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Everything posted by k9angel

  1. Hi Anne, As far as I know, the younger ones DO get a parvac shot on being impounded. :cool: I even request it sometimes before I take a dog out, but today I was taking this little one straight to the Vet for his shots. I wasnt aware that he was sick, until I saw him myself. I sensed the urgency too. I usually stay to say hello to all the dogs, but as soon as I saw him, only made it half way down the first row and said to Jack "C'mon, we have to get this little one to the doctor". Jack still mananged to take off to the cattery. He loves cats too. On the way to the Vet, I called to let him know I was on my way with a very sick little patient. I would of thought the kennel hands would of picked it up sooner. :D :D I can only imagine if I left it til tommorow to pick him up. As it was, this staffy x pup was standing, leaping all over him. He didnt have the energy to move, so just lay there and took it. I noted at the Vet tonight, his gums were much pinker than a few hours before. We have to sit and wait now. He is in the best of hands. I wont sleep well tonight admittedly, and if the ph rings early, I will shite myself thinking the worse. Although this boy hasnt had much attention in his little life, he got plenty tonight. And at least I know, if the worst does happen - he got every chance possible, and at the same time, got to be loved... I still havent had a chance to think of a name for him. He needs a special name. He is a special boy.
  2. He is all bones. Very sad. I would seriously be surprised if he weighs 5kgs. He feels very, very light. It worries me. I wonder if he has eaten at all, whilst at the pound? I know they get fed, but do they stay to make sure everyone gets a chop, or do they just drop the bowls off and its every man for himself? The little black and white husky that was sharing his kennel was very thin also. I remember when I went there last week, there was a notice on the door for the kennel hand to check for diarrhoea, I was also advised he (the blk & white one) was a little unstable on his legs. :D When I went to check him, he appeared ok, but still not happy like a pup should be. I will call the pound tomm and ask them to call the ppl who adopted him to let them know he may have parvo virus. I would hate to think of the poor bugger, left to suffer with someone who thinks its nothing more serious than a case of the runs.... :D Oh and I asked today, did they come in together? the answer no, BUT within a few hours of eachother. Makes you wonder doesnt it? :cool:
  3. Yes, I am the one paying. Thank you for your offer, it is much appreciated.
  4. I went and spent about an hour with the little one tonight. He is doing well. The Vet is happy he hasnt pooped as yet, said its a good sign. However he also told me that there is a 50/50 chance he will make it. He told me he has seen worse get better, and ones in better cond. than this boy, go down fast and die. :D I took him some fried porterhouse steak, but as expected, he didnt eat it. I also took him the Vet bed and a little toy, which he was quiet interested in. He has the drip in his little leg, all bandaged up. Whenever I went to leave, he would try to get up to follow or prick his ears as if to say 'Hey, where are you going?'. I snuggled up to him, he is such a little cuddle bear, he has a soft coat like Mya did, and told him he HAD to get better so he can come home and play with the kids and be spoiled rotten. I go back to see him tommorow. Fingers crossed he gets through tonight. I managed to sneak some pics of him. He wasnt fazed by me taking his pic, infact I think he felt a little special
  5. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/break...ua-python-jaws/ A three-metre python that swallowed a family's pet dog in Cairns has almost claimed another canine victim, attempting to consume a chihuahua. In a stroke of good luck for the tiny dog, the dog's owner was able to drag the animal out of the snake's mouth, News Limited reports. The same snake had already stalked and eaten a nine-month-old Jack Russell terrier as it played in its backyard. "I had come home and let Dot out as usual (into the backyard) to do her business," the Jack Russell's owner told News Limited. "I went out an hour and a half later and came across this massive big amethystine python, with a big lump in it." The woman had become so distressed she moved out of her home after the incident. The incident comes after reports of a scrub python feeding on a 35kg pet goat in the nearby town of Kuranda two weeks ago.
