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Everything posted by tez
Just re-read the rest of the posts after drooling over the photos so.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to You TLC!!! I hope you had a great and fabulous day!!! Shannon-sorry to miss you and Mawson on Sunday! Hopefully see you next week. Tanya- Jane and I would love another opportunity to to play with the lovely Bruno....Jane had a ball!!!
Great photos TLC!!! Love the dirty filthy doggies having fun in the muddy oval and those pics of Miss Migaloo are classic...she puts a smile on my dial!!! Your photos really bring out the joy of the day. I don't know how you do it...I was sneaking a peek at you taking the photos and I wasn't even sure you were using your camera you were so relaxed about it
I think Brierley is great...even though Jane totally flunked her puppy test on Sunday...So very very distracted by everything but it was more about me than her. I figure I still have lots to learn about getting her focused and motivated and hopefully that will develop as I get to know her triggers better! She is a strong willed ratbag who really just wants to play and play with all the other pups and dogs...even the dogs who don't want to have anything to do with her...poor love! Sooo...We'll try again next week. I really like the way Patricia explains the way a dog thinks and her love of her charges is lovely to see!!!
Condolences to you and your family,TLC. Hope you are all doing ok. Must be a tough time for you all at the moment.
Beautiful beautiful puppies!!! Those ears...and all that extra skin to play with...just lovely!!! Jane and I went on a Tracking session with Patricia today. We all had a great time and young Jane was beside herself with joy over meeting and playing with sooo many great dogs. I'm thinking that she now has a boyfriend called Mawson. He was so nice ( as was his owner) and lots of fun for Jane. I may have to invest in the current RSPCA calander so Jane can gaze adoringly up at 'Mr August' and so I can point to Mawsons picture when Jane is extra naughty and say 'Do you think Maws would be proud of you at this moment??!!!?'! The tracking was great and Jane did quite well for a pup, I think. We then went back to Patricias for a bonfire and BBQ and all the dogs had a great romp around her acreage. So much fun watching them exhaust themselves while we enjoyed great food and company. Thanks sooo much to Patricia for a great day!!!
Thanks TLC...It was great to read how your lovely dogs developed along the way and its given me real enthusiasm to continue with the training. I'm thinking that some of the differences between Jane and the other pups is that they have all been rather protected up to this point whereas young Jane has been out and about since day 1 when we got her at 6 weeks. Because we had a very submissive fear aggressive dog for 14 years, ( not that she ever fought other dogs, she just would'nt let them within 10 ft of her without exploding into a snarling mess...and we went to 'special dog school for troubled pooches' for ages to try to help her and even they gave up in the end!!!!) we decided that socialisation was so important for Jane as we really want her to have a great doggy life. Gotta admit though, she is super energetic...she even wore out the border collie she played with today from next door so I think we will have our hands full!!! Its going to be an interesting journey! I'm seeing some good inprovement in her already thanks to you and Trish!
Cooper is such a honey....Jane would do well to take after him!! Thanks TLC, You have given me some confidence to hope that my Black Menace will be the great dog I see in her most but not all of the time. I felt really protective of her today when one the the puppy owners called her personality 'different' in a tone that suggested 'not good'!!! Shes mine forever and I hope I can help her develop to her potiential regardless as to how 'different' her personality is! She dosent look much like a puppy anymore but she is only 4 months old so I reckon shes entitled to some exurbarence.
Hi TLC, Thanks for being nice about young Jane...I was feeling abit sorry for her because the other pups were alittle scared of her...poor love, she really dosen't understand 'gentle play'!!! Tricia did mention something about her going up to the next class but I thought it was because she was abit too over the top for the other pups. We are also going to take alook at tracking next Sunday....It might be her forte...she certainly tracked down the decomposing rat the I flung away into the long grass. I chucked it yesterday after she picked it up and happily rolled and rolled on it and when we went back up the mountain today she found it straight away! I wonder how long we can stay in the 'well behaved' classes as I'm thinking that Jane has a long road ahead...poor sweet girl that she is!!! A walk afterwards would be great as she has heaps of energy!!!
