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Everything posted by tez
Great photos TLC. It was a good day wasn't it! So great to see sooo many lovely black puppies!!! It was also great to see how well Bella did today...What a champ! Sadly my finger looks like a sausage from the little incident with the pole while tying Jane up and I dare not bandage it due to Jane's curious nature...last thing I need is a broken AND dislocated finger! Jane loved her Christmas cookies and they smelled good enough for humans. Were they peanut butter bikkies? Thanks soooo much for the day and the lovely pics. Who knows, maybe next year we will have a brother for Jane to come along and enjoy training with!
Wow....scary! How did you get rid of it????
Jane WILL miss Maddie but I think Maddie will miss Jane more...took Jane for a walk this morning (not that she needs the exercise at the moment but I sure do!) and Maddie was quite distressed...crying and panting and couldn't even finish her breakfast...so unlike a normal gutsy G.R! Hopefully her owners will let her come over a few days a week when her mum works with me. As for my bra...silly me for thinking it was safe in the washing basket on top of the bench!
Very cute pics of the pups JJ! Tlc...Yep pretty happy with Jane at training but,boy, do we need practice with on lead heeling!!! So frustrating as she does well when we walk other times!!! Here are some pic of Jane and her friend Maddie who we have been dog sitting for the last week. Nothing like 'tug of war between two friendly dogs...sadly that (was) my bra they distroyed! Damn it!
Heat or not, these two play and play...Maddies as rough as Jane so they are a good match. I filled both halves of the clam shell with water so they could have one side each...Jane belly-flopped into it ALOT but Maddie, being more of a lady, just stood in it and cooled her feet! Just quietly, Jane even did a wee in the pool which may explain why Maddie didn't want to lie down!!!! My girl is definetly a 'Feral F#$%k'!!! Glad the awesome foursome had a nice cool day...pity us worker can't say the same, hey!
what another hot day and no aircon at work...very uncomfortable!!! Maddie the Golden Retriever is pacing around probably wondering where the hell she is...poor love. She and Jane have been on the go all day and both must be exhausted. Have just shut her in the back enclosed porch area with her recliner that she normally sleeps on at home so hopefully she can rest up before another big 'Jane' day tomorrow. I'd be interested in knowing how long it will take her to settle in but time will tell. She is definetly the boss girl over Jane which thankfully Jane happily accepts. Hope I don't have to return this beautiful girl in 10 days time with bags under her eyes from exhaustion!!!!
The pups are lovely JJ...Hope Amy is coping ok with this hot spell! Jane and I had a early morning walk and then did some gardening til 12ish. I know what you mean about the snakes...Nextdoor neighbour had one on her veranda yesterday ( a baby one) and we are right in the middle of Camperdown!!!! So not fair...just when the weather warms up enough so that you don't have to worry about wet feet in long grass, you cant walk in the grass due to the nakey nakes!!! Best get me some pet insurance cos I'm pretty sure Jane wouldnt blink an eye about going a snake if she saw one. On a brighter note, we now have a half shell so black dog can cool off and we get to dog sit Maddie the Golden Retriever from tomorrow so it should be fun and games for the next 10 days!
Love the video and I see you have a new siggy...very nice TLC! Hasen't it been hot!!! Don't think Jane and I will travel to training tomorrow as it going to be 31 or something and I have found out that black dogs and hot weather don't mix! Hop everyone enjoys their day!
How very very cute!!! Little Sonic is such a sweet black puppy...I have a thing about black puppies...Ha HA!!! And good as well.....WoW....not something I'm used to but I imagine it would add to the fun of dog sitting! Your lovely 'fluffies' are so special...the gang of four shines again! Glad you all had a great day! Thanks for sharing!
Jane and I will miss you guys next week but understand that catching up is really important...no doubt you will have heaps of fun. Jane managed a 2 hour play with a Golden Retriever called Maddie late today who we will probably babysit for 10 days in a couple of weeks. She is pretty wrecked at the moment as Maddie and her are very equal in their energy levels!!!
Thanks for the pics TLC...Always a high standard! Jane looks like she is winning in the Ratbag stakes as usual. She DID have a fun time at Fun day training. Pity we couldn't make the beach though. Wonder where all those bloody dead birds are coming from!???!
Hi all! Wow JJ....one of your pups is a MONSTER judging from that 1st photo....is he/she a guts or just 'big boned'! Poor Amy must look nervous when that one comes in for a drink!
Loving all the great pics, everyone! BTW...After the seeing the pic of Tully jumping off the log after Mawson tried to 'have a little cuddle'....well Jane is sure tully has NO taste and she is beside herself with jealously! At the ripe old age of 8 months, Jane is finally learning that retrieving is fun!!!! YAY!!!