  6. I am sorry to hear that, poor baby. I agree it sucks. A little baby, all of 2 mths old, sitting in a pound cell, sick and suffering. He finally gets a chance to find a loving home, than this. Thank God I went today, tommorow would of most likely been too late. I didnt really get a chance to spend time with him. I had the kids and I was in a mad rush to get him to the Vet. I remember when we did get there, I had to run out to the car for something and he followed. Poor little boy. A tiny skeleton on legs. I picked him up and cuddled him close, the next thing I knew he was being tested for parvo, then whisked away to be admitted/treated. It all happened so fast. The Vet knows I am coming back this afternoon (when OH gets in) to spend some time with him. It might make him stronger and give him a reason to live..... if he knows someone loves him. :D
  7. I am so worried. The blk & wht husky pup was sold. What happens if he gets sick too? Will the owners know to take him to the Vet, will they even bother treating him or just let him die a slow and painful death???? There was another staffy x looking junior left in with this boy. He appeared ok, but for how long?? maybe he will get it too. This may sound really strange to some, but as I soon as I arrived at the pound I thought I could smell parvo in the air. Then when I saw this boy, laying there all lethargic, the staffy pup walking all over him, I feared the worse. There are so many littlies (pups) in there atm. Those border collie pups are only very young and IMO, should be out under DOC. Can anyone help them..... PLEASE??????? I fear they'll all end up with it and die. :D I have spoken to pound staff to alert them to it, and have suggested those pups go out under DOC. k9angel, so sorry to hear this about that beautiful boy, I hope and pray he can be saved and makes a full recovery soon. I hope you don't mind me asking, but the little minpinXchi girl that I adopted on 6/3/10 was in kennel 10 [your boy was in kennel 8]. She now has kennel cough, but what is the likelihood of her being exposed to the parvo? I'm really worried now.... What symptoms should I be looking for if, in fact, she has been exposed? Should I now take her to the vet just in case? She will go off her food, become depressed and lethargic. Some go down hill much faster than others. She will vomitt and have the runs, which usually, eventually turns bloody. Parvo is a terrible, terrible thing. A very cruel disease. My girl Blacky (now 6 and also a husky) is a parvo survivor. She went down hill so fast overnight. She spent some time (weeks) at the Vet but made a full recovery. I am hoping this little boy makes it. I really am.
  8. I am so worried. The blk & wht husky pup was sold. What happens if he gets sick too? Will the owners know to take him to the Vet, will they even bother treating him or just let him die a slow and painful death???? There was another staffy x looking junior left in with this boy. He appeared ok, but for how long?? maybe he will get it too. This may sound really strange to some, but as I soon as I arrived at the pound I thought I could smell parvo in the air. Then when I saw this boy, laying there all lethargic, the staffy pup walking all over him, I feared the worse. There are so many littlies (pups) in there atm. Those border collie pups are only very young and IMO, should be out under DOC. Can anyone help them..... PLEASE??????? I fear they'll all end up with it and die. I have spoken to pound staff to alert them to it, and have suggested those pups go out under DOC.
  9. Today I went to the pound to pick up little husky boy 1486. I noted he was sick looking, quiet lethargic, all bones and very dehydrated. I knew there was a risk it could of been the worse, but wasnt going to leave him there to die. I had the kids with me, Bailey in the pram, Jack in tow. We didnt come home with our newest little friend, but instead drove to my Vet. He is much younger and smaller than I expected. I hadnt really checked him out much because I assumed he would be safe - until I got the call yesterday to say he was urgent and required rescue. I wasnt able to make it on the weekend to pick him up, so packed the kids into the car and went today. Back at the Vet, a parvo test was performed. I feared the worse. The Vet said to give him a call in half hr for the results. I came home. Waited a little while than called. The result; Parvo virus positive. Very strong at that according to the Vet I instructed the Vet even before the result was back, that if it was that, to treat him NOW. He did. He advised he had started treatment already. Being so young and so small, I dont know what chance he stands. I feel numb to be honest. Numb and heartbroken I have contacted the pound to let them know. We didnt even get a chance to name him. I am NOT giving up hope. He is in the best hands now. I am going to visit him this afternoon.
