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Everything posted by k9angel

  1. The little family is coming along fine Cyn. No problems with the ears, I apply the cream everyday to prevent the fly bite. They are a gorgeous little family too. I will get pics tommorow. I have been meaning to for a few days now. They will get an update tommorow. And yes Logan is a lovely looking boy. But the best thing is, he is just as lovely on the inside.
  2. Logan Took this pic yesterday as I continued Logans grooming. Still not done yet. I spend an hour or 2 daily. There is still a way to go yet but the coming along nicely. He is doing great. He has a bit of a fan club growing, my friend and neighbor Nancy, the BIL, the postman. and he hasnt even been anywhere yet. They see him from the gate and because he is so gorgeous, they all comment on him. The postman wanted a pic today. He knows of someone looking to adopt a husky. He asked about all 4 that I have out the front, Logan, Bailey, Alaska and Jasmine.
  3. Their smiles are priceless Trying to get a pic of them close up together, neither would keep still long enough Gypsy & Luki Gypsy's eyes are saying "Well come on, what you waitin' for?" Gypz watches on as Luki heads to the kitchen
  4. Well Luki got to meet my eldest girl today. Gypsy, nearly 11 years old. She absolutely loves him. I was a little worried actually that she may hurt herself while playing so had to keep an eye on her to make sure she didnt show off too much and over do it. Gypsy done her back in last year in Feb and has come such a long long way. I am so proud of her. She was paralysed from the weist down after injuring herself mucking around with her 9 yr old daughter Jay jay out the back. (crushed a vertabrae in her back) It was a long road to recovery, I had to help her learn to use her back legs again and for weeks had to assist her by putting a towel under her belly and supporting her weight while she learned to walk & use her legs again. When she was at the Vet (weeks) I would go and visit her and wasnt allowed to actually pat and cuddle her incase she got over excited and worsened her injury, so I had to watch through a glass door. She always knew I was there and would try and drag herself over to me. It broke my heart. A time I will not forget. Anyways sorry a little OT there. I was pleased with her reaction to Luki today. They got along like a house on fire. Pics to come of Gypsy and Luki's intro.
  5. Easily arranged Cyn... They are an adorable breed. Like I say I havent come across a bad one yet. I love my huskies.... And your welcome to visit the zoo anytime - just leave your $5 entry fee in the letterbox on your way in (kidding) Logan is happy and well. He is napping in the sun atm. Such a hard life. as soon as OH returns from helping his brother move furniture I will go out, finish his brushing and get some pics. I love brushing them, I dont know why but its relaxing for me and I enjoy the one on one time with them.
  6. Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am kind of getting used of having to explain myself everytime I start a thread. Logan continues to do well. When I went out this afternoon, he was so funny. He stares at me and does his growly bark noise then lifts his leg and got all excited waiting for me to come in. I am convinced this boy was mis read. He looks intimidating because of his eyes, and markings. Its like they see right through you, and the bark he does when approached, is simply husky talk for hello. ;) He is such a sook. His coat is appauling and will need more brushing tommorow. Its all undercoat. His tail is thick with clumps of hair as was his trousers and around his neck. He did not object to me brushing him, and was even good while I started his tail. He rolled over at one stage onto his back, and enjoyed a belly rub. (I managed to get a pic but then the camera went flat - it is currently charging). He also does this thing my Gypsy does. If he is walking ahead of me in the run, he turns to look at me and tosses his head as if to say "C'mon - chase me" its adorable. When he shakes hands he does one hand first, then the other, then both. The day we got him from the pound, he was walked past the other dogs, many were barking in his face, he showed absolutely no aggression toward them. He wasnt fazed at all. In all honesty, he is just a big teddy bear seeking some love and attention. Oh and he thinks he is a lapdog. ;) At one stage as I brushed him, he decided to sit on my lap. ;) I just gave him lots of big cuddles and he lapped up every second of it. Look at the cheeky look he gave as he was getting his belly brushed and rubbed. He may look mean - but he's not. I will vouch for that.
  7. Anyways back to Logan. He is doing great. Settling in fine. I fed him this morning and late this afternoon. He is eating great. Poops nice and healthy. I didnt get around to brushing him today as I had to do my girl Blackie, who is shedding late this year. (compared to my others) Logans turn tommorow, and depending on the weather a bath could be on the cards too. This boy loves his cuddles and loves giving big smooches he is adorable.
