fishy fishy
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I am not fussed about the barking. It is the ripping up any plants that are near the tree. Grass is included. He smooches the tree like a cat and has a general love fest with it. Also i didn't make it clear but my puppy is hopeless at guarding. He is scared of everything!!!!!!!! Loud noises, little dogs, cats. He finds me and runs and hides behind me when he is scared and shakes. Or he will try to hide under my sons bed. We go for a walk and he runs up to anyone and rolls on his back for tummy rubs. I think he loves the tree because it is non threatening.
The thing is he is not a strong guarder. He would be no good on a farm that is why we have him. He is on his own for maybe 20 minutes a day on average. He is just so funny about this one tree. It is sort of funny to watch but i know that it is a bad habit that needs to be broken. He just goes funny when my son and i arn't there. It used to be just crying all the time now it is a love fest with a tree.
I have a 17 week old male maremma. He is the most well trained and beautiful pup. There is nothing wrong with him when he is around us inside or out walking but he has a thing. He is a LGD and as such is funny in our yard when either myself or my son is not at home. He has started to guard a tree!!! He races and barks at birds that go near it and has ripped up all the shrubs around it. I was thinking of getting him a rabbit friend for our yard so he can guard something that is alive when he is alone. I was actually thinking of 2 Flemish Giants. Would this fix the problem? I have searched the internet and could find nothing on this.
Before i brought my dog home i contacted all 4 of the local vets. There is no Parvo in the area that any of them were aware of. We have a dog oval 1 block from my house so that is the ideal place to work up to him getting there. We are taking a step in the right direction. He doesn't just roll over anymore. He has started dancing and then rolling over. I have tryed tempting him with treats but he prefers to roll over. Crazy dog. :D What dog would prefer to roll around on the ground instead of getting a nice big bone? Kirby. That is who.
He is 10weeks. He used a lead at his old house. I have just been putting it on him and trying to go for a walk around the yard first so i can find out what walking style he has. I tried taking him down the road a few houses and he did the same thing. I am not dragging him or anything. He just doesn't want to walk. Strange. I end up having to carry a 20kg puppy around.
I have a beautiful smart and really cuddly puppy. He is a Maremma. We have had him for two days and he already knows his name, sit, roll over, back, and stay. He is really soft too. I have a two year old and when he wants pats, he runs up and lays down in front of my son. He is also fully house trained. The one thing i am having lots of trouble with is that he doesn't want to go on walks. I will walk over to him and put on his lead and he will roll over with his legs waving in the air. If i grab him and put him back on his feet, he starts crying. What do i do?