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Everything posted by tez

  1. Got them now and have had a go but stuffed it up I think!
  2. haven't got the email yet so haven't had a chance to stuff it up...yet!
  3. Great pics tlc...Thanks for the nice ones of Jane...best I've seen of her and so her...messy and full of fun. Classic pic of the beach scramble by the humans while the dogs couldn't care less about a little water! Oh ...and no facebook. Sorry.
  4. Thats lovely tic...looking forward to seeing them!
  5. Well done and congradulations to Amy and Tarni and to their human road crew! A massive effort so very well rewarded and such a lovely positive start to their show careers. No doubt everyone at your house is very very tired but extremely happy tonight! The walk today was good fun...heaps and heaps of people at Logans but very few on the beach so we pretty much had it to ourselves. Jane loved the 'big boys' Mawson and Bruno, loved exploring with 'The Awsome Foursome' and even eventually sortof made friends with the very patient Mingaloo. Had a sleep in the car on the way home and abit more of the same when we got home but is pretty much ready to go again now!....Pity cos I'm already in bed with the laptop!
  6. In regards to 'The seagull'- I would have definately picked it up and taken it to a local wildlife carer had it not rolled into the lake and swam away...don't know what was wrong with the poor thing on land but once in the water it looked and acted like any other paddling seagull and made a swift departure from our part of the lake. I don't in anyway encourage my dog to attack anything and I am trying very hard to teach her the 'leave' command but she is only 6 months old and half lab. She is also very visually motivated and I think the temptation was just too too much. She didn't chase it down...poor bird literally rolled right under her nose. When she did pick it up, she didn't shake or maull it (thank God!) and she did release it twice before I could get between her and the bird so it had a chance to get to the water. Once in the water, Jane didn,t swim after it. Sure...it would have been better if she was 'perfect pup' with a 'perfect owner' and the whole situation could have been avoided but she and I are not perfect and we are both still learning about both training and about each-other. I do see that I have a way to go with training her and I also am continually learning what her triggers are so hopefully something like this can be avoided in the future!
  7. Good luck tomorrow JJ...not that you'll need it as your dogs are fabulous. BTW if Tarni decides she dosent like the show ring, I'd be happy to help you out and will provide a nice loving home in downtown Camperdown for her!
  8. Hi all!!! Top day today weather-wise....Please please more of the same tomorrow! I'm also keen for a walk after training tomorrow. Just had the walk from hell with Jane today though! Such beautiful weather so Jane and I went off to lake Bullin Merri for a lovely off leash walk around the lake. I used the opportunity to do some whistle training with her and she was spot on....until we came across a injured/sick seagull who kept doing somersaults. And as luck would have it, it roly-polyed right under Janes nose! Well...6month old bird crazy pup with a real live bird popped right in front of her and her dog brain went into raptures. I'm going blue in the face blowing that bloodly whistle, throwing her bits of sausage and pleading with her to drop the poor little birdy which she did a few times but it kept roly-polying around. Jane must have thought all her wishes came true. Eventually the poor little thing rolled into the lake and swam away and we continued our walk. Bit tired by the time we got back to the car and then found...NO KEYS!!!! Yep....lost em on the walk.....so back tracked back and STILL NO KEYS! We had to walk 6 bloody kms home!!!!! Got a lift back to the car with the spare key and decided on one last look around and there they were sitting on a bare patch of ground with a few random seagull feathers....can't believe I didn't find them earlier. So very tired now!!
  9. Great photos TLC- as usual! Jane and I had the best time so thanks very much for inviting us. Looking at the photos made me laugh at Janes hero worship of Mawson...gotta admit they make a cute couple. It was great to watch such a happy bunch of pups enjoy each other so much and yes J.J, I was attempting to steal Tarni but there was just too many witnesses about...damn it! Pandii- Jane came from a farm in Hawkesburn...Yellow lab mum and smithfield dad.