  8. Muttrus I learned the hard way how important quarantine is, as did many other rescuers on this site. Rescuing dogs is not just about pulling them from the pound, its about doing things the right way, the last thing you want to do as a rescuer is spread disease. Have you ever had first hand experience of parvo? it is the most insidious disease. Luckily as K9Angel doesnt rescue many young puppies her chances of having a parvo outbreak are less, but that doesnt mean you ignore quarantine procedures. My concern was how could K9Angel be carrying out safe quarantine procedures if a dog was just sitting on her back seat. Also it seems she has large number of dogs at home so bringing a dog straight from a pound that has not done its quarantine is a risky move. Now its possible K9Angel has a fully set up quarantine room/run and there's no cause for alarm, but it still concerns me the way in which the dog was transported to her home. What you see as me being 'negative', i see as being ethical and responsible. I do consider myself ethical and responsible indigirl. There was plastic between the car seat and dog, how is that any different to a dog being transported in a plastic crate???? Its not like he had the whole back seat, he WAS restrained. And I am a rescuer, ofcoarse I am going to have a large number of dogs at home. I could opt to put them all in foster care but why? I can manage just fine, and they do well here. They are spoiled like family pets the way they deserve - not left to wait in a kennel for their forever home. Hmmm and many rescuers take dogs straight from the pound unquarantined - thats why we quarantine them at home. Gee I wish (and I am sure other rescuers would agree) that they did come already quarantined. As far as I know no dogs are quarantined at the pound, correct me if I am wrong.
  9. I think the only reason I may seem to bring so many home is the fact I put their stories up for all to read. I know my limits and right now, I am at them. I am full, full, full. I wish I was rehoming at the same rate, but I tend to be fussy with potential adopters, maybe why they seem to stay here forever. But I am happy. I manage. I wouldnt have it any other way. As far as I know Logan was there for nearly 3 weeks prior to rescue, so I assume the vaccine would of kicked in by now. But like I say, I dont take it light heartedly and still take as many precautions as I can. I know the heartache parvo can cause after having Luki come down with it. Not to mention the costs involved ($800+). So I tend to get a little paranoid if anything, when it comes to parvo.
  10. were you aware that HP vaccinate all dogs on arrival??? Yeah but that doesnt ensure they are immune, it takes time for the vacc to take effect Neither does a vaccine indigirl. Sadly there have been a number of vaccinated dogs come down with parvo this year. And I am talking fully vaccinated. (according to my Vet) so sadly, there isnt much garentee any dog is safe these days. I wasnt going to leave him there to die for the sake of not having a crate big enough to fit him in. I took as much precaution as possible and I am happy with that.
  11. Depending on size, some in crates but larger ones like this boy in the car, RESTRAINED, not loose on the back seat. I lay down a blanket, which is a picnic rug type thing, it is lined with plastic one side and fabric on the other. I love my dogs dearly, both rescues AND pets and take all precautions to protect them. One day I will get a wagon or dog trailer but finances dont allow it at this stage or anytime soon, so until then I make do with what I have.
  12. Warning - this is long. Where do I start? this boy has been haunting me since I first saw him in last weeks thread. This is Logans story. From what I know Logan was left tied to a pole (or tree) prior to being found and impounded. He may of been there for up to 24 hrs and naturally would of been feeling scared and anxious. I am not sure whether someone found him and tied him there or if his owner left him there. When the Ranger approached Logan was said to of growled and subsequently had to be bought in on a pole. He did not like this one little bit, understandably. :p He would not of known what the hell was happening. Upong being impounded he did apparently growl at the same Ranger that bought him in on the pole but was fine otherwise. A little scared and I dare say somewhat confused. Due to this Logan only allowed to be released to rescue. I had requested a hold on him last Thursday and was going to meet him on the Sat. I didnt see the pound was only open from 7am to 9am being Easter and missed the opportunity to go and meet him. :p I worried all Easter. I sought professional advise (and someone very experienced with the breed) and was told it was a 95% per cent chance Logan was acting out of anxiety. This person studied Logans pic and explained a HA dog would not let you hold it around the collar (neck area) and Logan WAS being held by the collar in his pic and actually appeared to look quiet relaxed. So I decided once again to go meet him. I called early Tuesday and left a message for Anne to call me back. I didnt hear anything and was too afraid to call again incase he'd been pts. :p Come Wednesday and I rang the pound and spoke to someone. Didnt get a name but I was advised