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all that glitters

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Everything posted by all that glitters

  1. I hope you find some temp homes for them Jed!! It would be unfathomable to lose them now after all you and them have been through. Crossing fingers for you.
  2. Shys coolest thing is if I open and shut my mouth silently, she will silent snap or silent bark (we call it snap lol)
  3. Well the lovely lady next door has offered to walk with us so today I had a walking buddy yay!
  4. I do think it was extreme for the dog to bite in that way!!! BUT yes I get it all the time, joggers run RIGHT PAST shyla without saying a single word and I never hear them coming! It shocks both me and her. She wouldn't react in the same manner like the other dog, but I would appreciate them saying something so we know and I can gather up more leash
  5. Yayy!!!! Most dogs just sleep, or mine does anyway, even for 9 whole hours indoors ;) I don't feel bad AT ALL for keeping a shepherd locked indoors while at work, she doesn't even go outside anyway if her dog door is open and I am home, so there's the proof!! Glad your dogs were ok! Knew they would be
  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are u serious that is SO SCARY!!! Far out did it take u a long time to recover, I was shaking for hours after my thing which isn't barely as bad as yours At the time I was so pumped about having escaped (adrenalin high I suppose)...who knew I could move my slothful body that quickly and fight back, let alone scale a high fence without a leg up (I haven't been able to repeat that feat ). I stopped walking home alone for a few weeks but then just got a bit smarter about it - changed my route, stopped using ipod and actually paid attention to the world around me. I think the uncomfortable worried feeling you had is the worst. I was lucky that I didn't really get that because I was off with the fairies. I hope you are feeling better soon, and can keep walking. A walking buddy might be worth a try. You scaled a fence! WOW I couldn't LOL. Did you have to scale it to get away from them?? Did they retreat when you fought them off?? Far out I can't believe they grabbed you Ohhh very creepy, especially an old man EW!
  7. Nope not having a dig at you at all, it's just my opinion!! I do things that make sense and to me it makes sense to exercise and tire a dog before leaving it alone for the day so that it naturally wants to sleep, whereas if you wake up and just leave it alone it still has pent up energy and so some dogs (not all) could use that energy to do naughty things! If it works for your dogs to walk them after its fine! I would just never do it that way that's all I admit it SUCKS walking in the mornings but I am into a bit of a routine now
  8. Yep my shepherd is indoors whenever we are out I never leave her with outdoor access because she is a barker and I am paranoid about poisoning, her escaping etc. And to be honest if I leave the door open when home, she spends 5 minutes out there and the rest of the day inside with me!!! At the moment she is indoors 9hrs on a Tuesday (my mum comes at lunch to let her out for a play and gives her more treats to work on), and Thursday and Friday for 6hrs. I will be getting a Mon-Fri 9-5 kinda job in the new year hopefully so that will make her a 9-5 Mon-Fri indoor dog but I'm honestly not that worried at all, she is an angel indoors and my mum will come to play with her and let her have a wee break at the halfway mark on each day :D I also would NEVER EVER not exercise her b4 leaving, regardless of the fact I am not a morning person too. I think it's totally mean not to in my opinion, so I get up 1 hour earlier than I would otherwise need to and we go on a big 45 minute walk, personally I think it's a sacrifice you have to make if you own a dog and work I guess that's maybe why my 'working breed' is trustworthy indoors!
  9. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are u serious that is SO SCARY!!! Far out did it take u a long time to recover, I was shaking for hours after my thing which isn't barely as bad as yours :D
  10. OMGGGG I should have known! I worked there for 2 years I refuse to ever go back there, it was feral! I can officially say I am NOT from there haha
  11. I put funkytown as in just a funny name (the song that has funkytown in it) i don't live in any place called funkytown at all!! :( What suburb IS known as funkytown??
  12. I wonder too!! The cops said they'd call if they need to or if anything else arises. I want to know if he has a previous record or not
  13. Wow your situation was very much like mine!!! I'm surprised this creep didn't say anything he had his window as far down as it could go and was leaning over the passenger seat a bit if you get what I mean, I was waiting for him to say something (in my innocent world he would have asked for directions..)