  10. Jane and I will be good for 12.30 at Thunder Point...Looking forward to catching up with those already met and meeting the others. Jane and I shall debrief with a calming drink after training and I will have a little chat to her about manners...no doubt she will be 'Lah-lahing" to herself to block out my lecture! Fingers crossed shes a socially accecptable Black Menace!
  11. Finally back on DOL after a very busy few weeks and then last weekend I decided to change rooms around at home so what was a lounge room became my bed room and then had to move the lounge room to dining room then the kids room to my old bedroom in preparation for a (god help me) future reno. Anyway, that resulted in tons of mess and total exhaustion so this is the first chance back online. Jane's stitches come out on Saturday so I'm keen to devote all Sunday to training and walk. Dosent matter if there is a bit of a lag time between training and the walk as it might give us some time to exhaust Jane and hopefully make her less of a handful on the walk. I hope I'm not going to be too embarressed by her behaviour....she seriously makes me question my ability to train a dog as she is sooo constantly on the go and so very challengeing. Just when I think we are getting somewhere she resorts to a new and annoying party trick. The newest one is going absolutely spastic on the lead...jumping and leaping and grabbing the lead. I then get her to sit, drop ect to re-focus her (which she does really well) then BOOM...shes off again!!! We are back up Mt Leura for off lead walks and we met a man and his kids up there tonight. Jane was hyper excited to say hello so was totally into "jump fest".He asked me what breed she was, I said she was half Lab and Half Mad...He laughed and said she seemed to be true to her breed LOL! Sooo...apologies to all in advance if Jane's reintroduction to the world of dogs isn't all I hope it will be and I will totally understand if one or all of you decide perhaps we need to go to the quiet corner of the beach!
  12. Bugger is right!!! Poor vet got abit sick of me trying to get him to say Yes to my questions today such as "But it should be ok for her to train with other dogs...right???? and "Well considering she runs herself mental at home then it would be ok to take her off lead up Mount Leura...right???? and "She soooo misses playing with other dogs so a little play would be ok...wouldn't it???? He just sadly shook his head and looked at my bouncing nutty Black Menace and went 'No, No and No' Shes been so naughty lately that we thought we may have to change her name to Cerebus which is the name of the 3 headed dog who guards the gate of hell. If that guy ever retires then I think she'd pass the selection criteria!
  13. Just catching up on all the posts...WOW...some good but mostly bad horrible things happening to everyone. I hope you are all going to get better and feel better soon. Hospitals can be soooo frustrating when they treat people like numbers and as for workplaces who couldn't give a sh#@! about their staff...well words fail me! JJ, I can imagine how ANGRY and hurt you must be! On a less than positive note, Jane has developed a haematoma under her suture line from her speying so she has to keep her stitches in for another week. I noticed a rather large hard lump on Monday and thought she had developed a hernia from being a quiet sedate puppy...NOT! Took her back to the vets today and thank god she dosent need another op but the vet said that until the haematoma re-absorbs the stitches have to stay in as the pressure could cause a split otherwise.....so no dog school this week, no off lead walks and no playing with other dogs til next weekend(HOPEFULLY). Can't really blame anyone for this except the gene pool that made Jane hyper high energy and a girl who won't say no to zoomies even in the smallest of rooms. SOOOO very frustrating though!
  14. Soooo looking forward to Thunder Point with Jane....1 week to go! The vets said to take it easy but didn't say she couldn't be walked so I actually walked her home from the vets (only for blocks) but she had spent the night at the vets so I thought she needed to stretch her legs abit. I did take it very easy and it gave her the opportunity to do numerous small wees after flooding the waiting room...Poor love must have been hanging on like crazy all night.GRRRR!
  15. Glad to hear there is another phycho puppy about...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and oh so slightly relieved!!! Jane is going well but no off lead adventures mean we are all going abit nuts. She is getting 2 on lead walks aday but we are also steering clear of other dogs until her stitches are out ( 7 days and counting) so poor Jane must think its the end of life as she knows it! On a positive note, she is FINALLY starting to heel okish...I am using the command "looking" and then she falls into step beside me. Then I just keep chatting to her to maintain her attention on me. The only trouble is that when I do reward her with food for heeling, she takes this as a release and starts off ahead of me. Still, I pretty rapt with her progress (definitely has ADHD) and I'm loving the walks with her as its a lovely bonding experience for us both.