Logan was getting worse and had growled at someone else. He was not coping well in the pound. I thought Oh no. And thought it would be kinder to give him his wings. Later that afternoon Anne rings me and apologises for not getting back to me the day before. She asked what I was going to do with Logan. I explained what I had been told earlier and she sounded very surprised as what I was told was not true. Logan was coping well and was not anxious at all, nor had he growled at anyone else. She said she temp tested him herself that morning and he was fine, she even pulled clumps of hair out of him no problems. She also observed as another kennel hand did the same thing. I said ok then, I will come and meet him tommorow. (yesterday) and we did. Dropped the kids off to MIL and drove out to Hawkesbury pound. It was the first time I'd been there. I could hear Logan before I got to him. He was easy to find. First impression "Gorgeous" he was barking at us (OH had a Dr appt at 3 so came along) but it wasnt an agro bark, more like a talking one. He wouldnt come for a pat until I reached my hand through with a treat. Now we were talking. He took it so gently from my hand. I managed a good pat as he chewed it up and ate it. He didnt appear unfriendly, just a little shy. I spoke to him reassuringly and lovingly. I asked him to sit and he made that little growly noise they do and followed it up with a little bark that I swear sounded like he said "No". He then sit and shook hands happily. Huskies do that sometimes. My old girl whose 11 will make a growly sound when I cuddle her. Its not an agro thing, just a noise they (huskies) make. We went for a little walk and waited until he was bought out of the kennel. I wanted to do my own temp test to be sure. I would not risk bringing in an agro dog, especially HA I felt him all over. I felt him from head to tail to paws and in between. I prodded, plucked (his hair), and even picked him up. I also managed to kiss his face. My cheek was smeered with husky hair and I amost got a mouth full of it but it was worth it. I felt all around his head, body and teeth. At one stage I held his top jaw in my hand, and he did not react at all. I was more than satisfied this boy was fine and trust me, if I had the slightest doubt I would of walked away. I am lucky to weigh 50kgs myself and I am not about to bring a HA dog home!!! :D I would not stand a chance. Before we put him in the car (which he wanted to get into so badly so he is used of travelling) I plucked some hair and I took him for a wlk around the carpark. He walks like a dream, does not pull at all and when I called him back, he would come back and stand at my feet. My huskies dont even do that So I was more than impressed. He enjoyed the drive in the car, stood up half asleep in the baby seat. (Had blanket over it) He ate well on arrival. He took a couple of hours to settle in his run as he wanted to join us inside. He would howl every now and then. But a couple hours later he had settled and hasnt howled since. He lays under the lounge room window so he can be close and hear us. This morning I was greeted with a huge stretch and a big smile. He will get a good brush later. I am so glad Anne rang back when she did, otherwise I wasnt going to meet him. Took this yesterday - will try and get a nicer one (or few) later
  13. hmmm - wonder how truthful that is? Dog knows, the media never let the truth get in the way of a good story That sounds guilty in itself doesnt it? "He wasnt stirring it up or anything"....
  14. What the hell is a 6 yr old kid doing sitting in the gutter in Kearns with a group of his friends??? Where was his parents??? THEY should be held accountable. Why was an 11yr old out walking a husky without his parents? :D This story reminded me of an incident with my huskies a couple years back. The little chinese kids over the back were spraying my dogs with a water pistol, into their eyes and annoying the heck out of them. I yelled out to these kids to stop it before they got bitten. They just giggled and ran off behind the shed, only to return as soon as I got back inside. Little they knew I was watching them from the back window. They came straight back with the water guns and started again, except this time, one was half hanging over the fence. By now Cassie was so pee'd off she tried to jump up and bite him?? Rediculous. Luckily I yelled to him, in time, to get away from the fence. The OH went to speak to their parents, but they speak no english and basically laughed in his face. ;) Now imagine if she had of got his arm and pulled him over the fence? The poor dog always cops the shite when infact most of these attacks ARE preventable, and many of these dogs ARE provoked. I hardly imagine one kid coming out of a house with a dog, walking past his neighbour (also a kid) sitting in the gutter without anyone saying anything, that in itself is a little queer IMO. It just seems too odd to me. You know yourself what kids are like! social butterflies so to speak. When they showed the dog on the news, she looked extremely friendly, even with strangers. It will be interesting to see what else comes out of this and whether the dog is pts. In my 10 + yrs of having huskies and i have had a few (my own and rescues) I have never come across a bad one yet.
