jess! Might have to throw in a cafe and BBQ area as well!
  24. RJ...thats a lovely new siggy you have there!
  25. Well between us all someones gotta win lotto eventually! If its me then I'm going to have heaps of land with all sorts of doggy sports. Separate areas for flyball, agility and swimming with dock diving, a huge tracking area complete with dam and an indoor arena for bad weather. There will be a lure coursing area and a separate kiddy playground and because I'll be fabulously wealthy, all free!!!! Lots of 'come and try' days and visiting experts on all things dogs to teach us everything we don't know yet!
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