Sounds good TLC. Happy for Jane to meet Bronson...I think shes got enough front to cope with a telling off and could probably do to learn alittle bit of doggy manners from it. Would love to go for a walk. I have organised a walk on the Timboon rail trail with a friend and his boxer from Colac this Sunday but I'd be keen after this weekend. Glad you're starting to feel better! Hey Tim and Tanya...Are you any closer to getting a friend for Bruno and how is he going at training???
That was a really horrible experience TLC. Can't figure out why they didn't warn you of the dogs unpredictability before you got close enough for that sort of incident to occur! Some people are just "non-thinkers"!!! So little 'Summer" the practically perfect labby is part poodle...she looks so completely lab and is such a little sweety! Gotta admit that I was fantising that Jane could have a bit of her sweet gentle nature even though I love her for the rough nut ratbag that she is!!! Take it easy TLC...No doubt you are feeling all the muscle soreness plus delayed shock that such an injury can cause!!
Wow TLC...Must have been a preety grumpy puppy to bite you! Was it puncture wounds or worse??? Hope you got some antibiotics as well as the tetenus shot!! What the hell were those people doing with an out of control dog or was this the first time it showed its grumpy nature!?! Coopers such a spunk and so very patient with my black menace...I hope Janes whiskers look likes Coopers eventually!
Thanks TLC...It was great meeting you. Allie is my sisters daughter although I have helped to raise her as we all live together. I was thrilled with training as it was more than I hoped it would be...relaxed, friendly but super informative and Jane seemed to love it. This afternoon I even let her off leash on the big walk around Mount leura and Sugarloaf due to the confidence I got from training. I did how ever keep her on a short leash going past the electric fence as I didn't want to rock her confidence too much by her getting another ZAP. Gotta say she was pretty hesitant on that part of the track but I did lots of happy running and jumping around and food rewards on that part and it nearlly bloody killed me as its the very steep uphill part!!!! So it lots of homework for us this week and looking forward to next Sunday...so worth the early morning start(I think!).
Poor little Archie must be broken so I think you should give him to me...Pleeeezzze!!!!
Yep Pandii, We did have a good weekend but if I'm honest then I would have to say that all weekends have been fun since young Jane came along. Gotta say though, that I was abit jealous of the guide dog pup...totally off lead and relaxed whereas there I am with Jane attached to her trusty 10 metre line cos she is such a Rat bag!
Opps!!! Forgot to add that I looked up Brierley reserve on Google maps and came up with Brierley Basin. Is this where the training is or would my sister be in the wrong spot next Sunday!!??
Thanks for the training info, Tic. Jane will be there with my sister as I have to visit a friend in wonthaggi next w'end. Speaking of the Black Menace, Jane came home from Melbourne absolutely exhausted. We took her down to Black Rock beach a few times and its doggy heaven there...soooo many dogs who were all happy to play and play and play. We bumped into a puppy walker with a 16 week old Golden Retriever guide dog pup who we met in the same spot 3 weeks ago and he was rapt to see Jane....He remembered how exhausted this pup was last time he played with Jane and he was happy to repeat the experience! Jane was more than happy to assist!!!
Sorry Tic...I wasnt very clear...Jane is going to puppy school at Camperdown on Wednesday nights for 4 weeks starting next week And she will be starting at Brierley from next Sunday week as we have to be in Melbourne this Sunday. Thought it would be good to do puppy school in C'down mostly for added socialisation opportunities and maybe meet a friend for regular walkies ( if she dosent disgrace) wheras Brierley is more long term. I'm hoping Brierley will be on next week as it a long weekend. I'm going to ring Patricia early next week to re-check things out.