  10. This disgusts me. Are they going to ban skinning them alive for their fur aswell????? I seen a doco once on how they were prepared for eating. I wont go in to detail but it is revolting. The dog dies a slow and painful death. We (my neighbour and I - she is from Thailand) were only talking about this the other day. Google "Dogs being skinned alive for fur" (PLEASE BE WARNED IT IS NOT PRETTY - DONT LOOK if youre like me and cant stand to see an animal suffer) it will also have info on them being eaten. I was heavily pregnant when I did this, (3 yrs ago) I found it by accident whilst I was at work. I cried and cried everyday for weeks, feeling so helpless I was so far away and couldnt do any thing. I drove around with BOYCOTT BEIJING (Olympics) stickers on my car and signed that many petitions. (Not that it would help ) The cruel, horrendous conditions these animals are kept in, the sad, slow way they die. Tied to a pole, stabbed (a main artery near the groin/back leg?) and left to scream and struggle as they slowly bleed to death, then many are still alive as they are skinned for their fur and meat. :p Oh and dogs are not only farmed, pets are also stolen for this purpose. It IS disgusting and should be STOPPED. I could never visit a market in China.
  11. Some pics I took today Bailey - after his bath Jasmine - she's a beautiful girl - she still needs a little more grooming yet, they all do. Alaska - is so loving & affectionate Bailey - as you can see, he is quiet thin, but gorgeous Jaz & Alaska Jasmine I love this one - look at Baileys head. He was tilting it from side to side as I made a funny noise.
  12. All is continuing to go well with the husky pack. Dinner was fun again. I put them on their tethers and fed seperately. I think these dogs must of been fed once every few days, I havent seen dogs eat so fast. Jasmine isnt too bad, but the other two - you should see Alaska when she dives on her bowl. They will learn in time, I am working on getting them to sit before I place their bowls down. They seriously must of had to of fought for their tucker. They will learn in time to not hog it down and that the others arent going to take it. Very sad to see dogs like that. Really makes you wonder what theyve been through dosent it?
  13. I got lots of happy cuddles and kisses this morning when I went out. Bailey was so excited to see me. He is one lucky boy, he would of been pts this morning. :D I filled their pool early as its already hot here today. One of the kennels in their run is made up of fridge like material. Alaska was in there a second ago, I snapped a pic. They have 3 kennels with floors, and this one, that is a fav in summer with all the dogs, doesnt have a floor and is set on the concrete. No word of a lie, on the hottest of days, if you feel inside that kennel, its like a fridge. Usually Alaska and Jasmine takes turns. I havent seen Bailey in there yet. He'd rather sprawl out on the cool concrete in the shade. Alaska enjoyng the fridge kennel ;) Bailey Look at that smile.... And this smile I was advised that flies can chew the ears down in a straight line like that. As for Jasmine and Alaska's teeth being filed down, I was told by a very qualified person who has spent many hours on the artic ice with his dogs, that this could of been done chewing rocks, through boredom. How very sad. So it sounds like they were left to fend for themselves much of the time. I can tell they like it here. They sit at the window and listen to Jack playing, and watch him with wagging tails when he's out the front, playing in the dirt or garden. They get lots of attention and are babied something rotten. I dont think they are used of it, but gee they are lapping it up. ETA sorry pics arent clearest, they were taken through the screen on the window.
