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Thank you. I've found one that I 'think' may cover it for registered breeders but I'll have to look into it more. If it does I may see if her kennel will do it and I just pay. Such a shame really.
Sorry if this has been covered before, I did search. We've recently gotten a new pup, she's a giant breed so insurance is on my mind just in case. She is also on contract where her kennel may want to breed her depending how she develops. So for the just in case - any recommendations on a pet insurance plan that'd cover the normal things (hips, leg problems, ligament, not sure what else) and pregnancy just in case please?
You'd think so hey :laugh: They were 2 young men we didn't recognise them but there had been a crime spate in the area all over now thank goodness, I've no idea if they knew she was here or not but she was getting her loving from one of them. We've always made a point of sending Sierra to her crate when people come over (not friends unless they have little ones as she sometime knocks them down) but the repair people etc and letting them think she needs to be seperated or is being good as we are there. Barking wouldn't be an issue as such as hubby is home full time and the dog (dogs) will be inside dogs, but yes we'll definatly be doing the encouraging to bark at someone at the door (not even front yard but door/window/house basically). I'm pretty excited, not rushing but looking forward to the new addition when we find him. I'm hoping over the school holiday period so the kids will be home too and I'll have long holidays. Dogs not for the kids I'm afraid so that's not an issue it'll be for me hopefully although with hubby being home full time it may take to him more. I wouldn't dream of SMS as a form of contact (bit old school) but did email the ones that had it saying I was interested then giving some stuff on us, saying if they wanted to know more and/or thought we were suitable to let us know. I did think if they thought we weren't suitable they could of let us know too, or if I'm looking at it wrongly why. I'm open to education and agree that the family pet is the most important part but yes there are different temperments/backgrounds as such and the breeder would know more about if their line suits us. Best to chat personally I think, that's what I did with my girl as her breeder didn't have email or web. I wondering if I should just contact her again (no probs with the dog and what we wanted, just the breeder was hard to stay in contact with after we got her, I did update once a year for about 3 years then stopped as I felt like I was intruding.)
We're in North QLD so while there are some breeders up here its not a lot, with Sierra we let the breeder pick for us all we wanted was a girl as at that time we had a desexed boy. She choose wonderfully and except for the none barking at intruders in our home we haven't had an issue. I so don't want a dog that may place itself in danger (I heard of a dog being killed by intruders, so I'd rather she lick or run or whatever) but a bark would of been nice, just while they were removing the screen ever. I do understand she may have thought her pack not in danger but with 2 strange men in the house, kids asleep and us at the other end it was a shock. (The dog across the road didn't stop barking so we got up and surprise ) I've looked at the websites for the breeders (mainly QLD for the moment) where they have things such as: excellent companions and bred for work ethic, firm character and playfullness suited to live as family companions/guardians, personal protection, sporting, tracking, detection dogs etc. OUTGOING, EXCELLENT TEMPERMENTS. MANY HAVE EXCELLED IN SECURITY WORK, TRACKING AND LURE COURSING FIELD CHAMPIONS. In my email I said Our girl is obedience trained which we'll do with a new pup too, we are actually hoping for a boy with a slightly stronger protection instinct this time - our girls a love bunny we had people break in with us at home and she didn't make a noise so more a barker not guarding as such but to alert us. I hope that part makes sense :s I'm not sure if the protection instinct is part of their drive (our girl is show lines) or if its the way we've raised her. I'll ring a few and have a chat that way we can get a feel for each other. Maybe I'm not being realistic in what I want. I'd hate to be in the position where she was really tested, I'd think if she'd had of barked it would of put the guys off but when we went out one was actually crouched with her giving her a pat. At least it ended well I suppose they left rather fast the only thing we had to do was catch the cat that'd taken off out the window they came in. Thanks all and who knows if you have GSD's I may end up speaking with you, I don't mind a chat. Just saw the - Your asking for a certain temperament suitable for a family life but has a vocal response for visitors (mostly unwanted)not a highly reactive dog. -and that does actually sum it up perfectly. We got what we wanted with Sierra and now just need that little bit more vocal response. Might be easier to explain that over the phone and you've worded it beautifully. Thank you
I did wonder about that, I still wonder too if if it's how we've raised Sierra, as in shushed her now she doesn't bark. She's such a good dog, just beautiful and so soft temperment wise an absolute dream but occassionally a bark would be nice. She lives inside but doesn't care if anyone comes to visit, she'll follow us to the door but not go by herself etc. We tried teaching her to 'speak' and getting people to visit and giving a treat if she made any kind of noise, just didn't happen. She is from show lines so we were thinking maybe working lines this time? We do obedience, daily exercise and someone is home full time so I think something with a little stronger drive would cope. Sierra is food motivated and likes to please but not ocd, if you do it too long she'll just lay down and give you the big puppy dog eyes. We love her which is why we were thinking another GSD.
