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Everything posted by tez
As much as I'd love to help you celebrate your birthday Tlc, its really really hard to chuck a sickie when you work at the doctors Hell, they didn't even send me home when I split my eyebrow open on the treatment room door. Just glued it back together and back to work! Its not all bad though...got a pay rise today. 12 cents an hour which adds up to 92 cents a day which means I could almost afford the petrol to back my car out of the driveway
Hi Tenties...sorry about the broken roosters! Maybe their voices are breaking...they are only 4 months old. Either that or they are abit nervous around the 'ladies' and its showing when they try to be He-Men Cavalblaze...surely the Australorp wins out! Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi and all that!
Bet all the other patients are jealous of your MIL when you go visiting with your lovely dogs Tlc!
You're right about that Tlc! I feel very very lucky that Gus came into our lives. He is so easy to live with, a real cuddle-bum! The only real problem at the moment with him is that I'm worried he may get a bald spot on his long long nose as everyone here just loves to kiss it sooo much!
What a terrible ordeal for you guys to go through! I hope he is home with you very soon! Why do these things always happen when the vets are closed???? For my interest and maybe others....what are the first signs of bloat?
Lovely day for a walk! So glad the weather forecast was wrong as we all had such a lovely relaxed walk in the sunshine. I was so pleased with Gus. He is really coming along in leaps and bounds as far as his socialisation is going and was so happy-go-lucky today with Cooper, Lacey, Tully, Bronson and Mawson. Pity Jane couldn't come today but she had a nice day at home with my sister and neice with a walk up Mt Leura this morning and another walk with me this evening so she didn't miss out completely. Gus came today instead of Jane mostly because he needs the contact with other dogs and people at the moment more than Jane. Funny how Jane is always so exhausted after training and a walk whereas Gus was ready to go when we got home and played with Jane most of the afternoon. Gotta feeling Jane's ever-active brain wears her out while Gus just goes with the flow!
Excellent news Jess! You must be chuffed and very proud! Well deserved and congratulations!
Thank God for DOL so we can vent to people who understand not only what it is like to live with our "Devils Sporn Dogs" but also why we still love them to bits and persist and persist and persist with them! I was telling someone at work about Jane's latest escapade and she looked at me in all seriousness and asked me why didn't I just get rid of her I was so shocked that I was speechless for a sec before I could reply!
for Darcy Jess! Even if the weather is bad, I bet she will enjoy herself although us humans really do suffer in it! Took my two to the showgrounds this morning early and everything was frozen! Dogs had a ball and didn't seem to notice how freezing it was but I was a misery-guts. My finger were so cold they hurt but at least I had dry dogs and dry feet as apparently icy grass dosen't make you wet....who knew!!
I feel your pain Kirty! What is it about Black Labby Crosses!!!! Jane is another evil one who sees an opportunity and runs with it! The amount of stuff she has distroyed or damaged is not for the faint hearted. Its like she is always on the look-out for a new adventure. No fear of anything and just after a good time constantly and bugger the consequences! Funnily enough, its her evilness that makes me feel very protective of her. I know that she is very lucky that we have her as many many people probably wouldn't have coped with her personality. I love her to bits but have to admit that she is going to send me insane!
Great pics Tlc...Cooper is such a handsome dignified dude! I didn't realise just how long his ears were until I saw that picture! Looks like he would make a great Delta dog!
When I was little there was an Irish Setter who used to just hang around. He was a big gentle loveable dog so much so that my father included him in the night time stories he used to make up when us kids had trouble sleeping. His name was 'Big Red'. Now this was in the day when everyones dogs had free run of the neighbourhood so there was always a great variety of dogs about but he really made an impression on me. The way he looked, the way he ran, he was majestic looking but goofy as well. I will always seek out an Irish when the opportuniy arises and one day I would love to have one...one day!
Maybe your dog was frightened very momentarily at that house. It can only take a second to scare the bejesus out of them. It happened to young Gus soon after we adopted him. He was near the back door when a visiting child ran through the door to go to the toilet. They both got a fright, the girl screamed as only young grils can and he was very frightened by both the sudden and unexpected presence of a stranger and by her scream. She came back to our house later that night with her family and Gus reacted scared to her only even though he didn't know the other 4 people either. We got the girl to sit quietly and armed her with some cheese. Gus was then gently encouraged to take the cheese from her. Took about 1/2 hour to get them both so relaxed with eachother that they were sitting on the floor together in front of the heater.
Sadly no training for us tomorrow but I hope the weathers good for those that are going. I am very very sick of all the rain. Someone told me this week that its been raining for a month so no wonder I'm over it!!! Good news for Jane...she is now 27.9kg...a loss of 2.1kg. Thank God she did a wee and a poo on the walk to the vets BEFORE weigh-in She just has another 2kg to go before she becomes a life member of weight watchers! Didn't show her the piccie of Tully eating the chicken...too tempting!!! Poor kittens RJ...what happened to Mum Cat? I'll ask around at work but not confident as kittens are everywhere around here.