  14. Interesting, I never thought of that!! It was just the evil stare in his eyes that got to me though, his stare is still in my vision a lot it was just the stare of evil intent! Ew
  15. When he first pulled up next to me it was from behind, so the only view he had of me was from behind (and no I wasn't in attractive clothing) it's very strange Eta if I start walking alone again I am seriously going to wear one of Arons huge man tshirts and put my hair under a hat so I appear to be A MAN
  16. I dooo always walk at different times though! On Monday it's often at late afternoon, Tuesdays is really early morning, Wednesdays mid morning or later afternoon, Thurs and Fri mid morning and the weekend I don't walk hubby does lol So yeah it's never same time, the time I saw him I barely walk at, so it was random but very unfun
  17. Yes, yes it is But on a serious note the suburb I live in is usually really safe, like I love living here cos nothing big usually ever happens! I walk the streets every single day and have NEVER seen this car (you can't miss it, it's my favorite model of car and BRIGHT YELLOW) so we are pretty sure the guy isn't a local. I thought of maybe sticking to the park near my house and just doing laps and jogging with her in there cos cars can't see into it, and there are like 5 exits nearby with houses, if I feel the need for a quick exit Either way she will still get a 45 minute daily walk, just in the evening after work instead The half an hour fetch/jogging around the yard this morning tuckered her out enough for her to come in and promptly curl up on her couch as I left for work :D
  18. He had no eyes for Shy, he was staring me straight in the eyes and staring at me the entire entire time (I was looking to see if he looked at her at all, nope, which makes it scarier)
  19. No I was over a dozen houses away from my house so he shouldn't know where I live! The other creepy thing is that 2 hours later I Drove around with my mum and we saw his car again on the same road and he overtook another car and went flying down the street, I wonder if he was scouring the area for a victim still!!! Just curious where u saw my location? As far as I know I only have VIC up as my location
  20. On Friday morning me and Shyla set off for a lovely walk in the sun, I had my bumbag on with drink bottle sticking out, tracksuit pants and basically got just out of bed. We walk down the street and around the bend still on my street and I hear a car pulling up behind me, I turn around and there is a very distinct car (in color and make) that comes up beside me and as I keep walking, the guy in the car keeps crawling next to me, I look in the car and his windows are right down and he's staring RIGHT At me (I had sunglasses on) just staring me dead straight in the eyes, he looked so evil or rapisty or ugh I dont know. I note the VERY EASY TO REMEMBER numberplate and keep on walking. So I keep walking, I am a bit put off, and he drives on up ahead and goes around the roundabout and comes back past again (on the far side of the road) staring at me. I then cross the road to the other side of the roundabout and he does a U turn in the street he was near and comes back down past me on my side of the road AGAIN and stopped and was staring RIGHT at me leaning over across the passenger side. WHAT THE HELL. I quickly turned away and got my phone out and he kept on going slowly down the road. I quickly ran to the other side of the road where a milkbar is and waited near the milkbar door with Shyla waiting to see if he came out, but he didnt. I then kept on my walk trying to feel fine but my hands were physically shaking. I got home and phoned the local police and the lady was very interested in my report, she took down all details and said I may get a call later if he is connected to anything else or if something happens in the future. I felt shaky and had that constant fear feeling inside for about 5 hours after the accident! Only when I got stuck into some things at work did I sorta forget about it a bit and feel a bit more grounded. Overall it was the most scariest thing in a looong time. I had Shyla with me, maybe that put him off coming out and.... who knows?? I wonder if she would have protected me had he approached. She has never shown aggression so I felt very scared cos I don't EXPECT her to protect me. But I am so glad I had her with me and wasn't walking alone (easy target). SO now I am too scared to walk without another human being, which means for now before work instead of walking her I will have to play fetch with her in the backyard/run around with her in the yard (which tuckers her out HEAPS anyway) for a good 40 minutes, then walk her with hubby in the evening. I hate that a stranger can totally change your lifestyle just like that. Me and Shy loved our daily walks before I went to work, now she will have to wait til the evenings /end long story
  21. What diet is Orbit itch free on now out of curiosity? :D
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