  15. http://optuszoo.com.au/news/122284/destroy...my-boy-dad.html THE father of a six-year-old boy attacked by a neighbour's dog is demanding that the animal be put down. Daniel Breen was bitten on the face by the husky outside his home in Kearns, near Campbelltown. He was recovering in Liverpool Hospital yesterday after plastic surgery to deep gashes on his left cheek, nose and lips. His father, Peter Breen, said: ''It was a millimetre from taking his eye out.'' Mr Breen said his son was sitting in the gutter in the cul-de-sac with some other children just after 6pm on Friday, when an 11-year-old boy, who lives next door, walked by with the dog on a lead. ''The dog lunged at him. He wasn't stirring it up or anything,'' Mr Breen said. Yesterday, the 18-month-old bitch named Roxy was still at its owners' house. The owners would not comment on the attack, though a boy at the house said the dog was ''fine, usually''. Mr Breen said he rarely saw the dog outside and would have been alarmed if he had known it was near his son. ''If I had known that dog was outside I would not have let [Daniel] go outside.'' Mr Breen said his family was devastated and would seek to have the dog destroyed. ''It's going to happen again. Once it's mauled a kid like that, it should be put down. We don't want any poor kid in hospital like ours.'' Wayne Asplet, an animal controller with St George Animal Rescue, said huskies were not known as an aggressive breed. Last year there were 460 injuries caused by dog attack requiring either medical or hospital treatment. There was one death. Huskies were in the top 20 breeds for dog attacks in NSW. Police said the fate of the dog depended on investigations by them and Campbelltown Council. Article from: Sydney Morning Herald
  16. Exploring bubbles the other day. He just couldnt figure out where they were coming from or where they dissapeared to. "Those blastard bubbles" he thinks "Where ARE they coming from?" Gone from seeing bubbles to seeing double :D with Skye & Storm his new found friends Get a load of that cheeky smile on Storms face - and you can clearly see Lukis up to no good, trying to provoke playtime And its on wrestle time Skye tries to join in on the antics as they move to the kitchen Catch me if you can says Luki ready for a game of zoomies As you can probably see, Luki is starting to fill out lovely. He is a gorgeous little boy.
  17. Will do. Same to you. Happy Easter to everyone and their dogs!!!
  18. After just over 3 weeks Luki is finally out of quarantine. He has got to play with Skye and Storm for the past few hours and is having a ball. At first he wasnt sure. He probably thought 'hang on - who the hell are these 2 little gremlins' and vice versa. Its like they were thinking "Heeello there, where have you been hiding?" :D They got used of eachother quickly and now there is no stopping them. Storm gives him a run for his money. He has also met my old girl Gypz, through the crate and also Jasmine, no issues. Gypsy appears to love him, Jasmine is just Jasmine. Bobby however has taken a disliking to him, as I expected But all is good, I will just have to do the dog shuffle (change overs) a while longer. Luki sits for his dinner and waits patiently for the bowl to be placed on the floor. He eats chicken wings now, he chews them up nice and slow and throughly enjoys them. He also likes the odd lamb neck and spends hours knawing at it. I went over and got 4kgs of the lamb necks, 4 kgs wings and 2 boxes of chicken frames (15kg to a box ) earlier today, then this arvo, my neighbour comes over with ANOTHER box of chicken frames. They are such nice ppl. So I have been chopping and bagging meat a good part of the night. The old tucker box is nice and full. Should keep me going for another week. Luki loves his fresh meat, as do the others. I have been bagging their Easter treats too. They got some toys, choc chip cookies (made for dogs), choc drops (also for dogs) and liver treats. So theyre will be some happy hounds here tommorow morning I have to transform into EAster Bunny soon and deliver the eggs & Easter goodies! thats if the little one ever sleeps - he is too excited. Some pics to come if my computer hurrys up - its part snail tonight.