  14. Everyone is happy and well. Bailey has settled in lovely so far. Theyre all being good babies. I havent checked to see whose chosen what kennel yet, I will be in a minute. Just did. Well Queen Jasmine has the sought after one She's their Mum for sure. She wears the pants and rules the pack. Alaska and Bailey were sitting on the concrete outside of her kennel. Silly buggers I hope they know to go in the big one should it rain. Theyre enjoying the breeze out there. I must say, that look absolutely gorgeous at the gate, especially Bailey, he is one stunning dog. They all are. Theyre very quiet. I have to keep checking to make sure they are there. I am very happy with them and feel so much better there all still together. To be honest I hadnt slept much the last few days. Thinking of them together for all that time, and then being seperated. It was breaking my heart. I curse the people (their owners) who done this to them, gave up on them and left them for dead - and caused me such heartache and worry. Rest assured, they are safe now, and very much loved. It may take me a long time to find them a home where they can stay together, but I will try. Surely, there is a husky loving family out there somewhere willing to give them a go. I know I would if I didnt already have a pack of my own. Being a little older, they are pretty laid back and calm. I dont have to worry about them being destructive or mischevious, all they want is a little love and someone to care. Well theyve come to the right place, and until someone can love them the same as us, will remain here.
  15. Theyve had a good brush now. Jasmine is the worse and still has a little way to go. But overall, theyve come up beautiful. :D They enjoyed every minute I might add, Alaska kept pushing in to get more brushing. Dinner time was fun as expected. But no drama's. Alaska, the poor girl hoffs hers down. Jasmine is slow to eat and Bailey is in between, so just as well I had them tethered, or else it could of been on for young and old. Anyways, all is good. I can Jasmine out there talking to Jack. He's out there with OH. (Not in their run, but in the garden). I am hoping the 3 DONT try and fit into the one kennel tonight.
  16. I am off to do some brushing now and to spend some quality time with the new additions.
  17. Oh can anyone please tell me the best sun screen to use for the girls ear tips? although theyre in the shade most of the time, they do spend time in the sun and I dont want them to get skin cancer. Is there a sun screen/fly repell in one???
  18. UPDATE: I set my alarm this morning, got up and called Illy to ask what was going on with Husky Rescue Qld, and whether she wanted me to pick him up. She said she had heard nothing back from the Husky Rescue and would call to see what was happening. Minutes later the phone rang, I was changing babys bum and missed the call, but called the number straight back. It was Illy. She said they (Husky Rescue Qld) wouldnt take him because he was too old. He was born in September 2002, so he is only 7 going on 8. Anyways I said I would leave immediately to come and get him. By the time this was all organised and I'd tended to my kids and dogs, it was close to 11am, closing time. I got there 5 mins before closing time. Illy rang as I pulled into the pounds driveway asking if I was still coming. I picked him up and all is going well so far. I was a little nervous to begin with as he had his shakles up when he first arrived & saw 2 other huskies behind the gate, but all was good. I put him straight in with Jasmine & Alaska. They all had a good sniff of one another. He was in with a cattle x mature intact boy at the pound. No issues. He was a little unsettled to begin with, sussed the place out, paced a little, while Jasmine and Alaska slept away, not a care in the whole wide world. He seems to of settled now and is behaving himself. Dinner time will be fun but I have a plan. I will set up 3 seperate leads, attach each to a space where theyre away from one another (I have plenty of room to do so), give them their tucker and once theyre done, (all bowls are clean) let them off. It will be tricky, but manageable. Bailey is a very handsome boy. Boy, is he big! I thought the girls were big, this lovely big boy stands taller than me! He is quiet thinner than the 2 girls, so will have bigger meals, whereas Jasmine could do losing a little weight. Bailey loves the pool. (clam shell) he thinks its fantastic to have a splash! Jasmine seems much happier he is here, she's had a good talk this afternoon. They have the trademark yellow ear tips now Here are some pics: Happy to be together again.... He is much thinner than the girls..... Bailey - safe at last.....
