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Posts posted by nikrhithokaylin

  1. Hi EVeryone.

    I am not very familiar with this breed. My friend is possibly buying one from cranbourne.

    I am already a concerned because of the reference to 'tiny size', are they referring to the general size of a Yorkshire or have they bred them to be 'teacups' :(

    But what about the price considering that there are no papers?

    Thanks in advance for your advice :)

  2. Swayed, thank you, I know, I ordered one from you but it came a day too late (not your fault, ordered it monday we got it wednesday) . We lost him, he developed pneamonia, which I am sure came from inhaled milk when we were trying to feed him with a syringe, and went down hill extremlly quickly.

    RIP Gizmo :heart:


    Yes that is often what happens with weak puppies; they are not strong enough to suckle properly from mouth to gut.

    Next time :mad

    (hopefully never, touch wood :))

    if you have a puppy that is not gaining weight, give them ABs so they have something to fight with :mad

    Their weakend system cannot fight anything on its own, hence ABs to either contend with an underlying infrection or prevent a new infection taking hold.

    Hi Sorry, I just realised that I hadn't come back to say that we had had him to the vet and he had had an ab shot and was on oral ab for an infection on his ear, that we think was cause from the other puppies sucking on it!!!

    Another lesson learnt, I just wonder if we will ever not get so emotional over it.

  3. I am going to have trouble getting a tube to feed him as I already did the ring around of a few vets to try and get one just in case, and they wouldn't give me one!

    That is rude!!

    For future reference I sell them

    Feeding Tubes

    Swayed, thank you, I know, I ordered one from you but it came a day too late (not your fault, ordered it monday we got it wednesday) . We lost him, he developed pneamonia, which I am sure came from inhaled milk when we were trying to feed him with a syringe, and went down hill extremlly quickly.

    RIP Gizmo :laugh:

  4. have u tried beefliver t ??

    is pupwarm enough do not let him chill .

    Beef liver recipe is..... boil a piece of beef liver till the blood runs out ,strain liquid & fed to pup(an eYe droper works well for this ) 4drops every 2hrs for 12 hrs ,then every 4 hrs until pup is thriving.


    Yes we gave him beef liver tea, forgot to add that in, and I credit that to him gaining energy. Should I continue to give him this until he gains weight?

    He is now having NeutriPet Gel...does this do the same as Beef Liver Tea?

  5. have u tried beefliver t ??

    is pupwarm enough do not let him chill .

    Beef liver recipe is..... boil a piece of beef liver till the blood runs out ,strain liquid & fed to pup(an eYe droper works well for this ) 4drops every 2hrs for 12 hrs ,then every 4 hrs until pup is thriving.


    Yes we gave him beef liver tea, forgot to add that in, and I credit that to him gaining energy. Should I continue to give him this until he gains weight?

  6. Has puppy got a good sucking reflex?

    I would suggest taking puppy off mum and totally monitoring how much it gets via bottle

    If not feeding good off bottle then I would suggest that puppy is tube fed.

    There ae good articles that explain tue feeding or ask yourvet. Dont leave it too long though

    Puppy has great sucking reflex now, didn't at first which is why we went for the syringe.

    when he gets on Mum now he goes hell for leather which he wasn't doing in the first 2 days.

    My biggest worry is that we were supplement feeding him and he was still getting on mum and he still wasn't gaining anything.

    Do you think that if he is suckling we should still remove him. I am going to have trouble getting a tube to feed him as I already did the ring around of a few vets to try and get one just in case, and they wouldn't give me one!

  7. Hi everyone

    We have a litter of six CKCS puppies, born on monday, non complicated birth (after last time, thank god!!).

    Or problem is that the little runt was born at 159g, dropped to 140 by tuesday and has wavered within 1-2 gs above and below that, but we can not get him to put on weight.

    We have been supplementing (via syringe) with animalac as well as putting him on mum. For the first few days he was not sucking enough to get anything out but now is.

    Last night we researched to see if there was anything else we could find out and do. He is not showing signs of a chilled puppy or fading puppy. Mum found a recipe Puppy Supplement (evap milk, plain yoghurt, egg yolk, water and nutipet gel). He has had this twice today.

    But again at his weigh in today he is only 140grams. Other puppies weights are 365, 280, 355, 350 and 194 (which is not the best either but he is steadily putting on)

    This is him against the 3rd smallest puppy (sorry others were feeding) will try and post more later.


    Any advice would be very much appreciated, we have never had a puppy like this before, and are running out of things we know to do.

  8. I appreciate that many materials used for clothing soft toys etc are often treated with chemicals. Formaldehyde being one of them (google it for drtails of this chemical) There fore I always wash any soft toys and clothing purchased for myself to reduce any traces of this.

    Bad thing is that alot of cleaners and detergents in Australia contain Formaldehyde!!!!

  9. Hi everyone...

    We have a little cav who is doing fab with her training, she is just a pet but I want her to be a well behaved pet.

    Because we have little kids she often gets things that she shouldn't (her fave is the babies dummy :rolleyes: ) and I always tell her to 'Drop It', is this going to cause too much confussion the the "drop' command? If so what one should I change?

    Also what is the best way to teach them to 'Stay'?

  10. HI everyone

    Loosing our little piglet was very sad, we have breed 3 litter from 2 different dogs in 4 years and this is the second time we have lost a pup but it wasn't any easier this time than the last, in fact it was proabably worse.

    But on a brighter note 'Bob' and 'Fred' (my children have nicknamed them) are doing fantastic, Bob now weighs 285g and Fred weighs 310g!!!

    Take Care Kristy

  11. HI

    We have a litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels born 7 days early...This our 3rd litter of these pups but first for this Dame. She had 8 pups all up but 5 were still born (that is anopther story)

    Two of the puppies are going great guns we have no worries with them at all...they are gaining loads of weight.

    My concern is out little runt, he was born at 100g, and would not suck, I expressed from mum for the morning giving to him via syringe. By mid morning he started sucking we just had to help him find it. By the next morning he was finding it on his own. We were hopeful, but dispite that he was still loosing weight rapidly....by wednesday afternoon he was down to 82g. We decided that it was time to intervine, and started giving him some formula as well as putting him on the breast...he was going great all night and this morning, has gained 10g, but has now stopped sucking.

    Please give me any advice that you can, I don't want to loose this little man.

    Should I take him off her and hand rear him? I have seen some mention of tube feeding, what does this entail.

    Thankyou in advance for any advice you can give me.

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