  19. These three are doing great. As you may of heard about the 'intruder' incident the other night, Bailey, Jasmine and Alaska did a great job alerting me to "Phil" being there. Wow, where do I start? There has only been 1 incident with these three to date. Nothing serious, more noise than anything and it wasnt over food. They all seem to get along well the majority of the time. Poor Bailey is definately at the bottom of the pack. The girls rule the roost. Jasmine is a big smoocher. She is a lovely 'ol girl, she is quiet adventurous too. often trying to squeeze her fat bum behind the avairy or up behind the kennel to find a cool place to sleep. Alaska is a sweetheart. She is unsure when she first meets someone and approaches tail between the legs, but she did this the first time I met her too. Once you say hello to her, and she knows youre not going to hurt her, she's all yours.... Bailey boy is my baby. He is the sweetest dog anyone could ask for. Seriously, this big fella follows everywhere. He has is very loyal, very gentle and so loving. I have a real soft spot for this boy. Alaska has learned to sit before I place her food bowl down now, though still hogs in to it once the bowl has hit the ground. Jasmine is a slow eater, Bailey average. Theyre still tethered at dinner time. Their ears are going ok. I apply cream to them in the mornings and sometimes again in the afternoons, depending how bad the flies are. When I have put it on Jasmines ears, she rubs herself against the fence trying to get it off - the bugger. Over all theyre doing great. Oh and there was an enquiry for them from a lady who lives in Qld. She was going away for 2 weeks to NZ and wants to come and meet them when she gets back, with the possibility of adopting all 3!!! Its not a definate, but I couldnt believe it when she rang and asked me about them. See what happens I guess. Theres no rush. I am not expecting to rehome all 3 together. I will try and get some new pics tommorow
  20. Just an update on little Luki He is doing fantastic. He sit AND shook hands today for the first time. I am so proud of him. I have only shown him a few times and he does it already - its so cute. I am teaching him to stay and roll over next. He walks great on the lead (inside) and even holds it in his mouth as he trots along. We often practise for when its time to go out in the real world. He listens too, which is good. He only has to be told once or twice "No" and he stops whatever he is doing. Like today he decided to grab the babys bottle. I said "No Luki, No" and he walked away. Same for the kids, if he gets a little rough in play - he doesnt mean to but he still has his pin teeth and they hurt when he accidently nips - I simply tell him a firm "NO Luki" and he settles down and stops. Its vital he learns good manners at this age. We have also taught him to retrieve his toys when he plays fetch. He brings it right up to you now and drops it. He is such a smart little boy. I think its his eagerness to please aswell that helps. When he does something good, he gets lots of praise and attention and he thinks its great so does it again.
  21. Well you can add me to the fly problem. We have them too VERY bad this year.... I thought it was just me!!!
  22. There is this skitzophrenic guy my family has known for years and years. He lives with his parents in our old neighborhood. Harmless bloke most of the time, UNLESS he doesnt take his medication. Anyways my girl Gypsy has never disliked anybody in her 11 years - except him. Ever since she was a pup she has barked, growled and carried on if he is about. She only has to hear his voice and she goes ballistic. She doesnt bite him, but she doesnt settle no matter what. And I have to say this guy is scary when he hasnt had his meds. I believe she senses something is not right with him.
  23. I couldnt agree more. Those poor dogs forced to spend their lives in those shitty conditions. As if theyre "happy". What a load of crap. They were pacing. And note also when this i@i*t was talking, someone was in the background playing with some dogs. How damn obvious is that??? probably the first and only time theyve been let out of their pens. I say Get a real job mate and stop profiting off these animals. And he didnt sound too convincing when asked "How often do they have pups?" replying every 18 mths - BULLSHITE - more like every 6 mths!!!!! And I agree all those pups and dogs looked terribly unhappy. I note when I am going through sites like GT and you see the oodles, noodles, and shmoodles advertised, the pups always look sad. And its not hard to tell which sellers are farming them. Some have several litters at any one time of diff so called designer breeds. Oh and they love occassions like Christmas and Easter - what better reason to buy a pup??? :D :D I always report those ads as offensive, sometimes theyre removed, sometimes not. Imagine after a little rain, those pens wold be mush pits. How very, very sad. I missed the first 10 mins or so, but what I saw was enough to anger and sadden me.
  24. There was actually an ad on GT the other day that was a bit suss too. It read urgent, wanted purebred Lab female. I think they were located in Dubbo (not too far from Orange) said they were offering a good home with horses and kids. It just sounded too suspicious for me. Whose to say they arent in possession of a stolen male and want to breed with them? dont mind me, I explore every avenue and I am suss of anyone seeking a free purebred dog. I replied to the ad, asking what the urgency was??? surprisingly I didnt get a reply. I reported the ad also in the hope it would be removed. I hope to God they are not using these missing dogs as bait dogs for fighting. I could not even imagine any of my babies going through that. That would be truly awful. The thought makes me sick to the stomach literally. I did hear of huskies and Mals being stolen in Qld (and I imagine other places) for this purpose, because of their thick coat. I cant tell you how much this revolts me. Imagine what those dogs go through? :D
  25. Wow thats an interesting mix. A husky/pei mix. A shusky. Aura sounds lovely. Posting the odd pic and update is the least I can do. Many fellow DOLers sent well wishes & support for this little fellow. (and Thankyou jerojath, spyda62, kookaburra and a lovely lady called Barb for your help with donations -hope I didnt forget anyone) Luki is alive & well today thanks to a group of caring people. For that, I am forever grateful. And to think, some poor dogs dont even have one person to care about them....
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