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Everything posted by tez

  1. I am keeping everything crossed for Daphne. Our old dog Meg ate the ears of a choc bunny a few years ago and ended up at the vets for 3 days over Easter! She was ok in the end but one sick old girl for a while! After that event, we have always kept 'lectric soda' in the house to induce vomiting should something like that occur again! And the next year after that, despite warning visitors that no chocolate was to be left out, sure enough she got into it again! So we immediately gave her the soda, up came the chocolate and she was fine! The sooner you can get them to vomit it up the better so at least Daphne was caught in the act!
  2. Congradulations for tomorrow and have a happy moving day! Sounds like its been a long and painful wait!
  3. Hi everyone and happy Easter! Tenties...I hope everything works out for you. Keeping my fingers crossed! Jess...how are your girls? Jane has a nasty eye infection which the vet guesses is from swimming in the lake last week! She's her usual happy self but needs eye ointment for 5 days and Metacam for thre days to get on top of it...poor love!
  4. Hey tez! Sadly a case of necessity at the moment, Darcy has put on a heap of weight in the 6 days I've been away and the shallow water retreiving is the best way I can think of to pull it off her ASAP without risking cooking her or snake bite. Zee, well, tired is rarely a word I use to describe Zee. She turns 10 months old today. Crazy little squirt she is. Poor girls...they looked like they hated every minute of it...NOT! Don't tell Darcy...she'll be sneaking food so you will just have to take her again and again and again ! We went up there again tonight, so good having the lake usable again. Great that it's still warm enough to use too. I've missed it so much Yep...its a magic place when its quiet and its just us, some cow shit and the ducks! A great way to unwind after work. I'll miss it after daylight savings finishes.
  5. Hi everyone...hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather today! After a long day at work archieving medical files and doing the bills, Jane, Allie and I high-tailed it down to the lake for a beautiful walk. Blue skies, blue water and NO FLIES...it was bliss! Hey Jess, hope your two girls are tired from all their swimming! After the walk, Jane had a bit of a swim and then did zoomies in the grass. She managed to trip Allie up with the long line which looked pretty funny and one-one was hurt so all good! We went on the million paws walk last year but I don't think we will go this year as Jane will most likely plant herself on the footpath and let the other dogs come to her!!!
  6. Poor Rini...such a beautiful looking pup...minus the kong of course! So her bottom jaw (with tongue?) got caught in the large hole of the kong? Any damage to the poor wee thing?
  7. Have you tried your vet. After reading about the easy walk harness on DOL, and living in a small country town with very limited pet supplies, I just popped into our vets, explained what I wanted and they googled it straight away. They had it for me a day and a half later at a very reasonable price.
  8. Poor Arthur. He looks lovely and would be perfect for us if he lived closer as our girl is super friendly and energetic and would love a companion that would match her youthful exurberance! Sadly he is too far away but I'm hoping he finds his home soon! Any chance of advertising him at the local obedience schools as they may know someone who is looking for a dog as great as Arthur.
  9. Lying on a remote...Ahhh a dream come true! Jane just steals them and does the bolt out the doggie door! She seems to have this amazing sixth sense when the remote is unguarded, even if its just for a few seconds! Interestingly, Mokhahouse, she's a labby x....maybe the labs are the thieves of the dog world! Why is it always on a crap show when she does it!!!!
  10. OMG That is scary...however if I'm ever stranded on a desert island with Gilligan and the Skipper, can Benson come too?
  11. God love em! Could be worse...Imagine if they grew thumbs!
  12. Thought I'd have a nanna nap this afternoon. Jane and I had gone to training this morning which was action packed with lots of doggy socialisation and training followed by more doggy socialisation, then a 45 minute drive back home and some work around the garden. I was seriously tired and I thought she was too until.... No-one else home so I hop into bed with my faithful companion lying quietly by my side for Um maybe 5 minutes. I close my eyes but hear her hop down and pad gently out the room. A few minutes later I hear a quiet 'Wuff' so I crack an eyelid to see my little treasure looking at me from the bedroom door. As I do this she looks gently back at me and ever so carefully pushes the Bic lighter she had in her mouth out far enough so I could see what it was. ( At this stage, I'm sure if she could have she would have laughed in an evil "Bhaa ha ha" way!) She then turned and bolted out the room! Nanna nap is now OVER!
