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Everything posted by tez
Well waddya know...its Nanna Nike!!!! Isn't that one of your photos???? How did that come about???
Hey Tlc...training was ok Sunday. It was good to catch up briefly with Mawson but we did miss you...working on Sundays is just very crappy! Jane had a great time with Ralph and then Mawson so she was one happy puppy. Can't say training went all that well but I am continuing with the clicker training so I'm not pushing her to do anything but attend to me (however briefly!). Every one laughed when we did a 'down/stay' due to her ability to down/stay most of the class! Poor Jane...finally we get to do something she's good at and everyone decides to laugh loudly and yell out things like "15 seconds....pretty sure she will stay down for 3 days HA Ha Ha"! How rude!!!! Won't be there this Sunday as have to be in Melb and my sister said she would rather get teeth pulled than suffer the humiliation of taking Jane to training!
Good luck with your dog, Sue Brown. Hopefully she wasn't bitten but you did the right thing by taking her to the vets just in case. Its the main reason why I took out pet insurance as I'm sure Jane will come upon a snake at some stage and with her personality its a given that she'll be bitten! What happened to the snake????
Jane is generally distroying something or looking for something to distroy or bringing something in from outside like a rock or peice of wood or up-rooted plant. At the moment she is no-where to be seen so the next few minutes should be interesting here!
There should be a law against bullies owning animals!
No doubt you would rather be at training watching Jane no being obedient at obedience!!!! Not sure what the forecast is for warrambool but better find out before we go if its 35c as it won't be on. Jane will miss playing with she soul mate, Ralph! Hope work goes well. We will miss you guys tomorrow!
Thanks for the birthday wishes...Jane is much better behaved today now that she's a big girl....or maybe its because its really hot today...hhmmmm!
Holly is lovely TLC! Nothing better than spending time with a dignified ancient one...its an honor and a pleasure! Gotta say that both Holly and Nanna Nike take a pretty awesome photo!
Awww...thanks guys!!!! Those pressies will surely replace the phone, dry cat food and doggie chews she stole today! Its like she woke up, found out what day it was and said..."Its my birthday so I'll be a turd if I want too...!
Yep...those looks sucked us in too! She is, however truely, evil! We even thought of changing her name to 'Cerebus' as thats the three headed dog who guards the gate of Hell! Mind you, she dosen't have a nasty bone in her body...she is just a fearless, happy girl with a wicked sense of humour...god love her!
Jane's not listening...I was giving her a birthday cuddle tonight when she quietly rolled behind me, picked up the cordless phone and went the bolt...through the house and out the back through the doggie door. We have learn't not to react as it just revs her up and generally she will reappear without too much damage done. However, as it was her birthday, she did reappear with said cordless phone but only after it was throughly chewed...she didn't seem impressed that her 'birthday present' went in the rubbish! (luckily we have a 2nd handset!) sigh!
Well my puppy is now one year old and who would have thought I'd survive! Mind you, countless books, phones (both mobile and land lines), remotes, bras and prescription glasses haven't survived but hey, nobody said puppies were cheap!
Hmmm...at the moment...clicker 'Pigs can Fly" (Book on how to train your impossible dog) Looonnng lunging lead for relaxing walks when you have a dog who probably won't recall...yet!
Bladder Issues - Any Suggestions Appreciated
tez replied to Pugmum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Have you or the vets considered that the seizures and urinary problems are related? It could be that the seizure activity has messed up the signals to your dogs bladder( not worded very well...sorry!). I looked after someone in the past that had an acquired brain injury (not from a seizure but seizures can cause a brain injury or a seizure can result from a brain injury) who consequently lost the ability to urinate as the messages from her bladder to her brain were damaged. Don't know how you could test this with a dog though! -
Getting Back Into Training (i've Been A Bad Mum)
tez replied to mrs tornsocks's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Best to get you and Archie into an obedience club...Jane and I go every week and every week we are HOPELESS!!!! Jane just loses it with the excitment of all those other dogs (She is a nearly 1 year old labbyx) but she also LOVES it and I find going each week spurs me on to train during the week. Everyone is so sick of me saying ' but she does this really well at home...."! -
I had a black Kelpiex (very very kelpie looking) that came from a shelter as a pup. She had back dew claws that we eventually got removed as the nails were angled into her leg. Even if they grew a tiny bit, it agrivated the skin under them. Anyway, the vet said they would take them off no problem under G.A as they were only attached by skin however it turned into a much bigger op as he found out they were attached to bone and muscle as well!!!! Poor girl had quite a few weeks of bandages and long suture lines down both legs. The vet did say that he had never seen dew claws attached like that before!