  16. Damn needing to work to live...its sooo inconvienent at times!!! My friend would have been ideal too.
  17. Yeah.. It can get pretty frantic there but still do-able if everyone was like-minded. Think I might cut out the article from the paper and post it up on the notice board at work.
  18. Ha! Pickles looks like Superman in his blue cape. How old is the little tyke?
  19. Hi Roxley and everyone. The pic in the paper was lovely and I'm looking forward to hearing about how young Pickles goes. A friend of mine was keen to be a foster mum but the medical clinic where we both work has basically said no to her bringing the pup to work so its a no-go for her I'm afraid! Jane is home from her de-sexing and I'm sooo glad to have her back. She ended up having to stay o'nite as she wasn't done til mid arvo. I took the day off today to be with her and hold her widdle black paw but she just wanted to stay outside and chew on her big smelly bone...what a trooper!!! Apparently she's gotta be kept quiet for 10 days...yeah right!!!! The best I can do is keep her on leash walking so no runs up and down Mt Leura for awhile!!! Tlc- I hope the lovely Cooper is starting to feel better and not getting too frustrated with his injury!
  20. Hi all...hope everyone had a great weekend! TLC...How is poor brave Cooper going...hopefully feeling much better by now! and I trust no more disasters as it seems you have had your fair share!
  21. I agree with you guys about Jane staying overnight. I think they do this as they service a large dairy industry and maybe they see it as a way to protect the farm dogs from going back to work too soon. I'm pretty sure I will be able to talk them around to letting me take her home on the day especially as we all know that the place wont be constantly staffed overnight! Too be honest, just thinking about her all alone in a strange place gives me palpitations...especially as we live only 4 blocks from the vets here at Camperdown! Thanks for your advice...its been along time since I've had to do this. The last time was over 14 years ago and in Melbourne so I thought maybe things had changed procedure-wise.
  22. Poor poor Cooper...It made me wince just reading about his injury...hopefully the tablets will make him abit sleepy so he wont mind the house arrest so much. Janes off to be desexed next wednesday so no dog school the Sunday after. I'm really hoping my sister takes her this weekend while I'm in Melbourne as I don't want her to miss out two weeks in a row. When i enquired about the desexing at the vets they said she has to stay overnight-They were abit taken aback when I asked them where I would be sleeping!!! I'm such a big sooky lala when it comes to the Black Menace. Apparently shes gotta be kept quiet for 7 to 10 days!!! When I raised my eyebrows at them they just laughed and said GOOD LUCK!!!!
  23. Tlc- Sorry for the double PM (Ithink) as I couldnt see that they had been sent!!! My friend has already been contacted by SEDA so thank you very much for passing on the info so quickly. I hope Cooper feels better soon and its not too serious....poor sweet lad!
  24. Sadly yes, I wont be at training next week. Its time to visit my parents in Melbourne as the guilt phone calls are coming thick and fast. I'm trying to convince my sister to take Jane training next week but I'm not all that confident. Damn it...I would have loved to see the experienced dogs. Loved the photos...makes you want to hope right in the photo and join em!!!!
  25. Excuse my ignorence but whats SEDA and what does puppy caring involve???? Had fun at the 'Big Guys' training today. We took Jane down the beach for 1/2 hour beforehand to expel some of her excess energy and even though she was of course distracted by the other dogs, I think it helped in the long run as she did better than I expected...God love her!!!! TLC-really looking forward to a walk after training in a few weeks. Jane loves training and so do I but I do get surprisingly tired from all the concentrating so a walk afterwards would be great. I'm hoping that I'm not the only one who finds training mentally taxing but if so....oh well!
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