Well Jane is officially in the Biggest Loser club now! I took both dogs down to the vets to be weighed today and Jane was 27.9kg Its been abit of a struggle though and there was one day last week when she managed to break into the fridge and GORGE. She looked like she had swallowed a basketball so it was a trip to the vets after hours, an injection and then ejection of food all over the concrete The vet is really pleased with her progress so far and thinks she should loose another 2 kg. Gus, on the other hand is growing like a weed at 5 months and now weighs 19kg. He was 11.4kg when we adopted him 6 weeks ago. As a Golden Retriever x ?sighthound, I'm not sure how big he will get but he sure is loving the adventure!
She looks beautiful! Gotta love the oldies...its what we all hope for isn't it...that our young pups will have a wonderful long life and look as contented as Lady does!
Sunday the 11th sounds great for us too! The 4th is out as I have friends coming from Melb and Ballarat for the day so my puppies will well and truely be wanting some catchup time with mates by the 11th! Oh...and JJ...about distroying the chrissy decorations...welcome to my world!
Belinda advertises in the Standard most Saturdays or she is in the local telephone directory. I'm going to get two more hopefully this weekend so let me know if you want me to get you some and I could deliver if not too many. Last two i got were $18 dollars each. I will try and remember to give her a call tomorrow or Friday to see if she has some. Jane deserves to be picked on. She is evil! Her little escapade into the fridge last week cost me $140.00 in vet bills Plus whatever the food cost that she ate! Plus...a flat tyre after Tracking which I know isn't really her fault but I'm gunna blame her anyway!
Tenties if you like red chooks Belinda Bellman in Cobden has lovely ones. Our two red girls are from her and they are lovely, docile and friendly and give me an egg each every day. A friend at work also has hens from Belinda and she says they are the friendliest of her bunch as well. Very robust health wise as well while the wyandottes both didn't survive their first year...poor loves! I took Gus to the vets today to have a weigh-in (still too scared to take Jane but maybe next week!) and he now weighs 18.6kgs. When he came home to us on May 14th he weighed 11.4kg so he seems to be growing at a rate of knots. He's 5 months now but I'm not sure when he will finish growing...maybe 9 months??? He's only about a cm shorter than Jane now too. Damn it Tlc...my puter dosn't seem to like u-tube so I can't see the videos at the moment!
I know how you feel Lillim. I was the same when Gus came home to us as a 14 week old from the RSPCA. I was so worried he would choke and yet Jane has been having frames for ages and loving them! Anyway I finally took a deep breathe and gave hime one and he loved it. After seeing him vacuum up his dry puppy food it was great to see him work so hard at eating the frame. He has one every other night now.
Tenties..those poor girls will be exhausted...how come Randy changed addresses???
So...the next question is...which chook is called Jet???? No...seriously...I like it! A name and a complete sentence all in one!
The only time my dog drooled excessively was after a fit. In fact it was often the only way we knew she had had an un- observed seizure. She would drool for about 30 minutes.
It looks like everyone had a great weekend...except the bees who stung Barb and perhaps the chook who has to put up with a very quick first date WITHOUT being taken out to be wined and dined first! Tenties...glad the boys have settled in. Roys a good name. Quite like 'Roger' myself cos not only is it a name but also what he wants to do most of the time Jess...congrats on the Trial today. Open class here you come! Wasn't it great weather for tracking!!! My sister said it was really dank and horrible in Camperdown til 2pm today so I think we were even luckier then we thought! Sunny blue skies and a slight breeze...perfect! Jane and Gus are cactus after their great day and I was rapt at how well they went but even more rapt at how much they enjoyed it. It was great watching them work to find the scent and you could really see the instant they had picked it up...must be such a buzz (sorry Barb!) for them! As always it was lovely seeing such a bunch of georgous dogs all getting on so well together! Tully was the tracking queen in her lovely harness and even bought along her own cheerleader with Lacey dressed to impress! The 3 pups all coped very well with meeting and greeting everyone and Jane was besotted with Mawson as usual...handsome young man that he is! It would be such a fantastic place to establish 'The South west Dog Park'. A few annoying neighbours may need to BEE evicted first though
Hi Tlc. Aliie is coming but is NOT happy with the early start. Just googled it and it will take us about an hour and a half so we will leave at around 7.30. Gus is coming too so we will all be busy either holding dogs or laying track so that should keep us warmish! Allie won't mind helping you at all as she told her mother that you were AWESOME! We didn't take chairs last time. It might be a good idea if you have one. The golf course has a low log fence to sit on and I think we were all up and down with the bonfire and various dogs at Trish's to really need one. Hope I don't forget anything as I am doing all the organising tomorrow morning.