Fantastic find Jess...please thank Darcy for me! I had only just taken it out of its packaging that night so it was a one throw wonder before I lost it! Can't thank you guys enough! I'll look forward to the treasure hunt tomorrow after work! We finally went on a decent walk tonight as the weather has thankfully cooled. Don't know about other peoples dogs, black or otherwise but Jane is cactus in hot weather...she just dosen't see the point of a walk unless there is some decent water to cool off in. Mind you, she still has endless energy at home and pours all that excess energy into evilness and mayhem so...woohoo...come on Autumn. (and to think I was hanging out for Summer when we were walking in cold and rain and sludge!) As for the lake, often I will drive around to the other side for a decent walk but too scared of snakes at this time of year to even think about it. The sad thing (for us) is that is only going to become more well known and popular once the waterskiers and boaties get to know about it!
Sorry Jess...It was the night from hell with the Black Menace and I wasn't very aware other anything but her! We went to the lake before the showgrounds as it was just too hot to walk. She had a great time...I had her on the long lead as there were heaps of people about. Jane had a few good long swims but was pretty excited about all the activity. All good really but too many kids bounding up to say hello which hightened her even more...then a guy with austism came over and loudly announced that I should take my dog off the lead and let her have fun...again and again and again!!!!. By this time I was getting alittle frustrated so back in the car and off to the showgrounds. And well...you no doubt saw her at her annoying best there!!! To make matters worse, I threw a frisbee toy in the slim hope that she would re-focus but of course she didn't so I was wandering around trying to find the damn thing( which I didn't... so if you find it please let me know), while trying to make sure she wasn't annoying you guys too much. And I was wearing shoes that were killing me as Jane had ripped out the inner-sole of one of them! Then...got back to the car and Jane drops to the ground in the slim hope that you guys will come over to play by which time I was soooo over her that I picked her up and threw her into the car! She has been an amazing little turd tonight with no redeeming feature what-so-ever but I'm sure she has enjoyed herself immensley! So that is the sad and sorry tale as to why I didn't pick up on your signal, Jess....I hope you and your lovely (sigh!) well behaved (sigh!) girls had a nice walk. Maybe I can be a bit more social next time!
Haven't posted for a while but still walking the Black Menace! I finally got a long lead...YAH! Its a lunging lead fron a horse shop and its ace. Light and soft on my hands and long enough for Jane to get a really good workout while I still have control. We went up Mt Leura and she was able to leap around the long grass while I walked on the road. It also really helps with training recall while we are walking. I'm rapt! We also went for a walk along Killarney Beach (near Warrnambool) today and while I was abit nervous about letting her off-lead, I did so as we were with 8 other dogs on an otherwise deserted beach. She had a ball playing and running with the other dogs. When she got hot she just plunged into the water to refresh and off again. The best thing was that she recalled beautifully both with voice and whistle. I called her heaps of times even when she was sniffing a lovely smelly pile of seaweed and also while she was in the water and to my surprise she was great each time.
Great shots of beautiful dogs! Must add that Kibahs collar is spectacular!!! What is it made of?
Lucky you, Tassie! I started reading the first few pages of this book and Jane ticked all the boxes as an 'impossible' dog...but then I already sort of knew that! At least now I can get a handle on how to better train her! Having only had Kelpie x's before, she has really spun me out training wise as she is soooo not a Kelpie/ BC!!! The book was cheap too...$12 approx from U.S.A!
OMG...for a second I thought that was my bum!!!
I'm wondering if there might be another reason for with holding the xrays. As Charlie is so unique ( yep..I have been following little Charlies tale of medical woes.) maybe the vets want to keep the information in order to present a paper in a vet journal down the track. Does this happen with vets???
I'm reading 'When Pigs Fly...training sucess with impossible dogs' by Jane Killion. Even though I have just started reading it, it has me really excited about clicker training. Can't wait to get some clickers tomorrow and start! Suddenly it all makes sense!!! Has anyone else read this book...if so...what did you think about it???