  19. And what happened to the two huskies??? Shouldnt they of been removed too? Very sad for all the dogs & pups involved. The RSCPA is a joke, an absolute joke..... ;) How much more proof do they need???????? :D
  20. I joined DOL by accident, just over a year ago. I have always had dogs in my life and after Mums 16 year old chihuahua died on boxing day 2008, decided to visit the pound in the hope of finding her a friend. I came home with a german shep and a dingo x. ;) What I saw saddened and shocked me, so many beautiful dogs - without options. To be honest as far as I knew there was only one Rescue (monicas doggy rescue) I was not aware so many other dedicated people and groups were out there, working so hard, making a difference. I soon learned more and more. I would check the pound site to see who had gone from site and keep a note of all dogs coming into the pound. I typed in Blacktown Pound in google and the rest is history - I found DOL. I visit the urgent rescue section mostly, and general rescue also. I like to be able to share with fellow DOLers updates on my current dogs in care, and also read other stories of other peoples experiences with their rescues/fosters. I have laughed, cried, felt like ripping my hair out at times but I always come back. I have learned so much this past 12 mths. Thanks to DOL and everyone who contributes, many dogs are out there today, living happy & full lives... Dogs that would otherwise, not of stood a chance.....
  21. Amen to that Jasmine & Alaska sound like lovely girls. As Bailey's a rellie, I bet he's got the lovely gene, too. Thats what I thought. If he is anything like his Mum & sister, then he'll fit in fine. And besides, whats an extra mouth to feed. I have that many, I dont think one more would hurt. I dont think I would sleep at night if he was pts. It would haunt me forever. ;) He is too lovely, and worth a second chance too. We were out there with them a little while ago. I swear they have the cutest voices when they talk, especially Alaska. I cant explain it, but if you know huskies you'll know what I mean. Jasmines just a cute fatty boom sticks. They are soooo cuddly. Theyve been here 2 days and they already mean the world to me.... I am hopeless. I wish their owners were that dedicated to seeing them happy and loved.
  22. Illy sent a message last night saying she hadnt heard anything as yet and was going to give her a call this morning, if she had time as she was in from 6 to 9. I left a message on that mobile number for Kylie to call me back, so I can confirm it is her taking him, if she is??? I havent heard any thing else from Illy today. I will send her a message shortly asking if she has heard any news. Jasmine & Alaska are no trouble whatsoever. They just had a bath and loved every single minute of it and gee, they were filthy at that. I have never seen so much flea dirt in my life!!! Alaska has a new collar, full of sparkles and bling Jasmine has a new collar on also, hers is tan with studs. Blame Jack.... ;) I have stocked up on the septicide. (for their ears) and will be applying generously to ensure they never suffer flybite again. I ordered them some new tags last night, they should arrive by Wednesday, at the latest. Alaska has a big violet star and Jasmine a big red one. They carry on like scavengers at dinner time. Poor buggers. They are seriously gorgeous dogs, the pair of them and I am confident I'll get them a home together. They are friendly, loving and have so much to offer. Alaska loves to stand gently against my belly for hugs. She is almost as tall as me. But she is ever so gentle. They both have soft mouths (surprisingly) when taking treats (I half expected to lose a finger) but they are fine. They'll need further grooming yet, thats just the start ;) Next up the brushes will come out. Then in a couple days they'll be bathed again, and brushed again to get rid of all that undercoat. Poor Jasmine is the worse of the 2. I will also apply frontline to them once theyre dried. Over all I am very happy with them, as I am sure theyre happy with us. And would you believe out of all the kennels, they both favor one. Last night Jasmine was in there and poor Alaska's back end was sticking out. The other kennel can accomodate 3 of them, its so huge - yet they want THAT one. funny buggers they are. ETA: I had a good, good think last night and Bailey can come here with us, if he doesnt go to Qld or if he has no other options. I refuse to let him die. I have advised Illy of this, so he'll be safe either way. If it doesnt work out, I have 2 ppl willing to foster him. But seriously, if fed properly, (seperately) I cant see there being a problem. Oh and I have a dog walker now. Starting tommorow, which will help ease the workload a little.
  23. Thank you, very kind of you to offer. :D I will try both numbers tommorow also. (I would now, but I dont like calling ppl this hour of the night :D ) Thanks Guys for helping. Much appreciated and I sure Bailey would appreciate it too.
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