  13. When Jane has bone constipation, the vet gave her some parrifin orally that moved things along. Good luck with your little guts!
  14. My god that hail storm was nasty and poor Kirra to be so unlucky! when you think bout it though, if one of those had hit her on the head...well its dosen't bear thinking about! Get well soon Kirra!
  15. We have just started using the easy walk harness and I must say that I am surprised at the added benefits it brings. Jane is able to focus much better on me and seems to be able to react faster to the commands I give her such as 'sit', 'come around'( to get her to walk on my left from the right side) and 'bring it back' (when she starts to get abit ahead of where i want her to be). I am now thinking that I might actually be able to teach her to heel. She has only managed a very very short heel in the past with the flat collar. On a negitive note, I really don't like the way the lead swings when we walk...almost like a skipping rope or am I needing to shorten the lead?
  16. JJ...cograts on the future pups! How many are you expecting??? Whens the surgery...surely not around the same time the pups are due! Sorry Tim and Tanya, no ideas on burn't grass through wee but I'm sure theres a tread somewhere on dol to help you out. If its any help, Jane's wee dosen't burn the grass. She eats Adult Advance and chicken frames mostly with some fresh eggs (including shells) and sardines thrown in sometimes. BTW...JAne became annoying so not sick...just tired from all the swimming she did yesterday i think!
  17. Well done Jess, Darcy and Zee! Sounds like you all had a petty good weekend! Jane was pleasantly tired from the walk/swim with you guys and has been really laid back today! Not sure if she is actually sick as I've never seen her this relaxed before. Had a small vomit about midday but nothing in it as she only has 1 meal a day at night-time. (Sorry for the detail!) Time will tell...she should start to be annoying in the next 1/2 hour or so...if not I'll start to worry. Was thinking that maybe that stinky rock pool she had a swim in might not have been a good idea!!! Are all yours Ok Til and Mawson??
  18. Hey Jess...How did you and the girls go today? The weather was lovely when I was in warrnambool today so I hope it held off raining until you were finished. Any pics????
  19. Noooo...Thats nightmare material. Can't imagine it was a great time recovering the remains...you poor love!
  20. so happy for you all...its great to hear Maverickhas a friend! Which shelter did Hector come from?
  21. What a cutie!!! Love his intelligent face and his colouring is lovely! I'm just a tad jealous! Were you nervous introducing such a small pup to Maverick as I'm thinking that Jane would just be alittle over the top in excitment and I would worry that she may accidently hurt such a little baby.
  22. Tez I'm sorry I interrupted your training again tonight... we nearly need a timetable!! . Nice to see the grounds have been mowed Ha Ha ...no worries Jess. Jane is such a sticky beak. She knows your car and the whippet owners car and she was just a mess on four legs tonight. I love her to bits but she sure does my head in. She could teach an advanced diploma of stubborness! Best of luck on the weekend. I'm sure your georgous girls will do you proud!
  23. When I was dreaming about getting a new puppy it didn't include me FREAKING OUT every time Jane ran full belt only to screech to a halt maybe in front of the puppy or maybe on top of the puppy or maybe even under the puppy whereas a larger more matureish beast will better be able to handle it! Oh and the new family member also needs to have a sense of humour and be made of tougher stuff than normal skin amd muscle. Sigh...it may be a long search! But on a more positive note....we are in country Vic so if Maverick wants to visit...Cmon down!
  24. to Bronte! Such a pretty girl and so good! Puts the Black Menace to shame! May all your health issues be behind you and a full year of fun, games and training be ahead!
  25. Good post MavericksMission as I am also thinking that its time to get the Black Menace a pal as well! She's just gone 12 months and LOVES other dogs. Trouble is, she is as rough as guts! I was really tempted on getting a pup until we had to look after the little JR pup from next door. Jane (aka The Black Menace) was beside herself with joy but her sort of joy and a little pup just don't mix so we will be getting a junior rescue dog me thinks... so....Maverick sounds perfect for Jane and he's very cute, the right age and seems to have the energy level needed. ( I'm hearing the theme music to 'Perfect Match' in my head!)
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