Thanks, I was only contacting people with litters due or currently taking names. I might start the call around, I like to chat, I just wasn't sure how it was meant to be done. I might ring the people I've emailed as at least they'll know our basics. :) Then I was starting to worry I might have sounded a little strange or pushy for sharing at the start. I just thought it'd give more of an idea of what we can offer and if its what they find suitable.
Hi, We are looking at buying a puppy in the near future. I've email a few breeders (is that my first mistake?) but feel I am doing something wrong as not one has responded, its been a week today. I've been providing basic information in my emails to see if they think we'd suit them first such as owning our own house current pets kid situtation what we're looking for (basically a male pup that may have some protective instincts, male as our other dogs a desexed girl) now on this last one I'm not sure if it the way we've raised our current dog (a pedigree girl) but lets just say we had people break in and she welcomed them with licks and kiss's (all good nothing hurt, we were home at the time and got a fright but a bark would of been nice, you know just a bark as they were pulling out the window screens :). ) I did say I wasn't sure if this was the way we raised her or if its because she's such a family /show line. (GSD). Any way tips on what I should be telling them or how to start would be greatly appreciated, I'm not sure if I'm just being impatient, if I should be ringing or if I'm sharing too early ? We're not in a rush, we're not worried about money just finding a pup that will fit with us. thanks
Recommendations For Boarding Kennels
01kismet replied to Henrietta's topic in General Dog Discussion
Danita's pet resort, can't recommend the highly enough. They are up towards Harvey's range and great. They have a website with all the info and I'm not associated with them at all except as a customer, we've been using them for years as have my parents. They'll allow inspection and don't mix/run dogs together unless from the same family and asked too. -
Well I rang the police today and the first step I have to ask them to leave, to leave the yard and to leave dad alone and not bother him again. Fun, we'll see how it goes, we've shut the gate and popped 'a German shepherd lives here' sign on it so we'll go from there. Once I've talked to them if they don't listen or it get nasty well then we may be able to do something else (the policeman wasn't quite sure what), I've also got to try and get it through Dad's head he needs to stop giving them change (it started of as $3, then $5 then $50) or even just sitting and talking with them when they turn up. The policeman pointed out Dad was rather silly to do it in the first place (had to laugh at that ! I mean really ?) It is Dad's money, he gets old and lonely so has a tendency to strike up conversations with random strangers and give $ out all over the place. Most of the time its not too bad or too much its just now they know where we live. Gotta love Dad :) They haven't come back today so, so far so good. I get up early most days during the week due to work (alarm goes off at 6 but then its doing the animals/shower/coffee etc) but being a public hol was taking advantage of the chance to sleep in. Have been kicking the dogs out the front morning and afternoon so that may help too, they have beds and the carport so its not horrid. I'm just worried if I put them off side, they may do something to us/house/car etc or worse yet Dad as he walks/bike rides around the place and bumps into them. Don't get me wrong they haven't been threating in any way but 'offering to walk him to the bank' rings alarm bells with me. Life's never dull here. oh and apparently I lied, she was her today we just didn't hear her (now see my problem is she's either seriously quiet or dad is getting confused). He reckons she came this afternoon and they sat out the front but I didn't hear our gate or them talking and I was sitting by the open front window on the computer. I've told the hubby we have to get one of those movement alarm things(like the shops).