I'm with JJ,TLC...that is definitely a 'borrowed' backyard! I've got just Jane and frankly I'm embarrassed about my backyard. There is bits of chewed up crap everywhere plus the various clothing items ( usually mine) she likes to drag out there for a bit of a lie down on. Oh yeah...also bits of ripped up toilet paper rolls as someone accidently leaves the toilet door open and she raids the spare rolls! Those labs on the toilet paper commercials are big fat liars! BTW...Pickles looks lovely and HUGE...How old is he now?
Ooohhh...Reds a little cutie!!! Are ya gunna keep him??? What are the chances that the white will disappear as he gets older? and more questions...sorry JJ...Do any of the other pups also have white on them?? How is Tarni coping with the competition??? When are you going to post more piccies???
My god...Those big fat BEEUUUTIFUL puppies are stucking the life outa poor Amy. She must need lots of cuddles for being such a great mum!!!! JJ...they do look huge for 5 days old and Amy has that 'OMFG!' look on her face! Have you got a favorite yet??? I volunteer to look after a pup (or 2) if Amy needs a rest. Just can't promise to give em back though I'm sure Jane will teach the kiddies everything they need to know about how to be REALLY naughty!!!
Fantastic news JJ! Glad everyone is OK. Amy looks very proud of her new family though it must have been abit stressful for you at the time! That first pup looks quite big but I'm no expert! Looking forward to hearing how they go!
Tlc, you are such a good mum to your dogs!. Poor Jane...no bath for her, I just took her collar off, rinsed all the sand off it and hung it on the line. I should be ashamed of myself! She enjoyed her walk of course...such a top day finishing off with a swim at the beach. She looked like she was doing seal impressions as she swam, rolled over in the water and almost disappeared! Think I have got myself a water baby! As for training....Well...not her finest day but she had fun. Seems my hard to train pup has entered her teenage period so her finest day at training may be many months dowwn the track. She had a great time playing with Cooper though and was quite gentle with a 7 week old dobe pup. So it wasn't all bad! Hope everyone enjoyed the great weather and, JJ, hope everything is well with the expectant Mum!
Hi all! Pretty flat-out week for me work-wise this week and, like you, TLC, I am hanging out to win tattslotto so I don't have to work full-time. There is sooo much to see and do and work just gets in the way! Damn morgages and bills and buying food ect! Jane has had a good week...she seems much more settled of late. Dare I say that my little mental case might just be growing up??? She is walking really well on lead and during training she has performed spot on...of course that all goes out the window come training on Sundays! Took her down to the shops a few times and she even obeyed the 'Leave' command when there were a few people about! I wanted to jump in the air and shout WOO_HOO but managed to hold it in or risk total embarressment. Really starting to think of getting a 2nd dog...most likely in the new year as I am going to Tassie for 2 weeks over Xmas. At the moment, I'm leaning towards a GAP Greyhound (depending on if they can match one to a house with 2 cats, chooks in a secure run and a still nutty Jane). I'm thinking that a placid low energy Grey might balance the high energy Jane but my sister and I are still discussing it. She wants a Goldern Retriever.....and I'm not too keen...we'll see how it goes! I hope everyone has a great weekend and JJ, good luck with Amy. I hope she isn't too uncomfortable for too much longer as long as her pups don't come too early!
Ta! The third one shows where we usually walk to...that point of land.. then back to the car...about an hours walk usually!
So nice to see happy doggies all enjoying themselves! Thanks for sharing your great pics,TLC! It no-doubt takes alot of time and effort to get them on here and I, for one, appreciate it very much! Hey JJ...How are you and your dogs going???? Amy must be nearing D Day soon?!?!
Poor Cooper!!! Is the limp as bad as it was before??? Maybe it was the rocks??? Anyway to bandage his foot so the joint is supported when he is on uneven ground??? He didn't seem in any pain on the walk but he is a brave fella...maybe he did't want to let on to the 'young-uns'.
AWESOME pics TLC...The doggies sure had a great time, did'nt they!!! Your photos really captured all the doggies fun and enthusasium! Jane has been resting quietly(apart from the odd charge around the backyard) since we got home. Understandable as she had 1/2 beach walk, then training and a doggie romp then a 2 hour beach walk /play with a rather largeish meal in between. She seems happy and content but farting like nothing on earth!!!
Poor Texas!!! He is a lovely handsome and very young looking dog...such bright clear eyes for a lad his age!!! Gotta say though, those last few photos of his sad face made me tear up. Hope he starts feeling better soon!
The photos are pretty crappy so apologies about the quality, Janet and TLC. And nope, I don't have 150 posts yet so ATM I'm happy with this thread as I like wading through stuff. What is one persons crap is usually someone elses treasure I find, so each to their own I suppose!