WOW!!! Bruno sure knows how to make an impression!!! Probably thought you put those blinds up so he could have fun ripping them down! Jane is fine, Tic. Shes invincable at the moment...nothing will stop this girl bar a tranquillizer dart meant for a grizzly bear! We start puppy school in Camperdown next week. When I paid for it today, I was relieved to find out that most of the other puppies are pretty robust so hopefully she wont do too much damage with her enthusiasm. Also asked them about vaccination for KC with her 16 week shots. If shes able to have it then it will be a definite!
With Jane, The cough sounded like she had something caught in her throat so she went cough cough dry retch. She is on a weeks course of antibiotics as a preventative and she had 5 days of metacam to decrease the inflammation in her throat and a soft diet to be kind to her sore throat. Apart from the first night when she went 'cough cough dry retch' every 10 minutes, she has been fine. Our vet said that she can be as active as usual and she seems as bright and nutty and we have been careful not to be around other dogs for 10 days or so. I will ask about the KC vaccination at her 16 week visit to the vets. I'm sorry for the other dogs...mostly because it isolates them from their mates...no fun!
Woo-hoo...such a lovely bundle of puppies!! How many and how old are they??? Tic, I wish I had you're confidence. The long line is only short term so I can enjoy Jane at her most energetic but without worrying that she could launch herself full-belt at any poor soul that comes along. She is an amazingly fast and co-ordinated pup(but with no Brakes) and I am still learning about how she reacts or dosent react in different environments. I know she learns quickly and I don't think it will be long before I get the confidence to have her off lead but we both need more training first. What sort of dogs do you have,Tic?
We get to go straight into puppy school at Brierley so its an early start for us on Sundays. Jane is 13 weeks old and I cant believe how fast she is growing! And so much energy. Most days we take her to the lake or the show grounds in Camperdown and let her go nuts attached to a 10 metre line. She gets to climb up and down embankments, go zoomies all over the place and we also get to practice recall with magical treats called sausage! Then we go home and she still has energy to spare!!!
Tic...We have organised to go to Brierley but have to wait til the first weekend in June as Jane is getting over kennel cough. We did 2 weeks of puppy school in Colac til 'the Cough' and we are doing lots of training at home. Yep Meg was a sweety and my best mate for 14+ years but she was terribly fear aggressive to other dogs so its a real buzz being able to get out and about with Jane and not have to worry about her....shes very easy going and relaxed(in a hyper puppy way) around other dogs. Tim and Tanya....You're right...butter wouldnt melt in her mouth cos she would have spread it round the lunge room and gone skating in it before she'd let it melt!!!! How did your assessment go with Bruno and what was it like????
OMG I think I finally did it and it was sooo easy!!!! Mental picture of me doing cartwheels with a big fat smile on my dial!!! The black menace is obviously young Jane and the other beautiful girl is my never to be forgotten and greatly missed Meg who went to heaven on Black Saturday...She always needed a pillow and she didnt really care what that pillow was made of!!!
Hi everyone...Looks like a top weekend weather wise!!! Mawson, sorry we didnt say hello on the Million Paws walk...Tim and Tanya pointed you out to me but I think shyness got the better of me....If only I had Janes confidence!!!! We are in quarentine at the moment as Jane has Kennal cough. We went to puppy school on Tuesday and I noticed she was occasionally coughing like she had something caught in her throat. That night she was doing the hacking cough thing every 10 minutes or so and I was very close to calling the vets as I was sure she had something caught in her throat...very very worried! The only thing stopping me was that she was still very active and her gums were a good colour but it turned into a sleepless night for both of us. Took her to the vets the next morning and was pretty relieved to find out it was kennal cough but felt really guilty incase we passed it on to the other puppies at puppy school. When I rang them they were none too pleased! I was looking forward to going to Brierly this week. I rang Patricia and it sounds like the place for us but we have to wait 2 weeks now! And for the life of me, I cant seem to post bloody photos which is frustrating the hell out of me...we only have about a million!!! Very very sorry to hear about the poor little puppy but thankful that her short life had so much love!