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Everything posted by Blitza
we have a litter due mid december,pending ultrasound this wednesday :))
so sorry to hear of the loss, way to young. hugs
i see animal libs are at it again im for desexing to, but we have right to choose to who want to be desexed. pet owners of pet dogs yes to prevent unwanted dogs on streets etc!
no words can describe how im feeling
omg why blame the dog!! it was chained up for christs sake! the child should never had approached dog and where were the childs parents???
cute, hope the boy turns out to be show quality will break the girls up abit LOL
good luck on the litter, LOL another pup for me to handle and for me to teach you to handle them for shows :D I thought you had enough to keep you happy haha be ok once get you trained up LOL, lol seeing how you were handling one on sunday i definately have my boots cut out for me lmao so to speak haha im giggling here!
good luck on the litter, LOL another pup for me to handle and for me to teach you to handle them for shows ;)
WOW what a shock, i also remember when she got him Please accept my sincere condolances Katrina and breeder if you are reading this.
jumps not a problem as i improvise lol with car ramps etc. I more need ideas for tunnels, and contacts ( see saw and dog walk). neighbour is making me a new hoop.
wow thank you!
as topic description says.
yes once i got my brain into working mode, i remembered what i was taught when doing dumbell many years ago so i know putting that into play , exactly what you have mentioned. Im only working with the 3 articles for know,and gradually building to the proper on the floor bizzo. Luckily he is young so got plenty of time, he is 4yrs old Good luck with your scent discrimination training.
LOL I would tell you if I knew! You should see some of my woods! There is a reason why I have training sets and competition sets... seeing as we aren't ready to compete yet the competition sets are still in mint condition until she learns to stop destroying the articles!!! why do they need wood, poor dogs total confusion no confusion with my dog, she chews all the articles even the leathers have teeth marks! It doesn't stop her bringing them back though! doncha hate that! I got 2 years to train my boy up for UD as i plan to trial him in UD in 2yrs time hehe if we make it in time. Im not teaching articles with my pup until she is reliable with the dumbell.
LOL I would tell you if I knew! You should see some of my woods! There is a reason why I have training sets and competition sets... seeing as we aren't ready to compete yet the competition sets are still in mint condition until she learns to stop destroying the articles!!! why do they need wood, poor dogs total confusion
edited i managed to work it out,by going back to basics and so far so good, early days though, only doing practise hold on each article and short fetches with one of each, than i will slowly add them together, but very slowly. Clicker training is helping with this too.
i would love to hear a toller scream, never encountered one. They are lovely dogs though.
just to add what i said before, i have also done voluntary work at the rspca and worked as a kennel hand at a greyhound breeding racing and all breed boarding kennels. So i have encountered all types of dogs. I agree on the coats on aussies, i hardly to have wash mine. the dirt drops of them and i always surprise people to the fact they think they have been washed , i dont show that often so got no need to wash them on a regular basis.I also brush them once or 2x a week. more so when they do coat drops.
my obedience training instructor was trying to convince me on getting a nova for my next dog back in 02 until i met spice the beautiful aussie, since catching my eyes on him i never looked back, know got 3 aussies one who is quite full on . and the girls who are placid and will stay still for cuddles.
That's fine but I'm certainly entitled to make sure she's aware they can be extremely full and temperaments vary in a rather large way most breeds are like that Are they? That's nice, you're obviously back to knowing it all then! Don't bother replying to my posts...I'm not interested in your smart arse replies. wasnt actually, i have been around breeds that are full on,and got varied temps. even crosses. so was stating fact not a smart arse comment,that you thought i had. Whatever, most (implying majority) breeds aren't that way but you keep on believin' whatever you think you know. Now, I requested you don't reply to my posts, so perhaps you could use your intelligence and oblige... shall i say the breeds to give example that i have been around, i have grown up with dogs, i have also done animal care certificates , obviously those were waste of time since you seem to think i know nothing. As you are quite aware you can get varied individuals among differant breeds with varied temps. I know some bc's that are full on, and some that are quiet. I know some gsds which are the same, shall i go on, these dogs i have been with including sibes. I dont need to believe anything, as this is all what i have seen as they are my friends dogs!
That's fine but I'm certainly entitled to make sure she's aware they can be extremely full and temperaments vary in a rather large way most breeds are like that Are they? That's nice, you're obviously back to knowing it all then! Don't bother replying to my posts...I'm not interested in your smart arse replies. can also get individuals within breeds with a great deal of variety. wasnt actually, i have been around breeds that are full on,and got varied temps. even crosses. so was stating fact not a smart arse comment,that you thought i had.
That's fine but I'm certainly entitled to make sure she's aware they can be extremely full and temperaments vary in a rather large way most breeds are like that
ok im done .................