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Everything posted by Blitza

  1. here are the babies http://www.facebook.com/austogo?fref=ts
  2. thats all you can do is try, hope all goes ok.. fingers crossed
  3. just have this one for know, first born :) im awaiting on more photos
  4. So far there's 2 black tri boys with tails ,1 blue merle girl - nbt ,red merle girl with tail. Ash is having that rest period and I awaiting on more news . The merles are nice and richly coloured .
  5. Amanda I got first pic on my fb wall
  6. puppies are coming first born a good sized blue merle girl with tail, more to come, stay tuned
  7. ash has been to vet to make sure everything is ok, temp is down, birth canal is starting to open. feeling for this girl.
  8. Ash isn't quite at second stage yet poor girl . Don't know how my breeder /friend is putting up with my questions
  9. That would do it. Looks like poor ash is going to have a long labour .I'm thinking early morning by time we have babies
  10. Haha Dogmate - mentos are the best - I had a few people to call on and they were just amazing. Was my third litter but first natural birth, so lets just say I was a little less than calm . I know it does with me!! LOL Haha - I don't feel so bad then! I know it does with me!! LOL Yep i think me too. I must be nesting cause im ironing and i ate ironing but feel i need to get it done in between mumma checks haha - I did that too! cleaned the whole house top to bottom with the thought 'I won't be doing much of this once the puppies are here" Hahaha! Congratulations dogmate! What breed? Glad to hear everything is going smoothly. Fingers crossed for the little girl Good luck blitza. Zara only started trembling just before the contractions so my guess is tonight :) Yeah looks that way :)
  11. Looks like tonight or early tomorrow morning ,she's trembling and panting now
  12. I know it does with me!! LOL Yep i think me too. I must be nesting cause im ironing and i ate ironing but feel i need to get it done in between mumma checks :laugh: i have been told that some labours can last up to 48hrs, i almost fainted when i was told lol
  13. Good luck our girls must be the same ours is currently sleeeeeping i probably should to think it will be a long night shes not panting heaps just like shes a little hot. Waiting... Good luck to you and your girl this is stressful. im going out tonight,so im going to keep phone on me :) goodluck with your girl
  14. just been advised that ash is restless and panting, so a long night or possibly tomorrow
  15. just seen, they verry verry cute :))) looking forward in watching them grow!
  16. Ash is about day 63 and I'm over the waiting LOL can't wait to see pics lp !
  17. We won't be long now :) as due date is tomorrow. So to wait in stress mode now . Seen a new pic of her tonight and she is bigger :) and has some milk
  18. well done! ash is starting to nest, so wont be long for us!
  19. I was told ash had a slight upset tummy this arvo . So could be getting close .
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