my bold but Thanks ! good idea and we can go with that, we were working on speak this afternoon :) Non alerting shepherd, oh yeah, we have Sierra our girl (pedigree) and Kilkenny our boy 12 yrs and a X, non alerting totally. Spoilt lazy creatures they are, I've meet one other - a young female and meets me at her gate with kiss's ! I think I've reinforced the non barking in all of them with my greeting unfortunately. We can get Sierra hyped up enough to whinge/whine atm (when the husband whines and carries on) so we'll keep going until we get a bark and go from there, will have to change to the speak cue too. Picture of our lazy sods should be attached. (had to laugh the old boy barked before she did) Thanks
yes, yes they are, and they multiple :) I was going to ring the police tomorrow and ask for advice (today being ANZAC I thought they may be busy) but Dad won't say 'no" to them and with 2 small boys at home I don't want to put the people off side and have a mob turn up (it could be rather messy). Unfortunatly I don't think there is any getting through to dad so I'd rather head them off before they reach him, the dog barking would help me do that. He (dad) sits with them out the front, then the smoking starts, the swearing and stories of how sad their life is (which it maybe but still its not their $ and dad doesn't want to give more) At 6 am we are not up so can't save him as such, if the dog barks we can get up and sticky beak (making up a story like i did today, where dad and i went out so they had to leave, while the hubby and kids stayed home so the house was occupied) Sounds bad, but it started as 1 lady he felt sorry for and helped, then the lady and her friend turned up to help dad to the bank and then the ladies sister turned up looking for the original lady :S (since the original lady and dad are such good friends). I don't really know that it is a police matter as such (dad being the way he is) but I will ring them tomorrow
I don't want to sound mean about dad but he's kinda special (must be the old age) he'd go on about how friendly they are, he is telling stories about us as it is (nothing bad but how $ is no object when it comes to our pets etc) We are going to shut the gate and we could leave them out the front (we have 2 dogs but our boys 12 so we don't expect much from him) but that leaves them to risk, I'd rather the girl just bark which she doens't do at all.... Not when people come in the yard, knock at the door, sing out, etc etc, she just doesn't bark. I'm thinking we can lock the screen and have her inside but I want her to bark once people knock or come to the door and sing out. I don't want the person/people coming around finding out she is friendly as they'll just waltz on through and I don't want my dogs or family in danger. I figure if she's is inside barking all is good :)
Hi, I'm after ideas on how to get my dog to bark at people entering our yard. Bark only basically she lives inside with us so can't get to them out the front when they come to the door. But I would like her to bark, she is a German Shepherd and basically she does nothing. Our situation is we have our house and Dad's granny flat is attached to it(with an internal entrance and also his own front + back door too), Dad meet a poor woman who had been beat up by her partner and gave her money, she lives in our area so after the first time he bumped into her again and gave her more money, repeat for a 3rd time he gave her money and our address, she is now turning up at about 6am and asking him for money and saying she'll walk him to the bank (and bringing a male friend to keep them safe :)) any way we slept through it, dog didn't bark, her sister turned up this afternoon etc. I'd just like the dog to bark, I'm quite willing to go out and say he's not home, head them off etc if the dog barks so I know they are here. I'm thinking of asking some strangers to approach the house and if she barks doing treats but will that work ? Again she is an inside dog so sounding scary is not an issue, she can't get out to them at all. Dad is in his late 70's so doesn't say no. The lady has been though his place (maybe scoping it out ? maybe I'm paranoid) but since I can't trained Dad I'd like to train the dog. Suggestion greatfully received, thanks
Yes, his stomach was attached to his insides or however it works. To try and stop it from being able to twist again. I'm so glad we caught it early too, he was in so much distress and by the time we got there so bad. The poor vets I rocked up was actually closed (only nurses on) but he was so bad they called vets straight in and we got him fixed. they were so good about it and Kenny was so brave and good with everything we were doing to him. Thanks for that, I'm looking forward to having him home.
Hi, I was hoping to get some information from people who's dogs have suffered bloat and lost their spleen. I rushed Kenny out to the vet last night with bloat, his stomach had twisted quite badly but they've operated and he's stable now. His spleen was removed during the op. Kenny is looking like he might come home tomorrow afternoon. Apparently atm he's doing well very sad and sore but on good pain killers, walking and his heart is normal. Thank goodness we got him out there quickly, and thank goodness for good vets. I was just after any suggestions for when he comes home the vet said it should be fine and I'll get more information from them when I get to go visit him but in the mean time other information would be good. (quick edit) Kenny is 11 years old, we don't know what caused it (maybe rushing his food) he's not overly active :) cheers.