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Everything posted by sara_brit

  1. Nekhbet, CavsRcute & rugerfly - thanks for your replies. It certainly seems as though there are options out there if you are prepared to look. Rugerfly - I go to Rob Zammit's surgery for regular vet care - I'll give them a call about natural therapies for ED. Cheers guys Sara
  2. Hi Nekhbet - My 7mth old rotti has ED which is severe in one leg. Our vet says she is still too young for surgery as she still has a lot of growing to do. She's on anti-inflam's daily as well as Joint Guard but she's still in pain. :rolleyes: I'm keen to give natural therapies a go and it sounds as though you have had some success - exactly what have you done with your dog and do you know if your vet can recommend a natural vet in Sydney? Thanks
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